
Pokemon: A Magical World

A magical world of Pokemon. Or rather a real world that has merged with the world of Pokemons for hundreds of years. Altro, a salary man, found himself in the body of a high schooler who is about to graduate. More so, in the world of Pokemon. So, he who was cut off with Pokemon animation and games after his teenage years transmigrated in the real world of Pokemon. Now he who came to this magical world will create his own legend, intentionally or unintentionally. __________________________________________________ Note:- This story is only for my self satisfaction because I happen to watch Pokemon today, so maybe as well write something. There will be elements of games, animation and urban life. This synopsis is temporary, as I upload more chapters I'll change it. Well, do give your opinion on the story. Happy Reading!!! I've have other stories to write so the update schedule is not fixed. To discuss the story and chat with us. Join our Discord:- https://discord.gg/FBSufmXzN5

Dakshay · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
33 Chs

Mt. Moon!

After traveling for a few more days. Altro and Celeste arrived at the intersection of Mt. Moon and Route 4. Now Altro was having difficulty deciding whether he should go to Mt. Moon or not.

At last, he decides to go to Mt. Moon. The gym challenge can wait. If he can find some good quality Moon Stones, he can sell them for a high price.

But before they could take a step forward. The surrounding bushes moved, and a Bellsprout appeared in front of them. He looked very ferocious, like he was challenging them.

Seeing the Bellsprout, Altro remembered that the original Altro planned to buy a Bellsprout as his starter. He even planned a Pokemon team for himself. Thinking of this, he also remembered Altro's parents.

'Fortunately, I haven't received any call from the previous Altro's parents. I am worried they might find something wrong.'

The current Altro has no plans of catching a Bellsprout. But someone else was showing a little interest. Altro looked at Celeste's expression and wished her good luck and moved to the side.

Celeste called out her Pidgey and said, "Bellsprout, I challenge you to a battle. If I win become my Pokemon."


'Seeing such a battle-spirited Bellsprout is rare.' Altro thought inwardly.

"Pidgey, use gust."

Bellsprout used his roots to balance himself. Then used Magical Leaf at Pidgey.

"Oh no, you don't. Pidgey Air cutter."

Altro was surprised. Celeste's Pidgey is good.

Air Cutter and Magical Leaf collided and canceled out each other.

Bellsprout used Vine whip, but Pidgey used Wing attack to defeat her.

Celeste threw her Pokeball and caught her.

"Congrats! Celeste," Altro said.

"Thanks, Altro." Celeste was very happy.

After the short encounter, they made their way toward Mt. Moon. Altro saw a lot of Male and Female Nidoran. But he was not sure about catching them. 'Ahh, whatever, I should focus more on Moonstones.'

Altro asked Haunter to look for a Clefairy. Because in such a dark cave, Haunter can easily hide and search for Clefairy. If they can find a Clefairy, finding Moonstones will be a lot easier.

Celeste also let her Pidgey search for Clefairy from above.

To be honest, Altro was a little tempted to catch a Clefairy. A Clefairy would be a perfect addition to his team, as she can be an all-rounder support or even an attacker.

While Altro was waiting for Haunter, with his psychic, he sensed a figure standing behind Celeste who went a little farther from him, unknowingly.

Celeste was waiting for her, Pidgey. She was also a little expectant to see a Clefairy. Such a cute Pokemon, she obviously likes it.

At this time, someone tapped on her shoulder. She thought it was Altro.

"Altro, Pidgey hasn't come back yet-"

She paused midway when she saw that it was a Clefairy who was standing there, not Altro.

*Celfai~ry* Clefairy cutely tilted her head as she looked at Celeste curiously.

"So cute~" Celeste murmured and closed her mouth.

Clefairy also sensed Celeste's kind heart and became attracted to her.

At this time, Altro also arrived at that location. He also happened to see that scene where Clefairy curiously looked at Celeste. He understood Clefairy has sensed Celeste's heart.

'That means Celeste is not someone bad.' Altro also let his guard down a little against Celeste now. Because if Celeste was someone with a malicious heart, Clefairy would have never approached her.

"Celeste." Hearing Altro's voice, Celeste and Clefairy looked at Altro.

Altro looked at Clefairy and said. "Clefairy, can you help me get some Moonstones? If there is something you want help with, I can help in exchange."

Altro clearly stated his intentions to Clefairy. At first, he just wanted to follow a Clefairy, get the Moonstone, and leave. But now that Clefairy has approached Celeste, the plan has changed.

Clefairy curiously looked at Altro, then her eyes turned to Altro's Pokemon. To be more precise, Ralts on Altro's shoulder.

*Clef~airy* (Why can't I sense this human's heart?)

Ralts shook her head sideways and said.

*Mii~Mi* (I don't know about that. But I know my Papa is very good.)

Altro smiled warmly and gave a kiss on Mew's forehead. "Sweet girl. I am not that good."

*Clefai~ry* (You can understand us.)

She looked shocked. Then she gestured for Altro and Celeste to follow her.

Celeste was a little confused. Because she didn't understand what happened.

At this time, Haunter and Pidgey also returned.

Following Clefairy, they came across a secret tunnel. 'It would have been difficult to find this place.' Altro thought.

After walking for a few minutes, they came to an open space with a meteorite at the center and many Clefairy and Clefable were there.

They curiously looked at the strangers who came to their home.

Clefairy went to bring a Clefable from the crowd.

The Clefable came to Altro and Celeste. He curiously looked at both of them the exclaimed in surprise.

(I really can't read his heart.)

"Ah." Celeste was surprised as she heard a voice inside her head.

(Don't worry, it's me.) Clefable shook his hand in front of Celeste.

"Al-Altro, th-this Pokemon is talking?" Celeste's mouth was wide open as she shuttered.

"Um, that's telepathy, Celeste. Calm down." With Altro's assurance, Celeste calmed down a little.

"Clefable, I need a few Moonstones. In exchange, I can help you if you need something." Altro said very sincerely.

Clefable looked at Altro and then at Mew. Then he asked. (What are you two?)

Altro became flustered at this question. "I am human and this is my Pokemon, Ralts."

(Are you sure you are human?)

"Yes, I am sure."

(If you say so.)

Celeste, who was listening to this conversation, looked at both of them strangely. 'What are they talking about?'

Then she looked at Altro, checking to see if there was something odd about him.

Altro gave her an irritated look and then ignored her. "Why do you think I am not human?"

(Well, your psychic is so strong I thought you were a psychic-type Pokemon.)

Understanding the reason, Altro didn't want to pursue this matter further. Celeste was curious, but she was sensible enough to not ask.

"So, about my request."

(Don't worry about that. I'll give you a few moonstones.) Hearing this, Altro was delighted. (In exchange, if in the future my clan may need your assistance, then please help us.)

"I'll do everything in my power." Altro said very sincerely, he was sure in the future he would become very powerful, so he will never forget this help. Clefable was very delighted hearing that.

Then Clefable looked at Celeste and said, (Clefairy has taken a liking to you. She wants to go with you.)

Hearing this, Celeste was excited, and Altro felt a bit sour. Now, for some reason, the Moonstones don't look any good.

'No, no, no. Money is always good.' Altro reassured himself.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Dakshaycreators' thoughts