
please reset the booktitle Daniel_Oxley 20231218092329 23

there are 12 beings whose powers surpass the ordinary but out of nowhere comes a 13th. follow to learn more about him.

Daniel_Oxley · Fantasi
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3 Chs

Start of journey.

Who is the 13th king, I honestly have no idea but honestly it isn't important now because its finally time to go and apply for an academy once one discovers their ability, they are finally able to join an academy though only through one's talent and ability will they be able to get in, there are 5 major academy's that dominate the human domain; them being ; 1. Sunshine Academy where your gold can outweigh your talent, 2. Eclipse Academy this school mostly accepts students whose abilities are more inclined towards assassination and espionage, 3. The Martial Arts Sanctuary you'll mostly find students who prefer to fight with their fist than throws flashy spells here, 4. Magus Academy where magically inclined students gather and finally, 5. Gifted Academy where those who wish to pursue both martial arts and magic gather, this academy is seen as the hardest to enter by most and is the academy that I'll be applying for.

To apply to an academy, I must first travel to academy city where all academies hold their entrance exams each academy only accepts ten thousand students each year so if you want to enter you must compete against others to secure a spot but before one can one must prove that they have the talent necessary to join the school, usually you'd need at least D rank talent to enter but after the acceptance competition usually those of rank D+ and lower are knocked out, thankfully my talent is at the S rank level, in this world the highest talent rank is S but that's not the limit of power you can achieve the true limit is EX rank and there are only 15 of them in the human domain in order to surpass the S rank one must upon reaching the limit of the rank enter a seclusion and condense their magic core to the limit and then using the new formed energy from condensing their magic core to evolve themselves from normal humans to transcendants or as we call them saints, after evolution you would now find yourself with a new talent level ranging from S+ to EX rank the higher the quality of energy you were able to condense the greater the talent you'd be able to achieve, but that's still a long way off for me.

Upon arriving at academy city, the first thing I noticed was the abundance of youths accompanied by their parents, I guess things were going to get started soon, so I quickly made my way in line and awaited my turn to get my talent tested, I already knew I was in the clear so while I waited I listened out for any interesting persons who I could befriend later on my journey.( half an hour later )

It took a minute but after some time there were a few persons who caught my attention. Firstly, was Jonathon Abraham who had S rank talent in the Space attribute, which was very rare, secondly was a young lady named Aria Neptune who had the double attributes S rank wind and A+ rank fire, which was a pretty great combination, then we had Sasha Lance who shook me the most her talent level wasn't all that special, but it was the combination that surprised me; Light and Dark magic both at A rank a lot of persons would see this as bad luck due to the clash between both of her elements but if she was able to gain control and mastery over both her elements to the point where she could combine both she may become someone with the highest damage output to ever exist and finally there was a peculiar one Luke Anthony, he was by no means special I mean his talent was only B rank but it was the first time I've heard of someone with the time element so he should by no means ordinary.

Now finally it was my turn I walked up to the glowing mana orb with great confidence and placed my hand on it and with great confusion the instructor said aloud Talent S+ lightning magic.