
Politics is a dirty worm

Politics, is it politics after all?

Can this politics make three special friends enemies of each other, I never thought that, but it happened that all three who wanted to be together for life, were each other's sympathizers, friends, were companions, every step But they used to support each other, how did they become enemies of each other, what happened after all.

Something has happened in this politics, which changed the lives of these three friends.

Politics is a worm of a dirty drain in which if a person goes, then his whole life is ruined and he lives somewhere, if he succeeds in doing politics, then fine, and if he loses, then everything is sold. Politics brings him on the road.

After all, how did this politics come between these three friends, how who brought this politics to these three friends, how did it all happen as their friendship ended, how people became enemies of each other due to this politics, we will read all this further।