
Announcement of Tour

Alan was running towards his class, he was late today. Last 2 months have been very exciting and his pokemons learned many skills including his Beldum learning to skills at Expert Rank- Iron Head & Zen Headbutt, where as his Riolu had Force Palm and Brick Break at expert rank. His Honedge also learned Iron Head but he had Shadow Sneak and Shadow Ball at Expert rank.

Alan reached near his class after running for few minutes and he saw Professor Blue Oak was taking lecture, "May I come in Sir ?" Asked Alan.

"Alan, you are late for class. " Said Professor.

"Sorry sir, yesterday I was training with my pokemon till late night, thats why I couldn't wake up early today morning." Said Alan who had his head down.

"It's ok Mr. Parker, you may come in." Said Professor Oak and smiled.

Alan walked inside and went to his seat beside his friend Ethan, his all friends progressed alot in last 2 months, their pokemons also learned few good skills, even Ethan's Charmander was now able to use Metal Claw more efficiently. "So how is it going with Riolu, have he learned Blaze Kick yet ?" Whispered Ethan.

"No, I am now focusing on Mega Kick then I will try blaze Kick, that will be easy for Riolu to learn it." Replied Alan in whisper.

"Mr. Parker and Mr. Wood (Ethan Wood) you both are disturbing class." Said Professor Oak.

"Sorry Sir." Replied both of them and sat quietly.

"So yes class, as I was saying..." But before he could finish Professor Samuel oak arrived, Professor Blue Oak said, "Dad...I mean Professor. I am in middle of the class."

"I will take just few minutes." Said Professor Samuel Oak and turned to students, "Hello Students, I am here to inform you about the special tour to Galar University, You will get the Information Kit and tour will be arranged next week and for 2 Months. Hope you all will enjoy this educational trip." He continued.

That was happy moment for everyone as now they could catch pokemons they want, they will have to see what pokemon they can find in Galar Region and plan accordingly.

Professor Blue Oak took lecture on importance of Berries and he informed about different berries found in Kanto Region. He finished lecture in one hour and after that one of the Senior student came with 35 Kits and distributed among all the students. Next lecture was off so they had one hour before their training period, Alan and team planned to look through the kit and see what all places they were gonna visit and what pokemons they can find there.

Alan saw that they were gonna visit Hammerlocke Town first which is the place where Galar Academy is situated he also saw that there in nearby forest he can find Linoone, Zigzagoon, Chewtie, Dreadnaw, Sizzlipede, Drilbur, Pancham, Riolu, Ralts, Many ghost types.

Next they were going to visit Wandgehurst to see Professor Magnolia's Lab, near to that town they can find Rookidee, Zigzagoon, Grubbin, Pidove, Nickit, and also some grass types. That place also has breeding area for some rare pokemons like Grookiy, Scrobunny, Sobble.

Finally for last two week they were going to Visit Wyndon Town which has the Galar Stadium and in those two weeks they were going to see battles of many powerful trainer around the world. Surrounding area of that town contain many powerful pokemon like Duraludon, Tyranitar, Grapploct etc.

For next one hour whole class was studying the Kit, after that they were called to training ground for their next lecture with their mentors. Class went to the training ground and Alan & his group met their Mentor Cilan who now had two different pokemons as well,

One was a grayish-brown, avian Pokémon with black and white markings. Its head and upper body were primarily black with an "M"-shaped pattern over its white chest. On its forehead was a grayish-brown spot, which is smaller on the female. On its face was a white, mask-like marking with a pattern of spikes along the lower edge. It had small, black eyes with white pupils and a long, orange beak with a black tip. On the back of its head was a long tuft of feathers, which curved forward. The lower halves of its wings were black, and it had black tail feathers with a single white feather in the center. Its orange, anisodactyl feet had black talons.

Other one was a dragonfly-like Pokémon. It had a small head with two yellow antennae and green bulging eyes with black oval-shaped pupils. Its mouth had two large white teeth protruding from each side. It had a skinny yellow body, four skinny black legs with slender feet, and four green, rhombus-shaped wings with black edges. There were similarly-colored rhombus shapes at the end of its tail.

