

Belief: the foundation of humanity. 

As long as you believe it, you have the will to do it. That's what some people say.  Maybe they are right or maybe they are not. 

  Do you believe in God? 

If not then-

Do you believe that souls exist? 

If they didn't, then how would you explain the little cubes that float behind every person you see?

  Those little colorful cubes that is bound so tightly to people that it seems impossible to ever free them? 

   Not many can see those, the little shining cubes that give off a gentle light and express the person it is connected to. 

 Harukami Kazue has been able to see those things ever since he can remember, from the tender age of 5. At first he had been so scared of those things and flinched away whenever people approached, then cried if they made a move of touching him. 

  In those days, his mother was the only saving grace in his life. His mother, who never had anything chained to her person. His mother, who would hug and comfort him every time he cried. His beloved mother, who stayed strong for him and his unborn brother when his father left them because of Kazue himself. 

As Kazue gradually grew, he realised that those cubes were nothing to be scared of. After all, how could they be? When even his little brother Shuu-Chan had one? It was just a small tiny cube that is pure white that it was almost glowing. 

  Cause of that Kazue grew fascinated, he no longer flinched nor cried. He thought there was nothing to be scared of since the cubes were not doing anything bad. But those naive thoughts only lasted for so long. 

  When Kazue was 7, for the first time in his life he saw a cube that was pitch black. And that scared him to the point that he shit in his pants in front of his whole class after that man entered his classroom and introduced  as their new teacher. 

  That day, he babbled everything he knew to his mother and a week after that, his teacher Yuzukawa-sensei had been arrested. For what, his mother never told him, but for his cube to be like that it must have been something serious.

Growing up till now, Harukami Kazue saw many things, and he also saw people without cubes. But those people were… 

  He did not want to think about it. His mother will never be like them. His airy, light hearted, kind mother will never be like them.  So let's continue back to the topic. 

Most people he met, except his mother and those few exceptions, had a cube chained to them. And depending on the color, a person's personality and their mood could be told. And Kazue dubbed them as a person's soul because of this. 

 He himself didn't have one, or at least he could never see his. But he guessed if he didn't have one, he would be like those people, or maybe he was an exception, just like his mother, who knows he certainly didn't. But that was not the point!

   At the moment Kazue is sneaking in a cute little kitten who is drenched and might have died in this pouring rain and Rashomon, their family's over grown black retriever is sniffing him suspiciously. 

 "Oh come on Amon, I'm not hiding anything!" 

He whined. 

Call him whatever you want, but he was not sacrificing the cute little kitten to this black beast. And yes, he loved Amon, but the dog hated cats very much, Probably because of that one cat who peed on his nose. 

  Kazue quickly threw his backpack gently onto his bed by the door and closed the door behind himself. Then the damn dog barked as if to alert his mother, 'Amon why are you like this?' He thought. 

"Kazu-kun[1]! What's going on in there!?" his mother asks and followed by that-

"Rashy![2]"  The happy voice of his brother Shuuji called back the beast. 

 And the dog was laughing At Kazue, wasn't he? If his mother knew about the kitten, at least she would let her stay the night. But after the rain, she would probably send the poor darling to the shelter. 

   Just thinking about this made his heart hurt. In his lamenting, Kazue had forgotten to answer her question causing her to peek over the counter worriedly. 


"A-ah! Mum everything is fine! Amon and I were just playing!" 

"Really?"  she sounded kind of suspicious, but let it go after Kazue reached out to pet Rashomon, Amon, Rashy the dog [2]. Who happily received the attention. 

  The 16 years old redhead let out a sigh and quietly entered his room after shooing the dog away. Seriously, Why his mother thought buying that dog was a good idea he will never know. 

 But he was not complaining because Rashomon did viciously tear apart that burglar after he tried to shoot Shuuji. The dog was vicious when protecting his family, and Kazue could respect that.

  He finally turned to his bed, only to see the kitten in his bag trying desperately to get out causing him to chuckle. 

"Okay okay, you can get out now." 

He mumbled, taking the small black kitten with green eyes out of his bag. And wasn't this kitten the cutest thing ever? Setting it down, Kazue looked around his room for a spare towel. 

  Finding one, he started drying it's wet fur while surfing through the internet for any news like he always did. Maybe he was hoping too much. Maybe those little cubes were nothing but his own imagination. 

 Even then he cannot help but hope that somebody else could see them too. So he can confirm that he was not the only one, so he can share his world with them, just so he won't be lonely like this.

"Kazu-kun[1]! Dinner is ready!" 

 Surpassing his thoughts which were just depressing, Kazue answered back. What use was thinking those? If such people existed they will appear someday. 

"Coming mum!" 

He gently poked the kitten on the nose, watching as she clawed for his hand. Laughing softly, he stood up to leave. 

"I'll bring you food soon." 

With a small smile, Kazue left his room. Unaware of the eyes watching his every move,of the small cracks on the chain that held his own cube to him. 

  And if his cube shone a little brighter none was any wiser. 

 'Tonight is gonna be a peaceful night'

A lone figure thought as he watched the certain red haired teenager dining with his family like a hunter eyeing his prey. Cold smile bloomed on his face, revealing the cruel person within. The figure closed his eyes, with one last whisper he turned away and left. 

"Enjoy tonight Harukami Kazue, for who knows what tomorrow will bring~" 


[1].Kazu-chan - is a nickname given by his mother. 

[2]. The nickname of the dog Rashomon. 

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