
Plundering Across the Cosmos

*Upload speed is unspecified, I will upload whenever I have free time.* *DISCLAIMER* This is NOT my original novel. I found it on an MTL website and found it fun and interesting so I decided to go down the rabbit hole and edit it with proper English (to the best of my abilities) so that others could enjoy it too. I changed the names for a lot of things, rewrote many others, and tried to make this story read as fluently as possible. If I'm being honest, the whole novel may have been exciting in its original language, but it isn't in English. So like I said before, I'm pretty much rewriting this novel to my liking, still following the original plot and story, but adding A LOT to it. So it technically is a fanfic ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. If you guys want to go read the original MTL, its original author was "banana too dog" under the original title of "I Plunder Endlessly In the Interstellar Age" *END OF DISCLAIMER* In the interstellar era, gangs and predators run rampant across the galaxy. Ajax, a skilled artisan crafting energy blocks, finds himself at the bottom of society, subjected to relentless bullying. He plunges into the shadows to ensure his survival, ultimately joining a notorious gang. Ajax stumbles upon a remarkable discovery along his journey – a super warship capable of upgrading limitlessly, given the availability of resources. With this newfound power, he establishes the infamous bandit gang "Reapers." This marks the beginning of an era characterized by endless plundering and ruthless exploits.

Crimson_Reapr · Lainnya
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75 Chs

Chapter 54

Of course, Antoine wouldn't disclose the actions that had led to the loss of the business district purely due to his lack of care. He didn't think there was anything wrong with his actions. If Bomen hadn't insisted on having some absurd dinner party, then the business district wouldn't have been lost. Besides, Bomen himself was in the camp, so wasn't the loss of the camp Bomen's fault?

"You don't get to ask me questions, where is Bomen? Let him talk to me," Antoine said in a displeased tone as the chin of his mech was raised. He had also heard of Ajax but believed that his heroics had been overplayed and brought up amounting to a fake image used only for propaganda. Who would believe that this kid had a Warlock-Level mech?

Why would anyone who could pilot a Warlock-Level mech come to such a dangerous place like the border and risk their life just to make some eddies? And after seeing the state of Ajax's battered mech full of repair marks in front of him, he believed his own ideas even more, deciding not to be polite to Ajax at all.

He didn't even fear him since he was a high-level control pilot, driving a Parallax-Level mech worth nearly one million. He has never been afraid of anyone at the border.

"Alex joined Hell's League, started a fire, shot Bomen a couple of times. When I found Bomen he entrusted the Lazoole Society to me. To conclude, Bomen used the self-destruct core and sacrificed himself to give us enough room for us to escape," Ajax listed out in a monotone voice as he stared at Antoine, controlling the anger he felt boiling up inside of him. This sentence was also meant to be a message to everyone on the field.




The defenders in the mining area who didn't know about it were in an uproar.

Most of them had followed Bomen for seven or eight years while some of them had been with Bomen for one or two years. Bomen treated them all well, so hearing this struck a cord in all of them.

"Bomen is dead!?" There was uncontrollable excitement in Antoine's voice, and he suddenly pointed the rifle in his hand at Ajax, "Boy, who do you think you are? And Bomen entrusted Lazoole Society to you? Don't make me laugh. Even if that bastard is gone, I will be the one in charge of the Lazoole Society. Your balls hadn't even dropped when I joined the Lazooze Society!"

As soon as Antoine moved, the people behind him also raised their guns. They were all loyal to Antoine, so they naturally stood by Antoine's side.

Monkey and a group of more than a hundred operators who had fought side by side with Ajax also raised their guns, and the two sides pointed their guns at each other and coming to a Mexican Standoff. There were also hundreds of operators who had yet to figure out what was going on and just stood there in a state of shock, waiting to see what would happen.

"Boy, have you taken a look at your mech? You'd be lucky if you could withstand a few hits. Put your weapons down, don't make me feel bad and embarrass yourselves," Antoine laughed.

Even if the odds were stacked against his favor, it was only fifty against one hundred, he was still very confident in himself and his men's skills. The people on Ajax's side looked like they had just finished the battle, and they were all covered in blood and dirt. Ajax's mech didn't even have a main weapon.

Although he had been running around all night long, he had more than enough combat power left in the tank to fight. However, if he could take down Ajax without any bloodshed, then he would be content.

"Alright," Ajax nodded as raised his hands and turned around slowly, murmuring "Just remember you chose to sign your own death certificate."

Monkey thought that Ajax was going to surrender and wanted to say something with a bitter face, but he immediately saw the breastplate of the Reaper separate, and a blue light started condensing inside.

