
Pokemon Delta Welcome to the Kiran region

In the Kiran region a strange phenomenon known as delta evolution has been occuring to certain species of pokemon causing them to transform in to one of 3 battle transformations in order to understand this strange phenomenon Professor Evergreen has requested to aid of his grandson Ark Evergreen from the shinnoh region to start his adventure in Kiran and study this strange new evolution

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15 Chs

new experiences

as im getting ready for my day Lapis comes up behind me and starts to ask more about what happened in the dream world. "Lapis" so can you explain more about how it was there?"

I mean it wasent that impressive with hoppa unbound absorbing everything the lands were ravished and destroyed mostly devoid of color or ghost pokemon we got lucky we found the pokemon we did otherwise we might have ended up with only rotom if it weren't for our first captures. "Lapis" well you've talked so highly of these pokemon you've traveled with can I see them?"

well 5 of them are with my grandfather at the lab but I do have my partner from there I can show you,without hesitating i send him out, I choose you haunter. As haunter appears its red gas appears as it face forms with a firery smile, This is haunter my first catch it was a gastly when we met but it evolved when fighting a hoard of rotom however it can't evolve into kirian gengar without an item being held through trade but Kalitta forgot to give it to me before we left this begs in issue but hopefully I'll be able to get one later.

"Lapis" well you've been gone for awhile I want to see that spirit that attracted hoppa to you what do you say we battle 2 on 2 but use your haunter I want to see its power".

if it's ok with haunter I look over as it nods and we head out to the battlefield to get started. "Lapis" go glaceon,darmanitan I choose you" frogadier stand by for battle as the opponents lock eyes the battle begins frogadier use scald haunter use fire pledge. "Lapis" darmanitan icy wind glaceon hail" as the battle field changes the flames of flamethrower dim down due to the ice in the way but still hit its mark as the scald lands a burn on Glaceon. That's gonna leave a mark. "Lapis" better not get to cocky darmanitan zen headbutt glaceon use shadow ball" frogadier dodge then use water pulse and haunter use shadow ball to intercept. the battle rages on with none of us showing ground. This isn't going the way I thought it would time to switch gears frogadier catch as I throw my katana to it frogadier catches it the look on Lapis face says it all pure confusion and terror,frogadier use night slash and haunter back it up with curse. "Lapis" don't let them push you around glaceon freeze dry darmanitan zen mode then fire pledge as frogadier charges in using the katana for night slash as haunter lands curse on Glaceon the attacks collide causing a boom as darmanitan and frogadier go flying as haunter intercepts glaceon and starts to fight neither giving in to the other but as they get away from eachother its clear Glaceon is slowing down significantly from when it started the fight its exhausted and battle worn although haunter isn't doing much better as curse lays in haunter takes more damage as glaceon succumbs to the curse fainting from it leaving only darmanitan "Lapis" darmanitan switch tactics use blizzard then dig"

as it shoots the attack I can no longer lock eyes with my team but before I can try to give an order frogadier is sent flying through the storm knocked out as blizzard starts to subside I grab the katana put it on my back then recall frogadier then look to haunter. You still up for this bud? it looks over and nods as were ready to contuine this alright haunter use shadow ball.

"Lapis" darmanitan use ice punch as Haunter launches the attack darmanitan charges in with little time I throw haunter the katana then yell night slash as the punch collides as it does the connection leaves snow flying everywhere blocking the conclusion from me as the dust settles the one left standing is darmanitan but barely as it soon also falls over knocked out before being recalled. "Lapis" well that duo was strong and the fact the katana can be used as an assist tool is a important factor to consider for your upcoming matches either way you've grown stronger but the only reason you lost was two major things those two are your team weren't used to eachother and the tool they were handed but with time your team will be a force to be reckoned with but now that I've tested you let's head to the pokemon center then to crystalline city for your 3rd gym badge".

as we head to nurse Joy and get our team taken care of we stay the night then get up early to head out for crystalline city. As we make our way I decide to send out servine to see how its doing sense it's been awhile since my partner and I have spent time together lately I've been bonding with so many different pokemon I've felt like I've left my partner behind, I decide to let servine know how I'm feeling in return it acknowledges me and let's me know it understands Its not my only pokemon and knows we will always be a team after that it decides to lay on my head as me and Lapis decide to keep pressing forward after about a days walk we camp out alittle outside crystalline city as it's pitch black outside but as we do I look up at the night sky and can't help but think about darkrai and its home well griping the sword hoopa entrusted to me. Without much thought I decide to go into the surrounding area around me and clear my head as I can't sleep after my mind started to race as I do I end up in a Forrest I starr to wander looking at the pokemon running past me until eventually I can recognize where I came in from and how to get out I then quickly try to find my way out only to end up further in the Forrest before eventually ending up in a clearing without much to do I feel as if something has been watching me and without hesitation I unshieth the katana and throw a nightslash to see a figure get hit as it does it reveals itself to be a kirian gengar and it looks like it's been on my trail for awhile I quickly pull out the pokedex to gather info on it as I've only heard of the evolution alittle bit from Kalitta well my haunter gas yet to evolve 'kiraian gengar' the tour guide of troubled souls gengar uses its flaming wisps to guide lost souls to the place they'll meet they're desired fate this Pokémon has also been seen to be quite rambunctious by uses its ghostly abilitys to make souls go mad and lose there way'

so it's been the reason I'm here well I have no reason to catch it bit I need it gone the only ball I have us charmander I hope this is enough charmander stand by for battle. As charmander appears the battle begins although odds heavelu against us Charmander use thunder punch as charmander heads in gengar dissappears and repeats only to use pick to make charmander flinch before shaping with double slap making it fly across the field as charmander lands it slowly gets up and I ask if it can still fight it nods and without hesitantation I throw it the blade and tell it to trust me, It nods and I ask it to fell the blades energy it closes it eyes and without any words being spoken it readys itself, Charmander I need you to be ready I can't guide you on this but I know you'll gecable to feel hil when he's coming trust yourself and be one with your self and hit your target. As gengar charges in charmander opens his eyes and strikes but gengar barely dodges and trys again with the same result barely escaping the second time as gengar starts to attack charmander starts to get more comfortable with the blade and charges in taking initiative I the fight bring the fight to gengar as the battle rages on gengar in return retorts with shadow ball and night slash buy the attacks get blocked as charmander charges in as he collides with gengar uts being held back by gengars sheer strength unable to break through with its strength gengar in retort to having "subdued" charmander charmander in an angry tone screams his name as it try to push through gengara hold of the blade to no avail and contuines to push with no success until it trys once more this time letting out a primal scream before a bright light envelopes it and its starts to grow slowly pushing gengar back as the light fades and a burst of new energy is felt chameleon let's out his new power on gengar pushing the blade through hurting it before gengar steps back and receives another blow to only be hit again by the blade and again until one hit becomes two then three then four until after a few hits gengar falls as it does it has something in its hands I quickly pick it up to see it a tag if some kind I pocket it not giving it much thought as it faints as i turn to face my newly evolved partner in scream with joy congratulating chameleon on its win and new power before making my way back to camp as I arrive Lapis I'd three waiting and as soon as she sees us she immediately asks what happened seeing chameleon evolved,damaged and holding the sword and me looking like I've been through the ringer myself instead of giving her the awnsers instead I decide it's best if I deal with what happened later and retrieve my sword from chameleon and return it to its ball before heading to bed for the night as I drift away the memories of dream world flood in however this time instead of the death and destruction I remember the friends I made on the way I smile before dosing off to sleep eager to take on the gym in the morning.