
Plundering Across the Cosmos

*Upload speed is unspecified, I will upload whenever I have free time.* *DISCLAIMER* This is NOT my original novel. I found it on an MTL website and found it fun and interesting so I decided to go down the rabbit hole and edit it with proper English (to the best of my abilities) so that others could enjoy it too. I changed the names for a lot of things, rewrote many others, and tried to make this story read as fluently as possible. If I'm being honest, the whole novel may have been exciting in its original language, but it isn't in English. So like I said before, I'm pretty much rewriting this novel to my liking, still following the original plot and story, but adding A LOT to it. So it technically is a fanfic ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. If you guys want to go read the original MTL, its original author was "banana too dog" under the original title of "I Plunder Endlessly In the Interstellar Age" *END OF DISCLAIMER* In the interstellar era, gangs and predators run rampant across the galaxy. Ajax, a skilled artisan crafting energy blocks, finds himself at the bottom of society, subjected to relentless bullying. He plunges into the shadows to ensure his survival, ultimately joining a notorious gang. Ajax stumbles upon a remarkable discovery along his journey – a super warship capable of upgrading limitlessly, given the availability of resources. With this newfound power, he establishes the infamous bandit gang "Reapers." This marks the beginning of an era characterized by endless plundering and ruthless exploits.

Crimson_Reapr · Lainnya
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75 Chs

Chapter 60

With only 4 battered mechs left, Bach felt even more uncertain about his victory. Bach took out his Vox, intending to recall the operators that were defending other areas and have them rush back to the camp to help solve things here.

But he was left dumbfounded as he realized that his Vox had no and new explosions and sounds of a gunfight were coming from the gate of ​​the camp. Bach immediately realized what Ajax's true intentions were. These three mechs were just here to bait them and attract their attention and then have another attack force make their way through the gate of the camp that would be left pretty much defenseless.

Bach broke out in a cold sweat and ordered the mobilization of troops to defend the gate, tasking a handful of his subordinates to find a way to get in contact with the outside world and call for reinforcements.

But it was too late, the operators and the five mechs at the gate of the camp couldn't withstand the attack from the Lazoole Society and ended up losing the gate within eight minutes. When the crazed, blood-seeking, and revenge-driven operators from the Lazoole Society poured into the camp, the real massacre began. Ajax's orders to them were to spare no one. Elderly, young, man, woman, they would all die here.

The thousands that had managed to escape from the residential area to the gate of the camp fell under a new barrage of gunfire before they had gotten the chance to relish in their narrow escape.

"FUCK FUCK FUCK! G-GO! FUCKING DO SOMETHING!" Bach shouted his orders to his subordinates to get his car. He understood the situation they were currently in, it was impossible to keep the camp gate after it had been destroyed.

There was nothing he could do to deal with Ajax and the others behind him, so he could only escape while he still had the advantage in numbers. As long as they could escape and get their hands on the materials Leonard had sent them, then they could gather all their troops and counterattack while maintaining their advantage in numbers.

However, Ajax had anticipated something like this and as soon as the people of the Hell's League started to retreat, Ajax started peppering them with gunfire. He used his remaining two armor-piercing missiles and destroyed two more mechs.

At the same time, the operators by the gate set up a defense line and blocked the gate, not allowing anyone exit. This defense line was made up of a dozen or so mechs and a couple hundred people who had formed a tight line of defense and never stopped firing.

Bach ordered the newly organized convoy to rush towards the defense line, regardless of casualties. The operators ignored their surroundings as vehicle after vehicle would be destroyed around them by the dozen mechs that had blocked the road ahead.

This scene was a mirror image of Ajax's miraculous escape with his convoy. However, Bach failed to create the miracle as his operators continued to be killed. The convoy was forced to stop as the new lead vehicle, a semi-truck with a trailer, took a hit that blew its front right side clearly off. This caused the truck to veer right and flip as its tires dug into the sand, its trailer following suit, completely blocking the road.

Bach's car reversed before speeding forward to the road on the right. "We're going to find another ro-". The driver's words were cut short as the car was hit before it could make it to the other road, causing it to roll over multiple times. When Bach came to, he was upside down, his ears rang as he was held in place by his seatbelt. He took out a knife and cut it before checking on his men.

"Ca...rl?" he grunted as he flipped over the man lying down next to him only to see his neck had been snapped during the rollover.

