
Days of Drilling(4) + Catch of the day!

Two days later; A deep orange consumed the horizon as the sun slowly crept up into the sky. While it was morning, Theodore could tell the different climate as they approached the Hoenn region. The heaviness of the sun that blared down on him yesterday had caused him to go in his quarters and avoid the sun.

Like any other morning on the week long journey, Theodore was making his Combee drill and practice itself into the ground. Theodore watched as his Starter attempted Air Cutter for the last time today before they moved on to Wing Attack.

He could hear her [ Agitation ] through the loud buzzing in her wings as she flew. Holding his breath in wait, Khepri began to build up the required energy. When she finally released the energy, he smiled greatly.

Large slashes of wind had left her wings and ripped through the sky at high speeds. Khepri buzzed excitedly at her own efforts, or from what he could tell from her [ Excitement ] concept that she was pushing through it at least. Clapping quietly, Theo congratulated his starter,

"A-Air Cutter! Great job, Khepri. I am proud of you and all the work you've put in so far." Walking over to Khepri, he could tell that she was practically preening at his attention. Scratching at her good feeling spots, a proud grin crossed his lips.

He knew that Air Cutter wasn't a part of Combee's usual moveset, but he knew that if a pokemon had some [ TYPE ] manipulation in its chosen manipulation it could produce any of the moves inside of that certain [ TYPE ].

Hearing a loud thump on the top of the deck, Theo turned towards the sound to find a strange scaled pokemon. Its shell color was a light-sheen of light blue with black triangles running in from the front of its head on each of its individual scales. Under all of those scales, he noticed, was purple squishy skin and-or limbs.

He saw the creature bare its fangs and started to make a low rumble/growl at him and his starter. Frowning at the Pokemon, he stayed still for a few moments and held his considerably uncomfortable starter in his arms. The pokemon slowly let down its baring fangs and stopped its growling.

The strange scaled pokemon slowly started to skitter closer to Theodore and Combee. Sniffing Theo's legs, the rather tiny pokemon tilted its head at Theodore curiously. Its voice garbled as it attempted to ask a question through,

"Wim-Wimpod! Pod pod, Wim wim pod pod?" --->

> " You smell funny. What are you, and miss [ BUG ] here?" < [ Curiosity ] [ What are you? ]

Quirking his eyes at the strange pokemon, Theodore got the question through [ CONCEPTS ] or at least the general feeling of wonder and confusion,

"I am a human and this here-" Getting interrupted by Combee's loud clicking and small buzzing,

> " I am Warmaiden Khepri! Named here by my trainer, cough cough royal steward, little scaled [ BUG-WATER ]. What brings you here on this vessel, tiny [ BUG-WATER ]?" < [ Interruption! ] [ Pompousness ] [ Answering question ]

Snorting at his starter's [ Pompousness ], Theodore brought himself closer to look at the tiny [ BUG ] type from what he had glimpsed from Khepri's answer. When he got close enough, he could see the yellow eyes with black irises.

The wimpod chirped its answer back up to the now lowered Khepri,

> "Mostly looking for food, scraps really, Lady Khepri. Trainer you say?" [ INTERESTED ] [ HUNGRY ] < The little wimpod eyes roamed Theodore in concentration before warbling a few words,

> "I may be interested; Though you fair Warmaiden and your trainer don't feel very strong. Compared to the [ POWER ] I have felt from other trainers, your trainer feels very [ WEAK ]. Battle me and I may consider joining your trainer and his journey." < [ Interested ] [ Offer ]

Khepri narrowed her eyes at [ BUG-WATER ] 's answer. Trying to follow along, Theodore had only picked up [ Interest ], [ Hungry ], and [ Offer ]. With [ Offer ] feeling out something vague, he gave a questioning look towards his partner. Khepri chirped something akin to the concept of [ BATTLE ].

Nodding in some sort of brief understanding, Theodore let go of his starter who began to rapidly fly upwards into the air. The Wimpod eye smiled as it watched Khepri move up into the air.


[ Khepri ]

Huffing imperiously, Khepri moved up high in the air with the tiny, unimportant [ BUG-WATER ] ant just did that eye-smile thing that her previous [ SWARM LEADER ] cringed at. Only if she had taken more seriously then! It does look uncomfortable as hell to look at, but she guessed that some pokemon are just 'edgy' and 'cool and hip' like that.

When she got high enough, she heard her trainer call the start to the battle. She peered over to her trainer just in case and only to look back to see [ BUG-WATER ] disappear instantly. Blinking in confusion, she looked around rapidly with all three of her heads. Where did that damned Wimpod go!?-

She felt something slam into her body directly while flinging water all over her upon impact. The force of the blow while not very heavy still hurt! Buzzing her wings in annoyed manner, she finally noticed the bug-type had returned to the ground.

