
Pokémon: The Average Journey

He was fascinated by sports. However, he was only into the strategy behind every play and the training needed to accomplish those feats.These were the things that made it worth living for him. Now, perhaps he can infuse this entertainment into the very pokémon he now trains.

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28 Chs

Chapter 16

The next day, Bob was on the road again, well-rested from the encounter with his sleeping bag.

'Thank god, I mean, Arceus, no one attacked me,' Bob thought, 'but at least Guts learned Dig,'

Although, Bob was weirded out by the fact that you had to place the TM on the pokémon's head, and after a while would react by bouncing off it. When this happens, the move has been learnt.

'At least I know now that they are reusable to a certain extent,' Bob thought, eyeing a large patch of grass, 'on that note, I can celebrate it with a wild encounter,'

So he did and got one.

"Hoothoot," It cawed.

'now I can get this pokémon,' Bob thought, bringing out Guts.

"Quilava," He eyed his enemy.

Just then, Hoothoot dashed forward.

"Guts, Dig, then Flame Wheel,"

On cue, Guts scratched at the ground before disappearing into the dirt.

"Hoot?" The flying-type was hovering around, on guard.

'Maybe in this world, a ground-type move still has no effect against a flying-type,' Bob smirked upon noticing the ground shifting slightly.

Once Hoothoot noticed it as well, it was hammered by an energetic foe.

A pokéball was in Bob's hand, "Guts, Quick Attack,"

In the air, Hoothoot tackled Guts, though it did little damage.

"Quilava?" Guts stared back at the Hoothoot and bashed into him.

This time, the flying-type took a lot of damage and fell.

'There,' Bob launched the pokéball with all his might.

It trapped the bird.





'Nice,' Bob thought, picking up the pokéball and flinging out the Pokédex.

"Hoothoot, the owl pokemon," It explained in its usual way, and kept Bob interested, "it will always stand on one leg, but the movement is so fast that it is often never shown,"

'Interesting,' Bob nodded as he put the Pokédex away, "Nice work, Guts,"

"Quil," Guts responded, seeming pleased from the battle.


A sound alerted the two. It was near, near enough to put them on their guard.

'Another pokémon?' Bob squinted as he saw some tall grass being pushed, 'Guts looks okay for this match,'

Then, it popped out, like an explorer with a machete, except there was no machete, and it was just a pokémon.

'No fricking way,' Bob looked at Guts, who was staring intently at it, 'How did I come across this pokémon?'

"Larvitar!" The Larvitar caught sight of Bob, then stood in a fighting pose.

Guts did the same.

The fire-type was bigger than it by a small margin, but both had sharp glares.

'This should be easy,' Bob thought, 'even if it has a type advantage, Guts has more experience,'

"Guts, Ember,"

"Quilava!" A blazing shot of red flew across the battlefield, hitting the foe.

"Lar!" The rock-type was hurt.

"Use Flame Wheel,"

The fire-type heard this, and ran forward, body ablaze.

However, halfway to his opponent, Guts slid to a stop.

Perhaps it was because Larvitar had used the move Scary Face to frighten him, or it was that this pokémon had that same stare that Lyra's Totodile had.

Whatever the case, Guts had not attacked.

Larvitar shouted and threw a rock that slammed into the dazed fire-type.

'Weird,' Bob thought as Guts recovered, "Smokescreen,"

"Lava," The fire-type puked out a cloud of smoke.

With that, Guts disappeared within it.

Larvitar was ready, however.

It lifted a boulder, ready to crush something.

As its red eyes pierced through the smoke. It saw its target and lobbed the boulder.

However, it hit no pokémon and Larvitar was reassured by that.

With a crack of the ground, Quilava shot out of it in a red fireball, attacking the rock-type.

It flew back.

This was something that Guts thought on his own accord, which was given as a very vague hint by Bob.

As the smoke cleared, it bore results.

'New it,' Bob shot a pokéball, catching the rock-type.

