
Poke Professor Foxx

This is my fanfiction for my pokemon oc Professor Foxx. It is broken into season and in this case set up so each season equals a volume.

ShadowFoxx89 · Komik
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129 Chs

S3E21: Pallet Town Showdown!

Once Dawn and Joy had finished talking Dawn slide over and laid next to him slowly slipping her hand into his while they looked up at the stars together. It was a wonderful night for all three of them and sadly it had to end at some point.

Now the next morning was an interesting one since Gary didn't bother to stay around Ash couldn't have his normal attempt at beating him after the holidays so he was just itching for a fight and was trying to pick one with really everyone before breakfast. This had pushed his mother to her limit which lead to her shocking all of us when she stood up and slammed her hands on the table.

"That's enough!" shouted Mrs. Katchum as she looked at everyone after the table who frankly was a bit too scared to really do anything. "Now listen up I don't want to hear another word about Pokémon battles at this table. Is that understood."

Everyone just shook their heads yes even Pikachu and Joy. Mrs. Katchum then smiled and sat back down before adding, "Now with that said once everyone has finished their breakfast we will have a small tournament to settle this."

"But there is an odd number of us unless either you or Professor Oak are going to join in?" replied Jessie as she nibbled on some of her food.

"I can just sit out since I'm not really a trainer after all." added Dawn.

"That may be true Dawn but I only have one Pokémon that is truly fit to fight despite the other one's personal opinion." replied Foxx with a glance towards Joy.

"Vul?" chimed Joy with her head tilted to one side.

"But you're the only one here that would actually be a challenge." whined Ash as he tried to eat his food as quickly as possible.

"Well, odds are that Pikachu will not wish to fight his friend thus leaves you down a Pokémon." replied Professor Oak, "What if you all used just one Pokémon. I can heal them up after each round."

"As for the odd pare Sam you could go against Ash in he first round." replied Mrs. Katchum with a smile and a wink at Professor Oak.

"I could but maybe it'd be better if I was to challenge James first." replied Professor Oak with a nod to James that said this battle was going to be more meant for Foxx then either of them.

With that settled we all finished our breakfast before gathering outside in a near by field to have our little tournament. This started with Professor Oak vs James to which James won only by a fractions. Then Ash was lined up against Jessie and quickly beat her making Foxx wonder if Professor Oak let James win. This left Dawn and Foxx for the rest of the first round. Foxx won against Dawn though part of him wondered if she let him.

Now this caused a new problem as there was now three finalists. That's when Foxx came up with an idea. So with a smile he said, "Why not a three way battle. It will increase the challenge factor as we'll each have two opponents to both attack as well as dodge. It will be a last Pokémon standing situation."

The idea scared James a bit but he hide it because he wanted to make his son proud of him. As for Ash he was up to the challenge so the three of them got into some unique positions that would allow for them to target both of their opponents evenly. James of course used his Weezing while Foxx used Eevee. This left Ash to decide only for him to settle on Heracross having seen Foxx's Eevee perform an electrical attack and knowing Heracross is immune to them.

So with a whistle blown from Professor Oak the battle began with James creating a smoke screen of poison gas to which Foxx used to his advantage as he waited for it to get close to Eevee before nodding for her to hit it with a spark. This of course caused the flammable gas to go up in a bursting fire ball both wounding Ash's Heracross and almost knocking out Jame's Weezing.

Now it was Ash's turn to which he ordered Heracross to tackle Weezing. Figured if he could knock out the weaker of the two he'd be more set for attack. His plan worked partially for Foxx had Eevee sneak up behind Weezing and hire them both with a fire spin right as they made contact with each other. Thus guaranteeing that Weezing fainted but also trapping Hareacross in a flaming whirlwind.

Not even delaying or giving I'm a chance to attack back Foxx ordered Eevee to perform a Freezer Burn Combo attack which consisted of a Fire Blast followed by an Ice Beam. He then gave her a silent nod indicating to break the icy shell that now incased Heracross with a Psychic Slam. It was over Foxx had won and Ash just stood there with his mouth wide open in both shock and amazement.

"That Eevee, she's amazing." called Ash as he recalled his Harecross and approached Foxx who was petting Eevee as well as giving her a treat.

"Nothing more then any other Pokémon given the proper love and care. You have to know the full potential of your Pokemon if you're going to unlock their greatest abilities. For instance you chose Hareacross after seeing my Eevee perform a thundershock but if you would've looked closely you might have noticed that the water attacks were both effecting her either. Your second mistake was to focus on Weezing allowing Eevee free roam of the arena. The weakest opponents isn't always the best to remove first." explained Foxx with a smile.

"So did Brock, Misty, and Dawn all tell you my weak points and about all the times I screwed up?" asked Ash as he placed a hand behind his neck and smiled.

"No you did. I remember every letter you sent home as well as every story you told when you were home visiting." explained Foxx with a smile.

To Be Continued...