
Pokemon: Rise from the Bottom

After waking up in the back alleys of Saffron City as an orphan, Natsu soon realized that he has transmigrated to the Pokemon World. Watch as Natsu begins his story as he rises from the bottom of soceity and journeys to the top alongside his Pokemon. *Disclaimer: I do not own Pokemon and its rights belong to its respective owner. English is not my first language and I would appreciate any corrections in the comments. *

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21 Chs

Weedle drinks Milk

Trainer: Natsu

Pokémon: Weedle

Physique: Medium

Speed: High

Moves: High

Reaction: Medium

Tacit understanding: High

Overall assessment: High

Strength evaluation: Adept Rank

Evaluation: Compared with a wild Weedle, it is better overall, the timing of the release of its moves is very clever, and the proficiency of moves is also considerable, which is rare for a Weedle. It is one of the combatant individuals of its species.

Note: It took less than a week to jump from an unassuming Medium rating to a High rating, and Trainer Natsu has a perfect fit with Weedle.

The club analyzed Weedle based on its daily actual combat and training situation. The so-called Low, Medium, High, or even Special and Peak levels are based on the average value of all Weedle data in Silph Co.'s massive database.

That is to say, Natsu's Weedle is relatively outstanding amongst most of the Weedles in the Pokémon world.

As for the strength evaluation, it is based on the results given by all Pokémon.

During this time, Natsu has roughly understood the division of Pokémon's strength set by the Alliance according to the various qualities of Pokémon.

Pokémon can be divided into Primary, Adept, Excellent, Senior, and Expert Rank according to their strength.

Primary Rank Pokémon refers typically to a Pokémon that has just been born. It has not been trained and tempered in battle, and its strength is relatively ordinary or even weak in the eyes of Trainers.

Trainers usually regard Adept Pokémon as qualified Pokémon. Wild Pokémon normally reach this level when they grow up to be adults.

After that, Excellent, Senior, and Expert are levels based on the Pokémon's combat power.

Natsu's Weedle is now an Adept Rank Pokémon and can play the strength of an adult Pokémon or more under a Trainer's command.

Weedle reaching Adept Rank in less than half a month was an affirmation of Natsu's ability and Weedle's efforts.

Dropping the report, Natsu saw Weedle spinning back and forth on the table, trying to bite its tail.

"Weedle, you are now a Pokémon bred by an Adept Trainer," Natsu told it the result.

Silver Pokémon Battle Club's Pokémon report is still handy. At least it can allow Trainers to see the progress of Pokémon so as not to blindly train without seeing the results.

There is also a sense of accomplishment at every improvement stage in those ratings.


Weedle looked up, blinking its small eyes full of surprise.

"Tomorrow might be your first field battle. Are you ready?"


Weedle nodded heavily, raising its head and tail as if to show its muscles.

Weedle's character has almost been developed by Natsu; Face an opponent with absolute confidence and not feel inferior and inadequate because it is just a Weedle. But it is not blindly overconfident; it can recognize and accept that there are other Pokémon that are better than it. When it loses, it will be disappointed but not discouraged. Finally, it will find ways to improve itself and face up to its own shortcomings.

Natsu took out a glass bottle of milky white crystal liquid from the cabinet.

"Rest early today after drinking this bottle of Moomoo milk. There shouldn't be too much danger in the forest tomorrow, but you should still have a good mindset."

Saying so, he opened the lid, and suddenly, a strong, milky fragrance flooded the room.


Weedle squinted, and its tiny nose twitched. An intoxicated expression appeared on its face after sniffing the fragrance in the air.


Natsu took out a bowl and poured all the Moomoo milk into it.

"Weedle!" Weedle exclaimed with joy. Its soft pink feet crawled quickly, came to the bowl, and slumped its whole body.

It suddenly stopped when it lowered its head and prepared to take a gulp. It turned its head to look at Natsu.


As if to say, won't you drink too?

Natsu understood what it meant, chuckled,d, and shook his head, "You drink it. It was originally bought for you; it can make you grow better."


But this time, Weedle's attitude was firm, and it stepped back from the bowl and stared straight at Natsu. The meaning was obvious, if Natsu doesn't drink the milk, it won't drink either. No matter how tempting the Moomoo milk was to it, it kept his eyes fixed on Natsu.

Seeing its expression, Natsu was stunned. A warm feeling came from the bottom of his heart.

"Weedle, you've grown up already."

Unable to defeat Weedle, Natsu poured some of the Moomoo milk into a fresh bowl while it watched.


But Weedle still shook its head firmly. Seeing that there were obviously different amounts of milk in the two bowls, he still refused to eat it.


Natsu compromised with a smile, pouring the milk into two bowls in precisely the same quantity. Seeing this scene, Weedle nodded contentedly and couldn't wait to lie down on the edge of the bowl. Natsu's expression was complicated as Weedle bent over to meet the bowl. He thought he was destined to be alone when he came to this world, and he was ready to walk ahead alone.

But just now, the softest part of its heart was touched slightly, and it came from this seemingly ordinary milk. He couldn't help but chuckle. He held up the bowl and drank the milk in a few mouthfuls. The taste was very delicious, and after drinking it, you could clearly feel the warmth in your stomach. It's not for nothing that Moomoo milk from Miltank costs much more than regular milk.

By the time the bowl was put down, Weedle had finished its share and stretched contentedly. When it looked up at Natsu, it suddenly laughed happily.


Its tail slapped the tabletop as if it was amused by something.


Natsu felt something was wrong when he saw it like this and lightly wiped his mouth. It was a thin layer of milk stains, sometimes called a milk beard.

Seeing the milk stains on his hands, he couldn't help but laugh.

"Stop laughing. You'd better take a look at yourself." He brought a mirror and placed it in front of Weedle.

Weedle's face also had a circle of milk stains in the mirror, which was more strange and funny than Natsu's appearance. Weedle's laughter abruptly stopped as it appeared stunned, reflected in the mirror.

It was almost a conditioned reflex as Weedle's body curled up. It wanted to wipe the stains with the tail, but it made it even messier in a hurry. In the end, Weedle had to rely on Natsu's help to finally clean its face.

"Ugh—" Weedle breathed a long sigh of relief, finally looking normal.

Immediately, the man and Pokemon looked at each other and laughed.

Perhaps, this was also one of the tacit understandings between them.

Weedle's steady breathing rose and fell in his ears on the bed, but Natsu didn't fall asleep, his eyes staying open.

"If I remember correctly, behind Silph Co. should be Team Rocket."

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

I don't why but my writing seems awkward to me. Do some of you guys feel the same way? Also, should I switch Weedle's pronoun to 'he' or let it stay as 'it'.

Arceus73creators' thoughts