
Jenny's Family

Jenny lived on a farm with her grandparents. Also living in the house were her two aunts along with their four children. Her aunts never showed her any love, but she never asked why. Jeff, Jenny's grandfather used to take special care of her, but since he became ill, and unable to manage the farm, Jenny's misery began.

Jenny was always being looked down on by her entire family. she had to do all the house chores while her cousins played and watched television. Jenny never once complained, she did all her chores, and worked on the farm as well.

Jenny had a special bond with her gradfather that no one else in the family shared with Jeff, and for this reason, both of them were resented.

Her cousins Michelle and Mitch, who were twins, and Sarah and Vin were all older than her. They often times bully her, but she would never shed a tear in front of them. Jeff had always taught her to be strong and not to fear anything or anyone.

At age 13, Jenny was as mature as any experienced adult. she had excellent time management skills, she could cook like a professional chef and she had the voice of an angel. Jenny was very humble, and often times read and sing for her grandfather.