
Long Qin

Longxia Continent, Serpent City

Demon Valley

Inside a dark cave in the middle of the valley:

"God why do you hate me so much, giving me life at a good family, good looks, arranged marriage with a great beauty and yet you give me no talent at all" bitterly said a young, handsome guy.

That's Long Qin who was thrown inside the Demon Valley because of his non-existent talent thus

shaming the prestigious Long family. At sixteen years old he has yet to reach the first stage of Body Refinement realm. Even though he was the young master of the Long family with countless resources and the tutelage of many teachers by his side, he can't progress at all.

The cultivation ranks in this world are Body Refinement, Houtian, Xiantian, Martial King and Martial Emperor. Or so at least Long Qin knows because in Serpent County someone stronger that Xiantian haven't appeared but he knows of the existence of the upper realms because of the Ghost Pavilion which rules over five countries of which one is Serpent Country.

Long Qin composed himself because its not time to be lamenting about how sad his life is because he is currently facing a bigger problem. In front of him a strange looking green rat with black horns and green scales. He said rat but this one is even bigger than a bear.

"Im finished" said Long Qin. Because of the fact that he has yet to reach the Body Refinement realm he can be considered a mortal. Mortals have trouble facing normal beasts like tigers and lions and this rat in front of him is clearly some strange kind of a Demonic beast.

Demonic beasts are beasts that can cultivate and have some level of intelligence depending of their cultivation realm. Even though they are dumb they aren't to be underestimated because a Demonic beast can easily defeat a practitioner of the same realm because their bodies are countless times stronger than a humans.

The rat suddenly noticed a person and its eyes lit up clearly interested in this human. This greatly scared Long Qin.

"So umm Mr. Rat can you let me go? I'm skinny and have no cultivation so you won't satiate your hunger but if you let me go I will get you some meat to eat. Not a bad deal right?"

The rat ignored his worlds and continued looking at him.

Just when Long Qin though that he was gonna become food for this strange rat a dark, sinister voice rang deafening the cave.

"HAHA, heavens are finally on my side by sending someone to inherit my legacy" the voice continued laughing for a bit before asking "Brat, even though your cultivation and talent are trash but I can fix this problem, so I'm telling you that from now you are my disciple"

The voice didn't come from the rat but still scared Long Qin.

"So brat come to the end of the cave to meet me" the voice continued.

Just after this worlds came did Long Qin come to reality and decided that it is better to do what he is told than to just wait for death.

Long Qin though that the rat would suddenly attack him but was stunned upon seeing the rat kneeling to him.

"Master" said the rat while kneeling to Long Qin. Instead of getting happy of this Long Qin was even more scared because even a Martial Emperor Demonic beast can't talk which means that he someone became the "master" of an existence surpassing Martial Emperor.

After recovering he started walking towards the end of the cave and after walking for who knows how long did he reach a blood pool. Next to the blood pool leaning on a wall was a dried up corpse with crystal-like bones. However the strange part was that these bones were strangely connected which indicated that they didn't belong to a human, however they didn't seem to belong to a demonic beast too.

Suddenly the bones moved. The corpse opened its mouth and started speaking "Brat I don't have much time so enter that blood pool to inherit my legacy, remember soak in it for an entire year non-stop and don't ever leave it no matter how much pain do you experience."

"Now before I entirely vanish from existence I will give you a cultivation technique that I practiced since my youth called Immortal Demon Art!"

After saying this the skeleton gave Long Qin an old and tattered book and finally his bones completely broke and the mysterious expert and new master of Long Qin died.