Pouting at the 'cool and hipness' of the action, she heard her trainer talk then said her name to catch her attention,

"That's Aqua Jet! Khepri! Start maneuvering sporadically- Build up [ FLYING ]!"

Going along with her trainer's orders, she began to quickly build up a surge of [ FLYING ] energy while at the same time flying in the general direction of the Wimpod. Of course the maneuvering was spotty at best, she privately admitted to herself, but it had left her unpredictable to some less intelligent pokemon.

Eying the Wimpod, she awaited for his next move before noticing it was about to jump while at the same time hearing her trainer shout,

"Release Gust!"

Her wings ripped out a powerful gust of wind at the same time the Wimpod had jumped with a move which her trainer called Aqua Jet. Her gust of wind was faster: of course. Like it should be. With her wind faster than Wimpod's jump, it had caught the [ BUG-WATER ] typed pokemon and slammed it back down onto the top of the deck with a loud creak.

She could see that the tiny Wimpod was definitely dazed from her strong gust of wind and immediately reacted to her trainer's next order,

"Air Cutter!"

With a heave of her wings filling up with [ FLYING ] energy, she released a weak Air Cutter that had left light cuts into the bug's hard shell. Grumbling in annoyance at her work, she could feel some sympathy for the [ Bug-Water ] as it cried out in pain due to the impact of the move.

"Again! Avoid that?" He frowned as she heaved greatly this time as she didn't notice the [ BUG-WATER ] prepare another Aqua Jet in time to avoid it. She smiled and released the [ FLYING ] energy she had built up into another gust just in time for the aqua jet to get close to her and be caught.

The poor wimpod was sent flying back into the deck with a louder thud this time as the deck creaked and groaned under the force of the Gust. It got up with its eyes twirling around in its sockets and cried,

> "I give! I give! You- Fair Warmaiden have powerful gusts unlike some of those Wingulls! Eurrgh. I don't feel so good after that- Not my stomach though! Just give me a moment. ." < [ Pain ]

Peering down imperiously at the Wimpod, she huffed at the ridiculous statement before averting her sight from the Wimpod and towards her trainer. Nodding at him, she had clicked a [ FINISHED ] concept towards him.


[ Theodore ]

Looking at the nearly-fainted Wimpod, he turned his gaze over to Khepri who had just informed him the [ BATTLE ] was [ FINISHED ]. Taking Khepri back into his arms, he looked down at the Wimpod who's eyes had returned to normalcy.

"So- Wimpod. While that was a fine battle for a wild pokemon, how would you feel becoming a part of my party?" Theodore offered placatingly before continuing, "I could help you develop more advanced Aqua Jet maneuvers and combine them with other moves which you could potentially get and have."

Wimpod looked at Khepri then back to him before going into deep thought. The Wimpod chirped its answer to Khepri who communicated the gist of it to Theodore in [ CONCEPTS ].

> "That . . . sounds. . absolutely wonderful! Becoming stronger is always a plus with beautiful Lady Khepri cheering me on." Khepri looked as if she had sucked a lemon as she attempted to communicate her [ DISCOMFORT ] and [ DISGUST ] to her trainer.

Snorting at Khepri's look of disgust, he offered Wimpod the pokeball he got out while the battle was on the way. The Wimpod was quickly sucked into the Pokeball in a red light and it instantly clicked shut without the process of a battle of wills.

Calling out the Wimpod once more through the Pokeball,

"Welcome to the team, Wimpod! Now I can get to name you something extremely horrible and laugh at it later down the line." Theo smiled as he dramatically posed as if in deep thought as Khepri soured face worsened at the rapidly excited chirping of Wimpod.

> "A nickname? And it's horrible! Can't say I don't want it, but I always wanted to become a Lord Farquaad the Twenty Second!" < [ Excitement ]

Turning his thinking-face pose into a dramatic pointing pose, Theo called out Wimpod's nickname with an overly dramatic, deep voice, "Your name shall be . ." He paused for the extra dynamic effect as one could hear the faint noise of a drum roll come across one's mind, "Gallant Apam Napat. Or Apam for short. I formally indoctrinate you, child of the waters, into the future team of the almighty bug-god of Johto; Theo!"

With a look of awe crossing Apam's face, Theo simply shook his head in amusement with his eyes silently telling Khepri that he had wanted to give this speech when she first got her nickname.

Her face had a hint of horrification as she attempted to cover herself with her wings.

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