"Hello Cilan." Said Alan who was looking at the two new pokemons.

"Hello Alan, and hello you all. Meet my two other pokemons, Staravia and Vibrava." Said Cilan pointing at the two new pokemon.

"Wow you have three pokemons ?" Asked Noah with excitement.

"No, I originally have 6 Pokemons, other three are one Monferno, one is Lapras and last one I have is Ursaring." HE said Calling out two more pokemons as well,

One of them was a bipedal, primate-like Pokémon. Orange fur covered most of its body, except for its ears, muzzle, fingers, circular areas on its palms, feet, and chest, which were tan. A small tuft of fur extended from the top of it's head, and it had oval, brown eyes. Its eyes had a thick blue marking above and a small, red marking in-between. Its muzzle was short and blunt, with two small, pointed teeth in its upper jaw. There was a white ruff of fur around its neck and gold bands around its arms near its shoulders. It had five fingers on each hand, but only three toes on each foot. Its long tail had a red ring around the base and a flame burning at the tip.

The other one was a bipedal, ursine Pokémon. Its broad body was covered in brown fur, except its muzzle, inner ears, and paw pads, which were a light tan. It had narrow eyes, a triangular, black nose, and a wide mouth with small, visible fangs in the upper jaw. The fur on Its shoulders was longer and more structured, with rectangular extensions that resembled epaulettes. There was a large, tan, ring-shaped mark on its chest. Its forelimbs were long, ending in five claws each, while its hind legs were short and thick, ending in three claws each. Its tail was large and spherical in shape.

"Wow, Monferno." Said Noah and ran towards the pokemon with flame on its Tail.

"This Ursaring is huge compare to others." Said Alan.

"Yes, I trained him with proper diet and nutrition." Replied Cilan.

"Where is Lapras." Asked Ethan.

"That is at my parent's place, I am from Lilycoove City in hoenn region, this city is surrounded with sea from all side so I thought it will be better if it train there along with my Father's pokemon." Replied Cilan.

"Wow, but how you got all these pokemons." Asked Alan.

"Grovyle is my first pokemon from Academy and I captured Staravia and Monferno when we had trip to Sinnoh Region last year. I caught Ursaring in Orange Island trip 2 years back and I found Lapras when I was training near sea in Lilycove City. For Vibrava, it was gifted by my father." Replied Cilan.

"That's really cool." Said William.

"Yeah I know, having more then one pokemon friend is always great." Said Cilan patting his Monferno, "By the way have you planned what pokemon you will catch if you get chance in Galar region ?" He asked.

"I think I will catch a Riolu or Pancham or Nickit because thats so cute." Said Noah.

"I will catch Sizzlipede or Drilbur or any other fire type if I get chance." Said Ethan.

"I will catch any I see, because I loved all of them." Said William.

"I may catch any ghost type or Ralts will be great also." Replied Lucy.

"What about you Alan." Asked Cilan.

"I planned to catch a Rookidee as it has steel type evolution or I may catch Drilbur also because of same reason, but I was thinking if by any chance I get to catch Duraludon then I will love to add that pokemon in my team." Said Alan.

"Duraludon ? Do you know how powerful they are ? There are many stories of people being killed by Duraludon because that pokemon is not easily tamable." Said Cilan with shock expression.

"I know it Cilan, but I said if by any chance I get to capture then I will love to catch that pokemon. But we will see about that when we reach Galar Region." said Alan and smiled.

"I hope you aren't planning to get into any trouble." Asked Cilan who had concern tone now.

"No Cilan, I won't do anything which can create trouble for any of us." Said Alan who was barely 4 feet, and he wanted to catch a pokemon which was around 6 feet in height and a pure steel type, that pokemon was known as beast in Galar Region.

Keep reading to see Alan's adventure in Galar region.

Chapter Ends.

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