

26th December 1994

Kanto Region, Vermilion City:

The attacks hit Haunter but much to Red's surprise, They bounced off the Pokemon and then he realized that the Pokemon was at a very high level.

The despair that hung in the air was thick, People scurried around and about attempting to escape while the building continued burning...

"Charmander, One more time, Flamethrower!"

"Pidgey, Gust!"

"Riolu, Vacuum wave!"

Similar to the first time, These attacks bounced off Haunter who was smiling.

"Alright Haunter, Shadow Punch!" The masked man ordered.

Haunter extended it's fist forward and then three portals of ghost energy formed under Red's three Pokemon.

In quick succession, A fist made out of Ghost energy hit all three Pokemon, effectively knocking Charmander and Riolu out while Pidgey wasn't affected.

Red returned Charmander and Riolu while Pidgey craned her head at Haunter and flapped her wings while shooting forward.

"Haunter, Ice Punch!" The masked man ordered.

Pidgey collided with Haunter and bounced off it's body only to receive an Ice Punch in the face, knocking the Pokemon out.

Red returned Pidgey and sighed.

"I lost," Red said, "Why are you after us?"

"I'm not after you, You're no one relatively important," The masked man said, "I'm after her,"

The masked man pointed to Laura and perhaps a smile tugged on his face as he said so, Nobody knew.

"Haunter, Shadow Ball, End her!" The masked man ordered.

A ball of shadow energy formed in front of Haunter and shot to Laura at incredible speed. Laura stared wide-eyed at the shadow ball that was incoming, her legs refusing to obey her.

Maybe she deserved to end her life like this, She cursed herself for ever being in that place. The shadow ball was now meters in front of her, in a little while it would hit her...

A shadow covered the light of the Shadow ball, She looked up to see the back of a certain black haired young man with a black trench coat and a Quartz Conference hat.

"No, Red..." She muttered and the shadow ball impacted with his stomach.

An explosion of ghost type energy permeated the air as Laura widened her eyes.

Red opened his eyes, He was on grass?

'Weren't we in Vermilion city?' Red thought.

He felt a searing pain on his stomach and he looked at his stomach only to see it wrapped with a whole lot of bandages. He couldn't feel his hands as they were wrapped tightly in a piece of rope.

He didn't know where he was, At least his Pokeballs were still on his waist and his Pokedex was in his pocket.

He bit on his lips as he stopped looking at the sky and turned to the thick green grass. He tossed and turned in an attempt to loosen the ropes but it was a futile attempt.

He looked at the trees and saw several Pidgeotto perched on them, looking at his body hungrily.

"Where am I?" Red muttered.

Laura's hands and legs were bounded by rope as two masked men dragged her into the deepest depths of the forest. The people had spared Tina and Ella who had fainted after Red got hit.

Laura felt helpless, Red had been healed a bit and bandaged before being thrown into the forest that they were in. A forest called the Forest of death which was very near Vermilion city.

She only hoped Red was fine although a part of her knew that the animals in this forest were carnivorous and very powerful... Laura bit her lips as tears spilled from her eyes profusely.

"You... can kill me but please spare Red," Laura said, hanging on to a thread of hope that maybe they would save Red but her captors didn't answer.

That single thread got cut instantly as tears fell more profusely now. Everything... Every single thing was because of that secret she had learned years ago, It was because of that, It was because of that secret that Red was in trouble now.

He hadn't hesitated to stand in front of her and take the attack meant for her, He hadn't stopped to once reconsider and he didn't look like he regretted it one bit.

"No," One of her captors said, "That boy, He should be left to die in the forest, the animals feasting on his carcass, He was so stubborn, I mean Arcanine gave him a chance to leave but he chose to battle a Pokemon that he could not win against,"

"So a stubborn person like that should be dead, Dead to the world," The second captor finished.

Laura stopped her tears, She knew not to look weak in front of her captors. She was a strong woman, She would be strong... if not for herself, then for Red. It would have been what he wanted her to do.


Author's Note:-

Flashback chapters start from the next chapter, Hope you're enjoying this book, Don't forget to go over to Ko-fi/kristylers to support me in any way you can.

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