
Pokemon From Afar

"Fucks sake man I'm still running late even after legging it!" he complained, quite literally in fact as he sprinted through the streets of Nuvema Town while taking quick glances at his watch.

Several people making their daily commute gave the aspiring trainer strange looks as he flashed by them. With good reason as well, compared to their pristine clothing, completely unblemished from the world's elements, Magnus did indeed look out of place.

Dirty black trousers covered in dust and mud from running through route 1, coupled with his t-shirt and jacket that weren't much better for wear. Add on the sweat that was budding across his face and you had someone who looks like he's just crawled out of the Clay Tunnels.

Though Magnus was in this state for a good reason… or a bad one depending on how you look at it.

Some asshole of a trainer, whom he paid with his hard earned poke to fly him over to Nuvema reneged on the deal after catching a fight of a wild pokemon that tickled his fancy.

With his time better spent elsewhere, the chubby fuck promptly landed and handed Magnus his money back before flying away with enough speed to avoid the torrential wave of curses that Magnus fired at him, and it definitely wasn't the move pokemon use in battle.

The move would do some damage for sure but the pokemon centres would be quick to have the cunt recovered, but there was no walking away from the mental damage he would've assumed had he heard. At the very least he'd be needing a psychic to help him leave his house everyday without bursting into tears.

The worst part about the whole thing was that Magnus was left stranded at the last part of the journey, which truly infuriated him to no end. Nuvema Town was his destination, a long way from Opelucid City. Magnus had to get three different flights in total. One from Opelucid city to Nimbasa, then Nimbasa to Nacrene, and finally to Nuvema.

The first two journeys went soundly, it was only at the last stretch he was fucked over. On a normal day Magnus would've been pissed, but this was no average day for him.

Today was the day where he'd finally become a pokemon trainer. Professor Juniper called him a few days back to notify him about when he'd be getting his starter.

The total milf of a professor had been good to him over the past year or so. Ever since Magnus was all cleared to leave the orphanage, take whatever his parents left him in inheritance and live by himself all at the age of 12, he's been knees deep in anything pokemon related. Books, articles, battling recordings, anything that would help him prepare for his journey. Thanks to this zealous attitude and a fair bit of luck he managed to get noticed by the Unovan Professor, with her taking a liking to him, Magnus was already on the fast track to becoming a trainer.

And this was on top of spending the best part of a year at opelucid academy. Even though he was a few years late to enrol at the standard age, Drayden - the city's gym leader and mayor - made an exception. Magnus had a sneaking suspicion that he was the one that helped him get noticed by Juniper, but the verdicts are still out on that one. All in all a year at the academy and a year helping Juniper did wonders for him.

To become a trainer - at least legally - you need to get the approval of the league. None of the big wigs running it want any trainer related accidents so they give out licences to those deemed able to safely care for their pokemon.

A big part of being able to get a licence is age related, the younger you are the harder it is to get one. Though it isn't the rarest of occurrences to see people as young as 12 and 13 running about with a licence, it's not the norm. All the youngsters that end up with one all have some sort of guarantor that helps them speed up the process, as well as take the fall if anything goes wrong during their starting years.

Letting those at that age loose in the pokemon filled wilds is a risky game at best, and the league doesn't want any flack for injuries or worse, so there's a high chance that those guarantors are affiliated with a league in some way. While pokemon - especially in these modern times - have mellowed out a lot especially in areas near civilisation, there's still plenty of aggressive and territorial beasts lurking around that wouldn't think twice about munching down on human sized snacks.

Exempting the younger trainers, the average person normally gets a licence at around 16. Even though you're legally classed as an adult at 12, that doesn't give you a pass for having ownership of what may as well be biological weapons of war.

With all the work Magnus has put towards getting his licence, it's no surprise that he managed to get one as soon as he turned 15.

Nearing the centre of the town Magnus caught sight of the professor's lab. With the end point in sight, he made the final dash with his hopes and dreams on the line. In the distance was the vast ocean, shimmering a fantastic shade of blue, if you looked closely you'd even see the titanic forms of a pod of Wailords floating atop the waves.

Completely disregarding the beautiful view, Magnus dragged his sweaty self up the stairs and into the large window filled research lab owned by Juniper.

Crashing through the front door, he was met with the pleasant brown haired receptionist who was currently tapping away at her keyboard no doubt doing something for the researchers.

Before I could even say a word a voice called out to me, "Magnus you're finally here" they said.

Turning his head Magnus saw a lab coat dressed, bespectacled woman by the name of Fennel, her flower shaped clip shook in her long dark hair as he stepped towards me with a stiff smile. She was one of the main researchers here working as an assistant to Juniper, as face Magnus has seen more than a few times.

"Yea, the prick that was flying me over left me in the middle of route 1" Magnus told her with immense irk evident in his tone. He'd already called Juniper with his X-transceiver that she gave him, but told Fennel about his troubles anyway in case she wasn't informed.

"Yes, Professor Juniper told me what happened. Please follow me, the Professor would like to speak to you about something" she informed and promptly left in the direction of Juniper's room.

With no time to waste Magnus follows behind already fantasising about his first Pokemon.

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Tell me about in flaws in the logic of this chapter. I'm sure I've madae mistakes in places, or could've came up with better reasoning.

Anyway you're input is always helpful.

DodgyWritercreators' thoughts
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