Another catch of the day.





Bob and Guts were surprised once the pokéball split open, releasing the battered Larvitar.

'I knew this could've happened,' Bob felt as if his heart skipped a beat, 'yet it still surprised me,'

"Lar-vi-tar!" It shouted as it threw a boulder at the unguarded Guts.

While it smashed into him, Bob retaliated.

"Guts, Dig,"

"Quilava!" The fire-type tried but flinched, and was hit by another rock.

'I hate those flinches,' Bob thought making a fist, "Flame Wheel,"

Guts shared the same opinion. When Larvitar stopped with the attacks, he dashed forward, burning, and bashed into the rock-type yet again.

However, Larvitar wanted this.

"Larvitar!" It was too late to notice the dark aura surrounding it.


With its full might, Larvitar struck the fire-type around the head area to the right, sending him back with a shocked look.

Bob was silent.

"Quil...Quil," Guts stood up again as normal, but he was groaning in pain.

Bob saw this.

"Guts," Bob's words caused the fire-type to look at him.

What he saw, made his eyes widen.

Guts' right eye was in a cycle of half open to closed. Whenever he tried to open it, he would flinch in pain.

When Bob was about to ask him if he could continue, he saw more on Guts' face.

Motivation. Excitement. Rage.

Guts looked back, and Bob saw his back now plastered with an indistinguishable flame.

The noises of a car and a motorbike were even there, mixed in with the blaze.

'No need to stop him now,' Bob smirked, "Another Flame Wheel, you struggler,"

"Quil!" Guts had one eye open. He did not want to try and fight the pain when he could use that energy on something else, which he did.

"Tar?" Larvitar had turned intimidated by the charging fire-type, his body once again covered in fire, his mo-hawk hair and entire back spewing a large wildfire. It looked to incinerate the sky.

Though, it stood strong, ready to fight back.


Once Guts collided with his foe, it responded with equal fury.


Guts groaned at the bite that Larvitar unleashed.

For a few seconds, the two were in a deadlock. Guts trying to push and Larvitar biting deeper.

"Quilava.." the fire-type was angry at this and began to apply more force.

It felt like nothing to Larvitar until it looked down and saw how it was being pushed into the ground.

The flames grew, and the rock-type went deeper.

However, Guts could run out of energy and Larvitar could use this as a trap.

When the fire-type slowed down, the rock-type was ready.

However, this trap did not work.

With a huff, Guts jumped up, out of the hole.

The only thing Larvitar saw was that its foe's mouth was puffed up.

It had fallen into a trap.

Guts released a charged blast, right into the hole.


The ground shook. Bob saw small cracks running away from the burned-up hole.

Once the flames died down, Bob noticed the failed pokéball, still laying on the battlefield.

'So I can still use it? Neat,' Bob picked it up and walked to the hole.

He saw Guts, still on guard, the flames not so intense.

The pokémon he saw had fainted. Now, Bob could catch Larvitar.

With the raise of a hand, he dropped the ball into the hole.

It caught the rock-type for a second time.





"Phew," Bob was able to bend down and pick up the pokéball, as the hole was not really that deep, "nice work, Guts,"

Guts responded with a nod.

'My first pseudo-legendary as well,' Bob thought, placing Guts back in his pokéball, 'what nice catches,'

When he thought of the pokémon he had now, he waited for something.

'Hold on,' Bob mentally counted the pokémon he had on him, 'Guts, Dio, Geodude, Spinarak, Wooper, Hoothoot, and then Larvitar,'

As he thought this, the pokéball containing Larvitar lit up and disappeared.

'Huh?' A buzz came from the Pokédex.

Bob opened it.

"Your Larvitar has been safely attained and transported to your storage," It spoke.

'So it's kinda like the anime, except the pokémon don't get sent to the professor's lab?' Bob nodded at this, 'Fascinating,'

'Now, I want to get to Azalea Town,' Bob thought, walking a little faster.