
Pokemon : The Tower

In a world invaded by devils, Xavier, a reincarnated protagonist, becomes a Tower Runner. As he ascends the tower, each floor mirrors a different region from the Pokemon games, granting him new powers. Along his journey, he forms bonds with loyal Pokemon and other runners. However, the higher he goes, the more perilous the tower becomes. Will he rise above the odds, protect his loved ones, and conquer the tower, or will he succumb to darkness alongside everyone else? Only time will reveal the outcome of Xavier's epic quest.

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The Last Task - I

After the battle, Lt. Surge awarded Xavier with a Gym badge, 6500 pokecoins, and TM:Thunderbolt. Xavier left the Gym and proceeded to the Pokémon Center to have his team healed.

While his Pokémon were being treated, Xavier took a moment to assess his current status:


Name : Xavier Gunn

Profession : Pokemon Trainer

Money : 37600 pokecoins

Talent : Insight(Grade - S)

- Get the details of the pokemon and the NPCs.

- Easily Find hidden items

Pokemon : Primeape(lv 29) , Nidoking(lv 27) , Kadabra(lv 23)

Storage : Pokeballs(4) , Antidotes(9) , Parlyz Heals(8) , Potions(16) , Awakening(7) , Escape Rope(10), Old Amber ,

, Ether , Moon Stone , Oran Berries(7) , Dome fossil , Full Heal(10) ,Full Restore,X-Special,TM: Mega Punch ,TM : Whirlwind , TM : Thunder Wave , TM : Teleport , TM : BubbleBeam , TM : Thunderbolt , TM : Dig

Mission : Mission 1 - Completed - S grade evaluation

Mission 2 - Completed - S grade evaluation

Mission 3 - ???


With a sense of accomplishment, Xavier closed his status. He contemplated how he might be among the wealthiest novice tower runners ever. Satisfaction welled up within him as he recognized the progress his Pokémon had achieved.

Kadabra had gained a level after triumphing over Lt. Surge's Raichu. Notably, Primeape and Nidoking were each halfway to the next level, showing significant growth.

The following day held his last task, and Xavier resolved to seize it. However, he dedicated the remainder of the current day to battling wild Pokémon, engaging in conversations with the city's residents, and keeping an eye out for any remarkable pokemons that might capture his attention.

Moreover, he needed to deliberate over the move he would choose for himself to learn after completing his mission. Among his considerations were Psycho Cut, Thunder Punch, and Cross Chop.

Once his Pokémon had been restored to full health, Xavier promptly embarked on the tasks he had set out to accomplish. As the hours slipped away, he interacted with the environment, battling wild Pokémon, all in an effort to further strengthen his team.

Eventually, he returned to the Pokémon Center, feeling content with the progress made. Primeape and Nidoking had both grown by a level .

Additionally, his interactions with the city's inhabitants yielded fruitful results – he acquired an Old Rod and a Bike Voucher. While the hunt for a unique Pokémon with extraordinary traits had not borne fruit this time .