The poem's that I've either written myself or that I admire and want to share with the world.
You've let the people down,
Disgraceful upon our decisions we're ready to drown.
You attempt to light the torches of success with such precision,
But instead, you light fires in the hearts of your citizens.
Thriving throngs twining about unfair rights.
Do you know how many are killed in the night?
You strut the halls of fame with such power,
Your other opponents?
You just simply devour.
Oh, how you've grown to such lengths
I blissfully watch as you get crush by our weight.
You gave us power some men should not hold,
You tried to be gold, you tried to be bold.
Now as many wish for you to be reformed,
The common man holds no power, and no control.
We were given the right to sit under our own fig tree,
But how can that happen if we don't let the forest be?
We destroy this world and then complain it doesn't have what we want.
As we walk around with what we took, all we do is flaunt.
You've taken so much.
Everything you have you hold on to, you clutch
As much bad as I see in you,
I can see much more than beauty, it's true.
America, the beautiful,
America, the home of the brave.
America, you poor soul, are heading for the grave.
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