
Chapter 1 - Maybe there will be more?

"Pokemon Hunter World, an initially normal human planet that had been invaded by strange and powerful monsters almost invulnerable to firearms know as 'Pokemons'."

"Such monsters, in addition to destroying the planet's existing ecosystem, led humanity near the extiction, reducing its total population from 9 billion to incredible 999 million."

"Human extinction was avoided due to the creation of new tecnologies that helped the humanity fight back, the principal creation and humanity's savior was a small device called 'Poke Ball' device which made possible to capture and contain such beings called Pokemons."

"After that a new era for humanity toke place, an era of pokemon trainers!"

While listening to such a lecture from his teacher an student couldn't help but sigh.

This student was not an normal one, and it was not because he was handsome, tall and had great hair that he was special no...

He was especial because he was someone from another world and it already had been five years since he misteriosly woke up in this strange and dangerous world in the body of a handsome young orphan named John, sometimes he still wondered if all of that wasn't just a dream... or rather if it wasn't a nightmare.

Since life in such world infested with powerful beings was not something that someone would call a paradise, because the only 'safe' place in itself for humans were the cities built on top of bodies of both humans and pokemons.

The only thing that assured him that this was not a nightmare nor a dream, was the pain he was subjected those five years during his trainings.

The school John attended was a training center for future pokemon hunters and trainers.

In this school, in addition to being taught about the characteristics and habits of currently known pokemons to humans.

Students were also physically trained through various scientific methods created after the emergence of pokemons.

Unfortunately, even with those almost ethically questionable methods, the human body still couldn't handle the weakest of pokemons.

Such training only guaranteed them an initial condition so that they weren't accidentally killed by their initial pokemons during training.

The usage of pokemons for training was only started during the sixth year right after the five years of mandatory physical training being applied.

John only beared such torture because of this specific information, it was what gave him the strength to overcome those five years of hellish training.

While Johm was thinking about those days a tear appeared on the corner of his eyes.

Finally today was the day that marked the end of his hellish training and the beginning of a new journey for John.

Today would be the day he would finally come into contact with his first pokemon.

While John was being emmotional by himself on the back corner of the class, the professor that had 8already finished his speak begun to call the students one by one and give them pokeballs containing their initial pokemons.

After a lot effort and ressources the governamental force responsable for the rise of humanity in those dificult times found a way to breed captured pokemons.

After a lot of tests they found that the most common and domable pokemons with significant power that ecloded fast from the eggs obbtained throught the breeding process were bulbasaur, squirtle and charmander.

But as nothing in life is perfect, they couldn't give an innitial pokemon to every student because of the huge demand.

So unfortunetly not all students of the class could get one of those three initials, for those 'lucky' stundents they could only get some of the weak pokemons captured by the previous class of students during their camp training.

As usual John was one of those 'lucky' students that didn't get an innitial pokemon, but at least it wasn't the end of the world because the variety of weak pokemons captured by the previous students was huge.

Among those pokemons captured by them was various types insect, normal, plant, insect, insect... did I already mentioned insect?

After going throught all of those options John was thinking of picking one of the insect or plant types, altought they were the weak ones at least they had some special abilities that the normal ones didn't.

His options was : Oddish, Bellsprout, Weedlle and Cartepie.

John knew by chating with his senniors that the training ground was going to take place where the predominant type of pokemons was going to be plant type.

As he learned on his classes the damages caused by pokemons of the same type was not that optimal, so based on the information gived by his senniors he excluded Oddish and Bellsprout from his list.

Leaving him to choose betwen Cartepie and Weedlle, as the two of them were insect type it would greatly help him on the training ground because the insect type was one of the weaknes of grass type pokemons.

John was now in a dilema because his two last options were insect types, he wasn't in a dilema because he didn't like the insect types no... not at all!

He was in a dilema because of the ablities and evolution paths of both pokemons had their own advantages and disavantages, and it would greatly affect his choice of becoming an pokemon trainer or a pokemon hunter.

The final evolution of Cartepie was Butterfree a pokemon that ressembled butterflyes, this pokemon would help him capture other pokemons because of his ability [Sleep Powder] that after being used would put the target in an state of sleep thus faciliting in the capture.

The down side was that it didn't had that much of attack power and it wouldn't be a huge help in the hunt pokemons, it would only help him in becoming an normal pokemon trainer like others.

And that was not what he wanted, he wanted to be an pokemon hunter one of the main professions of the Pokemon Hunter World.

So Weedlle was an perfect fit for his ambitions, as his final form Beedrill, a crazzy misture betwen a bee and a wasp, it had the perfect power and skills for pokemon hunting, utilizing venom and his powerfulls stings to hunt other pokemons.

After thinking the pros and cons John finally made his choice and choosed Weedlle as his first pokemon that would help him becoming the best and most powerfull pokemon hunter in this world!

English is not my main language and I'm currently using google translate. I'm creating this throught my phone on my job, I'll try to fix some minor erros caused by the google translate if I see them.

I don't care that much about this so maybe there will not be that many chapters, I'm just bored cause I can't find a decent novel those days.

Mkpawnscreators' thoughts
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