
Pokemon: A Magical World

A magical world of Pokemon. Or rather a real world that has merged with the world of Pokemons for hundreds of years. Altro, a salary man, found himself in the body of a high schooler who is about to graduate. More so, in the world of Pokemon. So, he who was cut off with Pokemon animation and games after his teenage years transmigrated in the real world of Pokemon. Now he who came to this magical world will create his own legend, intentionally or unintentionally. __________________________________________________ Note:- This story is only for my self satisfaction because I happen to watch Pokemon today, so maybe as well write something. There will be elements of games, animation and urban life. This synopsis is temporary, as I upload more chapters I'll change it. Well, do give your opinion on the story. Happy Reading!!! I've have other stories to write so the update schedule is not fixed. To discuss the story and chat with us. Join our Discord:- https://discord.gg/FBSufmXzN5

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33 Chs


"You first." Altro gestured for Celeste to make the first move, which she gladly accepted.

Altro saw something strange. As soon as the battle started, Celeste's whole temperament changed.

Celeste took a deep breath and started commanding. "Eevee, use swift."

"Pikachu Electro ball."

When the moves collided, the sparkles came out like it was some performance. The audience gasped in amazement.

After testing the waters, Celeste was completely immersed. "Eevee use Quick attack and Bite."

Eevee immediately used Quick attack to close in on Pikachu and dark fangs emerge from his mouth to use Bite.

"Pikachu, use Double team and Electro ball," Altro commanded.

Pikachu evaded the attack with Double team and countered with an Electro ball.

"Eevee, use swift."

Eevee immediately used Swift to block Electro Ball.

"Eevee, use Swift and destroy the clones." With Celeste's command, Eevee immediately used Swift to destroy the clones.

"Pikachu, use Quick attack to close in on Eevee then use Iron tail," Altro commanded, wanting to test Iron tail in a real battle.

"Eevee use Bite."

With Bite, Eevee managed to catch Pikachu's Iron tail but his mouth hurt a lot.

"Use Spark." It was an error on Celeste's side.

With a spark, Eevee was hurt and let Pikachu's tail slip.

"Eevee Sand attack to disturb Pikachu's vision and then Dig."

Eevee immediately used Sand attack to disrupt Pikachu's vision and used Dig.

Celeste felt something was wrong. Why didn't Altro give any commands? After Eevee used Dig and was ready to attack Pikachu. Celeste heard Altro's command.

"Pikachu use Iron tail on the ground, then Brick Break."

Celeste's pupils shrank.

*Pika~Pi* Pikachu used Iron tail to slam into the ground.

As soon as Eevee was pushed out from the ground, Pikachu used Brick Break to finish him.

Eevee was knocked out.

Altro heard Pokedex in his pocket made a ding sound.

[Winner Altro Seraph.]

[The bet amount of 2000P$ is transferred to your account.]

"Good job, Pikachu." Altro smiled in satisfaction. 'I should challenge a few more trainers and collect some more money.'

*Mii~Mi~* (Big bro is awesome.)

Altro and Mew praised him. Pikachu was very excited and happy.

Celeste immediately left to treat Eevee.

The audience was also excited.

"Wow, what a battle."

"Did you see the last move combos?"

"I never knew Pikachu could be so amazing."

"These trainers have great potential."

"Eevee was also cool."

"Yeah, that Celeste is a beauty."


In the rest area, Celeste was sitting alone waiting for Eevee to be treated.

"Is Eevee okay?"

Celeste looked up to see Altro standing in front of her. She nodded and replied timidly.

"Um, He is fine."

Altro looked at her curiously. 'What happened to her at the time of battle? Personality shifts? Mood shifts? Ahh, whatever, none of my business.'

"That's good." Saying that, Altro immediately went to rent a room to stay in for the night.

Celeste kept looking at Altro's figure don't know what she was thinking.


Inside his room, Altro gave food to his Pokemon and lay on the bed comfortably.

"From tomorrow, I may need to camp out. I should prepare materials for camping. The Eevee's challenge came at the right time."

*Mii~Mi* (Papa~ When can I start training? I want to be stronger.)

Altro smiled and replied. "I planned to start your training a week after you hatch. But if you want, we can start some light training tomorrow."

Hearing this, Mew was delighted and happily hugged him.

*Mii~Mi* (Good night, Papa~)

"Good night Mew~"

Altro also fell asleep.

As usual, Gastly was awake and started practicing. This time he was going to try creating three Shadow balls at the same time.


"Oh, shut up. Let me sleep."



The Next morning, Altro woke up early. After freshening up, he went to eat breakfast. Then purchased camping equipment and some items.

A sleeping bag, a tent, repels, a flashlight, a stove, a kitchen set, utensils, rope, a medical kit, antidotes, and potions.

'I don't have much money left. Only 1600P$.' Altro was distressed.

'Let's just challenge some trainers on my way to Pewter city.' Thinking of this, Altro decided to leave the city and enter the Viridian forest.

But before he could enter the Viridian forest. A voice called out to him from behind.


Altro turned back to see it was Celeste, catching her breath. 'Did she run all the way here?'

Altro waited patiently for her to catch her breath and then asked.

"What happened?"

Celeste became a little flustered and said while shuttering. "T-t-that, ar-are y-you going to Pewter City? C-can I go with y-you?"

Altro thought about it and agreed. "Sure,"

Hearing this, a smile formed on Celeste's face.

Why would he reject a cute girl accompanying him in a forest full of bugs? She also helped him earn 2000P$ yesterday. If lucky, he may earn more from her. Thinking of this Altro became a little excited. To not look too excited, Altro asked.

"But why would you want to accompany me?"

"Uhh, I-I just thought traveling alone would not be fun an-and I-I fe-feel comfortable around you."

'Say that without shuttering first.' Altro smiled and replied, "I see. Happy to have you."

'Whatever it doesn't matter, if she acts suspicious, I can deal with her.'


Towering dense trees full of greenery. Chirping Pidgeys and crawling Caterpies.

The swarm of Beedrills and the sting of Weedle.

The scythe of Scyther and the flower-loving Butterfree.

Though the Viridian forest has its charm. Altro certainly knew what kind of dangers reside here.

That's why he wasn't careless even for a moment. While walking, Altro started practicing his psychic by trying to sense his surroundings. It was difficult, but with practice, his range was getting bigger.

Mew also followed the training plan prepared by Altro while sitting on his shoulder. She just had to sit there and try to calm her mind. Yes, he wanted her to learn Calm Mind. As Altro said, it was light training, as there was nothing strenuous.

But for the baby Mew, how can it be so easy? How can she stay calm?

*Mii~Mi* (Papa~ it's too boring.)

"That's why it's called training Mew, not game."

*Mii~* (Muu. Fine)