
Pokemon: A Real World

Waking up with no knowledge of himself Eren Jagger must make his way to civilization slowly picking up the pieces of his past while stumbling across opportunities and falling into adversity. the challenges are great and the rewards are unknown but this child is not as simple as one might expect. P.S I own only OCs and that's about it, thanks.

McTripp · Derivasi dari game
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10 Chs

Chapter 4: Ba.By..Snake dododododo!

Hi Readers, next chappy up hope it's okay but let me know. feedback is important to bad authors like me lol, how many people are going to get this song stuck in their heads after reading the title wahaha. thanks for reading and enjoy!


Looking down Dragonite chuckled and put Eren on the ground. "Greetings Kasara cub, there is no need for a proper thanks but a helping hand would be greatly appreciated," he said telepathically to Kasara before nodding towards Eren.

Kasara shifted her sight from the imposing black Dragonite to the Raggedy clothed boy wearing a bag, he was dirty and bruised and look very tired and worn out but apart from that he was healthy. so she asked him. "boy what is your name?"

"Greetings Miss Kasara, my name is Eren Jagger." Eren quickly replied giving a small bow and a wave. 'oh Arceus above she's so pretty." Eren thought. Kasara's blazing red wavey hair and jade green eyes set on her impeccably flawless face and great figure made the young boy's heart flutter and his face soon turned red earning him a few chuckles from the people standing behind Kasara which lessened the slightly tense atmosphere from before.

"Dra dra dra." chuckled Dragonite before continuing to talk telepathically with Kasara. " Cub Eren seems to have lost his memories while running from something and ended up in my nest, he had accidentally bonded with my offspring before my partner came back and almost killed him on the spot."

At that Kasara was stunned by this boy's good luck but that soon turned to suspicion as she questioned. "Eren right? what were you running from to get to Dragonite's nest? your not a thief are you? or what were you doing out in the wilds by yourself?"

Eren felt angered and frustrated at being assumed to be a thief two times in one day so his reply was a bit colder as the first impression of Kasara faded into dust. " No, I have done no such thing. I don't remember anything from before except for a few brief visions that have flashed through my mind of a wave of Pokémon attacking a town and a burning orphanage littered with the bodies of what I think were my friends and guardians but I don't know for sure if what I saw was real or even if it was recent."

"Dra Dragonite." Dragonite interrupted any further interrogation Kasara had. " the cub Eren has not done anything wrong cub Kasara there has indeed been a Pokémon wave in Old Oakwood town in Johto. I have brought him here because by some fate he has survived and bonded with my offspring. I ask that you shelter and act as his guardian till he is capable of supporting himself." Dragonite then looked deep into Kasara's eyes and asked. "Are you willing cub Kasara?"

"O-Ofcourse Dragonite." Kasara then turned to Eren. " I apologise Eren, It seems I've jumped to the wrong conclusion and accused you of something you haven't done, you have my condolences for your loss."

Eren accepted the apology, he would be living under Kasara's care from now on and there was no point in holding resentment over a misunderstanding.

"Well then now that that's all settled I'll be leaving." Dragonite seemed not to like human interactions much and was in a hurry to leave. but he did leave a word of advice for Eren before taking off and flying toward Mt. Silver. " Eren cub make sure not to travel too deeply into the wilds before your Pokémon reach Champion rank. there are many dangers in the deep wilderness and you were lucky to have survived this time but you probably won't be so lucky next time, be careful and take care of my offspring."

Eren watched Dragonite's retreating back with turbulent emotions. the last day had been a roller-coaster and had taken quite a toll on him. 'I will make them the strongest Pokémon in the region one day.' Eren promised in his heart.


Kasara also watched the Dragonite that had saved her life leave while getting a slight headache. It had basically asked her to adopt this child, and she had accepted. she wondered what her husband would feel about this.

Turning to look at her husband Marcus, he had a calming smile on his face but his eyes were full of mischief. Making her groan inwardly, Kasara had a feeling of where this would lead and she wasn't opposed to it but she wanted more time.

Marcus had been more adamant about starting their family and retiring since they had a run-in with a couple of high-level elite Pokémon on their last patrol in the forest, if not for the Dragonite's interference they surely would have lost their lives that day. high-level Pokémon and their clans were usually situated deeper into the forest however it seems they were just unlucky and had got in the way of a migrating group of Pokémon. and although they were both Elite Class Trainers they were simply outnumbered.

Pulling her thoughts back from that day, Kasara spoke to Eren as she walked with him towards the group of Rangers that were gathered by the door. " Come Eren let me introduce you. this man is my husband and your new force-adopted father, Marcus."

