
Poke Professor Foxx

This is my fanfiction for my pokemon oc Professor Foxx. It is broken into season and in this case set up so each season equals a volume.

ShadowFoxx89 · Komik
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129 Chs

S3E2: Saffron City Gym

Once the train reached the station in Saffron City the gang split into two groups. Jessie and Dawn headed for the Pokemart which in Saffron City was basically a giant mall. As for Foxx and James they headed for the Saffron City Gym so Foxx could challenge the gym leader while the girls shopped but for now lets just keep to the guys.

So after waving good bye to Dawn and his mother Foxx boldly lead the way into the Saffron City Gym. Now he knew all about this gym from Ash's tales of his journey throughout the Kanto region. He was ready for all her little tricks and had even trained Joy and Eevee for this gym the week before he left.

As for James he was in a simple trainers outfit as he followed his son into the gym still looking around as he still wasn't used to not having to be sneaking. Also Jessie had sent Moewlth with James and Foxx for some odd reason which James had no clue to but Foxx had a theory about it.

So the trio approach the battle arena and Foxx looks up to where Sabrina, the gym leader, was seated and he smiled before saying, "Sabrina my name is Foxx Oak and I'm here to challenge you to a Pokémon battle, name your terms."

"Two pokemon battle no swapping out until fainted and no healing items allowed." replied Sabrina with a yawn hoping this might scare him away or at least make for an interesting battle.

"I accept on one additional term, we make it a doubles battle. Both pokemon on the field at the same time." replied Foxx with a smile.

"I like your boldness kid so yah I'll accept since its been so long since I've really had a good battle." replied Sabrina as she slowly rose up from her seat and walked to her spot on the battle arena.

"Son are you crazy she uses powerful psychic pokemon how will having two of them on the field at the same time make things easier for your vulpix and Eevee?" whispered James in Foxx's ear.

"Dad, Joy's special abilities are Flash Fire, which powers up her fire type moves while also making her immune to them, but she also has a very high defense against psychic attacks. As for Eevee well she has been trained to use all attacks of all of her forms thus making her a strong offense against any foe while also having a strong defense against almost all foes." quietly explained Foxx with a smile.

Just then Sabrina throw out her two pokeballs reveal her chooses as Kadabra & Alakazam. As for Foxx he opened his palms and thus released both Eevee and Joy from their balls with a smile the two landed at his feet and awaited to start of the battle. The two stared each other down for a minute while James and Meowlth just stood to the one side very nervous. They'd tangled with her once before and really didn't really want to go through that again.

Then with a nod Foxx gave the first command to which Eevee and Joy leaped into combat. Joy would play the part of the shield while Eevee was the attacker. The plan was to use Joy's immunity as a shield while Eevee and her delt out the psychic attacks. This was a challenge since Joy often had to shield attacks from two separated areas and a few got missed which lead to Eevee fainting before they had a chance to beat one or both of Sabrina's pokemon leaving Joy who was growing a bit tired alone. Then with a smile Foxx nodded to her sending her the signal to go to the last resort plan they'd discussed.

In the end Joy slowly positioned herself between both of the enemy pokemon waiting for them to charge up and hit her with their most powerful attacks to knock out the last of her hp. Once they did that she waited until the last minute to perform a special type of dodge that would deflect the blasts just right to send them back at the pokemon causing the Kadabra to faint and the Alakazam just before Joy landed and started to stagger a bit too weak really to continue but trying to remain on her paws long enough for the win.

Thus everyone held their breath as they watched Joy, and Alakazam to see who'd faint first. As for Foxx he was worried for Joy as he hated to see her push herself too hard like this for a victory that he really didn't care if he got. He was there mostly for the challenge and to see if he could but he didn't care for a victory that hurt his pokemon too much. Just then seeing his worried looked, Joy mustered just enough strength to let out a slight ember pulse that was just enough to knock out the Alakazam before she staggered and collapsed. To this Foxx rushed out to her and cradled her in his arms as he slowly sprayed her with potion and hoped for the best.

Foxx was so focused on making sure Joy was okay that he didn't even notice Sabrina standing behind him holding the Soul Badge for him to clam. She did however have to hold back from crying as she could see his love for his little Vulpix and was even touched to the point of kneeling next to him.

"Is she going to be okay?" asked Sabrina with the hint of a tear in her eye.

"Yes she tries so hard to win for me even though she knows winning these stupid badges isn't important to me and I'm only doing it because I've come across a few of the other gym leaders and earned some of the badges." sighed Foxx.

"Then she must know how much you love her and she loves you thus she will always fight on for you." replied Sabrina with a smile as she laid the Soul Badge on Joy's side before adding, "She's eared this."

To Be Continued...