
[Bonus chapter]"Impassive Reception!"

The next night, the Baron had people bring another woman in, but before the woman was brought before the Baron, he experienced another recurrence of the ghostly figure. When the baron recovered, he had no desire to continue, so he decided to keep the woman for later. She was locked up in the basement, and every time he tried to do something, the ghostly apparition would appear and torment the Baron. She was released two days later, and another woman was taken to the Baron, but his torment continued.

Evren spent a lot of his time hiding in and around the Baron's mansion for the next week monitoring him. Evren could refresh his energy with 'restore' but the Baron wasn't as fortunate. Evren would move furniture, knock a lamp over, cause doors to slam shut, make windows rattle. Everything he could think of to frighten the Baron. Whenever he would think of kidnapping another woman, the ghostly apparition would appear. His sleep was plagued by nightmares that never seemed to end.

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