
please reset the booktitle Blue_Ocean 20231218092329 40

Penulis: Blue_Ocean
Magical Realism
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What is please reset the booktitle Blue_Ocean 20231218092329 40

Baca novel please reset the booktitle Blue_Ocean 20231218092329 40 yang ditulis oleh penulis Blue_Ocean yang diterbitkan di WebNovel. Prince Clayton was thrown outside with the trash."You filthy demon scum! Your lucky your father made you!""Get out of here you pitiful halfling! Take your dying mother with you!"Prince Clayton was jus...


Prince Clayton was thrown outside with the trash. "You filthy demon scum! Your lucky your father made you!" "Get out of here you pitiful halfling! Take your dying mother with you!" Prince Clayton was just betrayed, tossed into the rain, and forced to carry his mother on his back to the lowest city. He would no longer be the prince of Mermithid Continent, and instead was destined to live a poor mans life as a half demon, half human boy. He'd also have to go to school, train without the kingdoms resources, and find himself a place in a ladies heart. Rather then being upset, though, he just took the stones thrown at him with a smile on his face. "Finally, I get to see what a true life is like!" He turned and dodged a rock before some small girls tore off his rags and ran off leaving the wind his only solace. His mother, with poison coursing through her veins, left him defenseless, but nonetheless he trudged on. "Yes, mock me now, but I will soon be the most powerful god in all the land!" This was the start of Clayton's rise to the top.

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【苏爽、宠文、虐渣、男强女强、团宠、逆袭升级、宠妻狂魔】 星际大佬乔晗不慎跌入时空裂缝,再一睁眼竟穿到了订婚现场,‘准未婚夫’还正在口吐芬芳,乔大佬飞起一脚,嗯,世界终于清净了! 发现自己穿成了古蓝星小说里肤白貌美,家世顶级,偏偏脑残的喜欢上了男主,死缠烂打最后被害的家破人亡的同名炮灰女配,乔大佬勾起唇角:“真是极好的!” 一朝退婚,草包、无能、嚣张跋扈、配不上等嘲讽之语在圈子里四起, 对此,乔大佬杵着下巴:“不急,慌什么!” 众人:“呵呵,装,你接着装!” 后来 顶级学神、投资大佬、点金圣手、医学奇迹、科学天才…… 众人:“卧草,脸好疼!” “女神您还缺腿部挂件吗?能暖.床,会卖萌,肩宽腿长,八块腹肌的那种!” 他是高冷学长,亦是商界新贵 他容貌俊美,矜贵异常,不近女色 他杀伐果断,是最神秘的古老家族继承人,从星际到蓝星,他化身贴心小奶狗,撒娇小能手,宠妻狂魔势要追到那个吃干抹净就不负责的‘小骗子’! #你爸爸到哪儿都是你爸爸# #两个满级大佬在线修炼小号# #霸气护短大佬女主vs可奶可狼,可盐可甜,为了追到媳妇差点把自己逼成百变‘小精灵’,在黑化边缘疯狂试探的占有欲超强忠犬妻管严男主#

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I'm not quite sure how to comment as there are only 2 chapters that have been written, but I hope this book will make me feel more energetic after reading it..


Good 123 456 789 gggggggggdf eghnrgmryjmhrjmymjrrjymyrmjryjmyrmiyekryimrykimyrimyri,ryimryi,ruiryimryimryimryi,ryimryiryumryjmryjmryjmrjymryimfyjmryimryimyrjmryimryimruimryjmryjmryjmryjmyjrmrukmryjmryjmrujmukrmtujryrjmryjmrjymruimukr,ukr,uri,ui,rui,ruimrui,rui,rui,rui,ruiruimrui,ryk,rku,ruk,ryi,rui,rui,rui,ryi,ryimyrjmyrjmyrimyrjmryjmjyrmryjmfyjmyrjmmjry


Looks like it could be a good story, but due to it only having two chapters out, its hard to make a decision. Would definitely read more if there is more to be read, but im not sure if the author stopped writing it.


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