"J-Jenny..." he saw the woman who was riding shotgun impaled by a metal rod to her seat. He felt something warm dripping down on his left hand.

"Th..." he called out as he turned to his left to check on the driver only to see one eye staring ahead as half his head was missing, his brain matter sprayed on the seat and ceiling, warm blood dripping on his left hand. "Thomas, fuck..."

He made his way out of his car through one of the windows before standing, disoriented. He looked around at the chaos around him, helpless operators crying in pain, some shot, dirt, and sand flying up as small explosions went off around him.

Bach's eyes were dull, and he sat on the ground as he listened to the endless gunshots and cries around him, his eyes dull. He knew everything was over, but he didn't want to understand how or why. He had just obtained a big victory in the early morning but now that as the night fell, so did his empire. 

Without Bach's command, the rest of the Hell's League became a mess, fighting on their own, running to cover trying to stand firm and wait for help. But help wasn't coming as the news didn't get out, no one knew what was happening here, and death was the only thing that awaited them.

The few remaining mechs of the Hell's League fell under the intensive firepower, not being able to last long. Without the cover of the mechs, no matter how strong the buildings were, it wouldn't stop the enemy's advance.


Erica was piloting her mech with her knight's shield and lightsaber in hand. For the next six hours, the massacre in the camp did not stop. The three mechs, Ajax in the Reaper, Erica in the Thorny Rose, and Lily in the Sunflowe, led a group of operators to clean up every inch of the camp.

They didn't accept surrender. They would kill them if they ran, they would kill them if they resisted, they would kill them if they surrendered. By the end, they would be eradicated. There were corpses as far as the eye could see, the ground had been turned muddy as blood mixed with dirt and sand.

The death of nearly 7,000 people meant that the Hell's League had been officially massacred and that this large organization that had dominated the border for years would cease to exist.

Bach had been captured by the operators, they found him slumped on the ground, his eyes blank. Alex, whom Ajax hated the most, was also captured by the operators who was found using a very long ladder to try to climb out of the nearly 10-meter-high fence, but was shot by an operator in the thigh and fell off.

He had returned with Bach after the camp of Lazoole Society was captured in the morning and served delicious food and drink, and was told that he would get the money after Ajax was killed. But before Alex could figure out how to spend the money, Ajax and the others attacked first...

Several guard pilots were also captured. They were stuck in their mech's protective cabin and could not get out. Although they didn't say anything, Ajax knew the identities of these people and was in no hurry to kill them. He had to think about whether these people could bring him any profit. Maybe asking for a high ransom from the Blauth Empire...

At three o'clock in the morning, people from the Hell's League who were defending the business district, the Four Tribe's camp, and the Lazoole Society camp rushed over together. There were a little more than 800 people who hadn't gotten a call for help. However, they were at a higher elevation and could see the raging flames on the horizon.

Since they didn't know the situation and couldn't get in touch with Bach, they had to send scouts over to have a look. Once they had confirmed that the camp was under attack, they gathered immediately and made their way to the camp, after all, their families were in danger.

But when they arrived, Ajax's work was almost over and they were met with operators, mechs, and a Protective-Type jet whistling above. They couldn't help but grit their teeth and launch an attack.

However, they lost nearly 100 people in the first minute of combat and were forced to retreat. After all, Ajax had been able to break through even the most heavily defended camp and was now occupying it. There was little they could do to change anything and were soon engaged in brief infighting upon their return.

Bach's possible death made some ambitious people stand up and plan to become the leader themselves. However, those who supported Bach and were still thinking about how to regain the camp were naturally unwilling to follow them, and therefore the two sides started fighting after arguing...

Peace fell upon the camp of the Hell's League as the sun rose. The fire that had been burning all night gradually extinguished after there was nothing left to burn, leaving burnt ruins behind.

Ajax tasked the operators with searching for materials in the camp, while he himself searched for Bach's personal stash. Bach has been the leader of the Hell's League for many years, so he had to have something hidden.

There were more than 1.2 million eddies in his safe alone, and a bag of messy gems, which were probably dug out from the mine. Ajax directly collected all the eddies and gems, which were enough to make up for what he spent yesterday and make a small profit.

Ajax was more interested in a blue chip he had found. Like other accessories, the chip could be installed on the mech. But different from other accessories, chips can only be installed on mechs that were at the Warlock level and above.