At the Introduction Marcus's calm smile turn to a wide grin and the amusement could clearly be heard in his voice as he returned a quip. " Welcome to the family Eren, as the first of many to come we'll be counting on you."

This ticket off Kasara and she took the bait. "What many to come? who'd want to have kids with you! your hard enough to deal with, idiot."

Chuckling Marcus just raised his hands in surrender.

Before Kasara could continue to argue with her husband another one of the Rangers stepped in and introduced herself. "Hi, I'm Melody. nice to meet you Erec, I'm a ranger serving my time here till the next station change, don't mind the married couples squabbing they do that all the time, I hope we can get along during our stay." she was quickly followed by the others.

Thomas, Daniel and Clare. and finally, the last person to make his introduction narrowed his eyes and proclaimed his name arrogantly. "I am Geo Kiba. just don't get in my way kid." before turning his nose to the sky.

'Right well I know who I'm not even going to try and get along with now." Eren thought before he too introduced himself to the gathering. " Hello everyone and thank you for your hospitality my name is Eren Jagger and I will be in your care, please look after me," he said while bowing slightly showing the proper manners to his seniors.

To Erens surprise they were silent and it was Geo Kiba who spoke up this time. " there's no way you're a Noble, only honorable clans have second names! don't make fun of me boy!"

Eren just shrugged to this, he did not care if this guy believed him." I don't even know to be honest Mr Geo. I have but a name and some visions of my memories so I can't tell you if I belong to a clan or not, but Dragonite did once tell me he doesn't care about my clan's heritage so I would assume I am from one, why does it matter anyway?"

Kasara also interjected. " Geo Kiba it does not matter if you are from a Noble clan or not, right now you are a Ranger stationed under me and not your clan, Rangers don't talk politics we do our duties. that will be all, get back to work everyone. Geo Kiba, Melody and Daniel will take the night watch. Clare and Thomas will relieve Bill and Jesse at 4 pm."

Geo Kiba snorted and left in a huff while the others look on coldly at his back.

After that little episode, Kasara brought Eren to his new room with the number 10 pinned on the door Eren guessed this was one of the Ranger's rooms, and as he stepped in Eren observed that It was a small room with an open window and wooden shutters, a single person bed, table and chair as well as a bookcase everything was wood in the log house. "This will be your room for the time being, and there is a bathroom down the hall to the right. I recommend that you take one before resting. you are pretty Smellie, to be honest Eren." Kasara then turned to leave but Eren quickly followed up to thank her. " Ms Kasara.. thank you for your kindness in letting me stay with you I promise to help you out where I can."

Kasara just gave him a genuine smile. "your welcome Eren. dinner will be at 6 pm so don't be late, have a good rest."


Eren walked into the room and took the two Pokémon eggs out of his bag placing them on the bed, a glance at the hatching times on them showed the Ekans would hatch in 43 hours and Dratini would hatch in 405 hours, he was still not sure how to feel about these Pokémon, after all, he had taken them from their home and parents. would they hate him? the warmth of comfort he felt from them told him, no, but he still had this feeling in his heart that he would need to make it up to them and making them the very best versions of themselves seemed to him the best way of doing that.

quickly heading for the bathroom Eren washed himself thoroughly in the cold water. before drying himself with a towel. Eren however now noticed that he had no spare change of clothes but when he made it back to his room he found a folded Ranger's uniform on his bed with a note. opening to read it, it said " hey Eren I thought you might need a change of clothes, sorry they might be a little large on you but it's the best we got here. Marcus." Noting to thank Marcus later Eren put on the clothes rolling the pants legs and sleeves up before he got into bed. it was so soft he quickly fell into a dreamless sleep while clutching the eggs.

Eren woke two hours later to the rhythmic sound of knocking. leaving the eggs on the bed Eren got up and answered the door to find Marcus standing behind it. He smiled widely and gave a nod of appreciation. "Looks good on you," he said while stepping aside. "Come on then kid dinners ready and the guys are waitin."

Eren nodded and followed Marcus toward the dining area. "Thanks for the change of clothes by the way sir I forgot to mention that before Ms Kasara left."

"Ahh, yeah no problem kid but listen I need you to do me a favour and call us mum and dad from now on," Marcus said, his grin getting bigger as he walked.

"Umm, no offence but isn't that a little weird?" Eren asked, he actually felt a bit curious about the answer.