Antoine was stunned for a moment and couldn't help but laugh at Ajax, who had raised his hands and turned his back to him. He thought to himself that Ajax was truly nothing more than a strawman used to scare away their enemies since he was frightened by just a word.

But before he could speak, Ajax suddenly turned around. Antoine only saw a flash of red light before he felt his entire mech go flying uncontrollably back and slam into a pile of rocks about 10 meters away, causing all kinds of debris to be scattered all over the place. The Rifle he held had been half melted.

Lily next to him also instantly switched out the cannon on her left arm and fired it on the Knight-level mech beside Antoine before he could react, sending him flying back 7 meters just like Antoine.

"Put your weapons down and I won't turn you to fucking paste. I'm only saying this once, try anything and nothing will be left of you except memories, and well fuck, there won't be anyone left to remember those either," Ajax threatened as his left arm also switched to a 35mm Vulcan, aiming at the crowd with guns.

The operators on Antoine's side saw that their two mechs were instantly put out of the battle and decided to do the smart thing. So they chucked their weapons to the ground.

Antoine, whose mech had been forced to shut down due to severe damage, slowly crawled out from inside of it. He had been protected by the safety cabin, but that didn't mean he was uninjured. He had slammed his head when he was sent flying and blood was slowly flowing down the left side of his face.

"What happened to the rest of the people in the business district? You will answer the question properly or you can meet your maker." Ajax's mech towered over Antoine.

"They were killed, ambushed by the Hell's League, no survivors," Antoine said, his voice trembling and vision in his left eye blurring. Just now, he had felt death's fingers caress his head and finally believed that the rumors about Ajax and his Warlock-Level mech weren't bullshit.

"Who was in charge of the defense over there last night?" Ajax questioned, satisfied with Antoine's change in attitude.

"I..." Antoine was about to confess to his mistakes, his voice trembling even more, but he immediately changed his words, "I can lead people to take back the business district, I promise..."

Before he finished speaking, Ajax shook his head: "No need, death is the only way you can make amends." As soon as his words left his mouth, Ajax raised his leg and stomped on Atoine, turning him to paste.

Because he had previously seen this ruthless side of Ajax and was now used to it, Monkey was not so surprised and came to Ajax's side: "Hey Ajax, what are you planning to do with these guys?"

"What are they doing?" Ajax glanced at the dozens of people who had put down their guns. He held no impression of these people, and he had never seen them before.

"They all follow Antoine and they were his subordinates, accompanying him on missions, drinking, partying, the whole 9 yards," Monkey didn't have a connection with any of these people either.

"If you've never seen them, then kill them all. Shit is bound to hit the fan if we keep them around sooner or later," Ajax said as he waved his hand. He didn't want to keep a bunch of ticking time bombs around him.

"All... all of them?" Monkey was stunned for a moment, there were dozens of people here, not to mention, that they were still part of the Lazoole Society.

"What? You want to let them go and allow them to join the enemy?" Ajax asked back, remembering Alex and all of the chances he got. That would not happen again.

"no no no no…wait wait wait wait," Antoine's subordinates began to panic.

"You said you wouldn't kill us if we dropped our weapons..." The person standing at the front said in a panic.

"Oh, but I won't kill you. I am a man of my word after all," Ajax spread his unarmed hands.

Just as they started to process what Ajax had meant by that, Lily opened fire, followed by Monkey and a group of operatives behind him. Dozens fell into a pool of blood in an instant as others were turned to pink mist.

Ajax had kept his end of the deal, he was a man of his word, and he had promised that he himself wouldn't kill them. He never said anything about what those around him might do. Witnessing Ajax's ruthlessness, the operators who had been observing trembled and feared that Ajax might turn on them as well.

But it was clear that Ajax wasn't unhinged. Surveying the corpses strewn across the floor, he let out a soft sigh and exited the mech with a bitter smile.

*TN: Clearly, beyond a shadow of a doubt, not unhinged at fucking all (I know its hypocritical because Im making him even worse than the original)*

Bomen had left the mortal plane and had left behind a shitstorm for Ajax to clean up. Rick, who had been observing from the sidelines, also deactivated her lightsaber and stepped out of her mech.

She had also entertained the idea of eliminating those two bastards in their mechs just moments ago, but no matter how fast she was, she wasn't going to be faster than the Vulcans that were spewing bullets that traveled faster than 2500 meters per second...

Spotting a woman slightly older than himself, clad in punk denim attire, high-top cloth shoes, red earrings, and sporting a wolf head tattoo on her neck, Ajax was momentarily taken aback. However, he promptly stepped out of his mech and approached her with his hand extended. "That was some nice fighting earlier."