"Of course, it's going to be weird! but I need you to be my wingman and help me break Kasara's walls down, she is so stubborn I'm afraid it'll be years before she agrees to finally have kids of our own. That's where you come in acting all cute and stuff then.. bam! babies everywhere! hahaha, its foolproof i tell ya!" Marcus laughs in high spirits but all Eren could see was a moron who was probably going to sleep in another room for a week.

They reached the dining room which was more of a wide hall with a long table and chairs Marcus led Eren to the head of the table passing by Geo Kiba, Melody, Daniel and two others he assumed to be Bill and Jesse to where Kasara was seated. Marcus grabbed a chair pulling out for Eren to sit on Kasaras left while he sat to her right. this action, though small made Kasara place a hand on her forehead.

"Now that we are all here I will induce you all to Eren Jagger our new... addition, (harsh that's our new son dear.) he is the only known survivor of the Old Oakwood Town massacre and was brought here to us today by a Dragonite. please welcome him to feel at home." Kasara finished the introduction with a vain bulging on her head as she tried to remain calm. Marcus however had other ideas much to the Resting Ranger's amusement apart from Geo Kiba who just snorted and ate his food. " What my dear wife is trying to say is that we have adopted Eren into our family isn't that right, son?"

Eren sighed and went along with it. he was rather amused by this man who wanted to be his father. "That's right,... Dad.." Eren felt himself cringe as he said the word. meanwhile the whole table turn silent before roaring with laughter. "What the hell are you already teaching him? idiot!" Kasara shouted as she launched a punch at Marcus's ribs without the slightest hint of mercy which he nimbly dodged while laughing. "Wait, wait his not done yet. come come Eren call her mum, you said you would be my wingman! help your old man out here.?"

Eren took one look at the pissed-off Kasara and vehemently shook his head from side to side. " nope that's your grave old man don't try to drag me into it." Marcus was stunned and doubled over while Kasara roared triumphantly for getting a good hit into him. she then turned and cocked an eyebrow at Eren that made cold sweat run down his spine. "What, I'm not good enough to be your mum is that it? huh, twerp?" she said making Eren stutter and stumble to find words." Err no ma'am, I mean mum, I mean Ms Kasara."

Eren half expect to layed out on the floor in the next second but it never happened instead a soft hand landed on his head slightly ruffling his hair startling him as he look up only to stare into Kasara's deep green eyes which held a hint of warmth and amusement in them.

The play was over and the rest of the dinner was rather normal with lite conversations passing around the table Kasara and Marcus suggested that he rest more and recover before starting any tasks around the log house and Eren thanked them and asked for a set of rubber gloves before returning to his room as the Ekans would be hitching soon and with its poison point ability he was worried about touching it before the Ekans was able to control its ability. Kasara agreed but asked why he would need them so he just told her the truth.

Kasara was stunned but she quietly advised Eren not to share this information so freely and he agreed with a shrug not really getting why he should be secretive about it. seeing this Kasara further explained that no one had the ability to determine a Pokémon's talents and if word got out he would be hunted by noble clans and underworld gangs for self-gain. this gave Eren an oh shit moment and he thanked his new mother making her face turn a shade of red in embarrassment.

That night Eren slept a peaceful and bland dreamless sleep waking the next morning and only leaving his room to shower and eat.

The rest of the time he spent writing in a book Kasara had given him about the things Dragonite had told him. he also made some notes about Mt. Silver and Moltres. and as he wrote about the things that had happened to him in the past two days he found an oddity. every time he was in a situation where his body was about to land on the hard ground he found himself in soft sand. he eventually concluded that this was the work of his earth energy Manipulation ability that seemed to activate and save him from mortal danger or serious harm on a subconscious level. he would need to practice his ability to understand it more in the future.


Eren pulled back his finger from the Ekans egg after checking the hatching time. there were still 5 minutes to go and he was feeling really nervous. he checked to make sure he had everything ready for the third time. rubber gloves (check), sliced Pidgey breast (check), a bottle of Miltank milk with a blended Oren berry (check) a small blanket made bed for Ekans (check) Long sleeved shirt and pants (check) a Pecha berry just in case he was poisoned anyway (check).

Eren was ready, and it seemed his Pokémon was ready too! the egg start to move and the sound of it breaking from the inside could be heard in the room as Eren sat waiting with bated breath.

*crack* *Crack*

Small lines began to develop on the eggs shell as the sounds of cracking continued until finally the top of the eggs shell was lifted like a lid as a small white scaly snake head emerged from the egg. her purple eyes looked around lazily before landing on Eren but when she saw him he could feel the joy through their bond. "Ekans!!"

long chapter, good night all thanks for reading!

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