
Chapter 2, System boogaloo

 I stood up from the bed, and started thinking. This world has 2 factions, one of which I wouldn't even go near due to them basically being MAIDENLESS.


I mean.

Their lack of fine females and general assholery.

So, It's probably a good thing that I can't kill people, because that's the main requirement of the faction with all the ladies.

I definitely don't want to be blacklisted from the lifegiving fist guys just because I accidentally punched someone too hard. After that though my vision goes blurry for a moment while my memories from this life are shoved right in there like a hot-poker on a cows ass.

INT from 8 to 9 for thinking of the good parts of a bad situation.​

I shrug and start doing pushups in hopes that strengthening my body while brainstorming isn't a waste of time.

WIS from 8 to 9 for using your brain in order to not waste your time.​

Well, my memories say I'm an orphan but this apartment sure says otherwise. It's a really nice apartment after all. Barebones backstory too. This is a serious minimum effort.

Anyway, in this world my parents died of a car crash, but they were on vacation in japan. I'm half-japanese even with the name Zack Hammers and fuck you for that stupid last name by the way.

My memories of myself in the mirror clearly show some White haired bishounen ripoff that looks like a taller DXD Kiba ripoff. With a sharper jawline and white hair.

Instead of his falsely innocent eyes mine seem to smolder with intensity without my input.

STR 8 to 9 for pushing your muscles.​

That was fast, I only did 3 push ups! I've got plenty in the tank, too.

Up, down, up, down. I feel the burn. That's 9 push ups so far.

END 8 to 9 for going longer than you should with how much STR and END you started with.

STR 9 to 10 for feeling the burn, only to stop feeling the burn by being refreshed. ​

I keep going because the fact that I keep getting END and STR that stops me from getting too tired to continue is utter bullshit.

I love this kind of bullshit.


I fall to the floor like my arms are dead.

You have reached collapse for your arm muscles. 

STR 10 to 13.

END 9 to 12

VIT 8 to 11​

Shrugging internally because my arms clearly can't do it for me, I approach the chair in the corner and drag myself like a worm towards it using my stomach and chin.

VIT 11 to 12 for doing a- shall I say- umm- unique. That's the word, Unique, core workout. You go man-worm!​

"Thanks for the extra VIT, but seriously stop mocking me for doing what needs to be done, seriously." I mumbled, as a bit of dust in my face got in my mouth.

I got no response, but I wasn't expecting one.

I shrug, and with a twist of my legs and core, I'm in an upright sitting position in the chair. My head over the backrest and luckily it's a spin chair, so I can probably train DEX with this.

For being smart by doing crazy stuff to achieve your fitness goals and by using a mad plan that actually worked, your INT and WIS have improved accordingly

INT 9 to 12​

WIS 9 to 12

By doing a strange, not-quite-kip-up into a chair for a reverse sitting position, only to want MORE gainz of the DEX variety, Here's some DEX.

DEX 8 to 13

You have gained the skill, -fitness LVL 1 and it has leveled up twice.-

-Fitness level 3- Effect: +1% body related stat gain speed and + 1% stat effectiveness of body related stats per level of the skill.

You have gained the skill, -acrobatics LVL 1- and it has leveled up once.

-Acrobatics level 2- Effect: +1% to DEX related effects per level and +2% reaction speed as well as +4% maximum jumping distance per level of the skill.

You have gained the skill, -Flexibility LVL 1- and it has leveled up three times.

-Flexibility LVL4- Effect: +5% range of motion for the body and joints per level of the skill.​

10 minutes of me spinning in the chair and trying to hit a spot I chose with my feet over and over.

I stop before I feel like I need to vomit more than I already do.

I get what you were trying to do, but that's not a dex exercise, that's just torturing yourself. But since that was so entertaining and stupid that it made me laugh I'll make an exception just for you.

For being dexterously dumb, DEX 13 to 16.

For being so entertaining that my laugh will endure for a while, END 12 to 14​

I raise my hand in a salute, I lower my pinky finger and raise my hand further, I drop the thumb into a fist so It looks like I'm one of the dumb-asses from the hunger games and raise it a bit more. My ring finger goes down, followed by my pointer finger. I twirl the bird in the air for good measure. "Fuck. you."

+1 reputation with the game for being entertaining.

You have gained the skill, -Nausea resistance LVL 1- it has leveled up twice. 

-Nausea resistance lvl 3- 5% resistance to things that cause nausea per skill level.

You have gained the skill, -Disorientation resistance LVL 1- it has leveled up 4 times.

-Disorientation Resistance LVL 5- Increases resistance to Disorientation related debuffs by 4% per skill level.

You have gained the boon -Photo Neuron Activation- for 5 hours. Due to the system being extremely entertained. +50% learning speed, +200% jumping distance.

New quest: Get to school on time, BOZO! 

Hey, dumbass it's 8 minutes til the bell rings and you still haven't even gotten dressed. As your dex is 16, which is 1 more than 5 times that of how Kenichi started, you better fuckin' make it, dude.


Being part of the plot

+400 EXP

Variable Reputation with Miu Furinji

Variable Delayed Reputation with Ryozanpaku Dojo

Variable Delayed Reputation with Katsujinken practitioners.

Variable Delayed+ Reputation with the Phoenix Alliance.

Variable Enmity with Ragnarok

Variable Enmity with Yomi

Variable Delayed+ Enmity with Yami

Variable Delayed enmity with Satsujinken Practitioners.​

By the time I've finished reading the last line about enmity with killing fist type martial artists just for going to fucking school, I mean grow the fuck up, I am already jumping across the wharf that is railed off in order to reach school faster. I run past a pretty blonde who is probably Miu Furinji, but I'm not gonna rush this, I only slow down enough to wink at her with a smirk and then keep going.

'Okay' I direct mentally to the system,' don't tell me about any skill again until after school, alright. I don't wanna look too weird in front of this girl.'

Ight, I got you.​

-Skill and stat updates conditionally disabled.-​

+15 Reputation with Miu Furinji for being a hot guy who's just her type.

 +5 reputation with Miu Furinji for being fast and having enough jumping strength to take her shortcut to school.

I quickly arrive at the gate with 3 minutes to spare, as Miu catches up to me in short order.

She doesn't seem winded at all, even though neither am I. But that's because I'm a cheating cheater who cheats at life.

Dex 16 to 17

END 14 to 15

VIT 11 to 13​

"Hi! That was a good jump! I'm Miu Furinji. How about you?" She asks, not being shy at all.

I grin, and introduce myself resisting the urge to cringe at my new last name. "My name's Zack Hammers, I'm just starting here today, and yeah, I work out." I flex my arm and indeed my biceps flex very prominently. I follow that up with a smirk and a wink. Oh my god that was cringe.

She smiles and nods, while trying to hide a blush.

"Hi, Zack, It's good to meet you. I hope we have the same homeroom!" She exclaims and thank god I haven't heard a single San or Chan or Tan or Dono or what the fuck ever since I got here because that would get old real quick.

+5 reputation with Miu Furinji for being hot and showing romantic interest in her.​

Holy shit did that work? Is this girl attention starved or something? Okay, don't push luck. Play it cool. I turn back to the entrance and store my shoes in the provided locker, grabbing the school-issue slippers and putting them on.

I see Miu Hesitate for a moment, and then grab my arm. "Let's go together then!" she says, cheerfully. She then looks away shyly, "If you want, that is." Instead of me pushing my luck, the sexy martial artist with glasses and a body to die for is doing it instead.

I accept of course, I'm not a moron.


I decide to check my status and then observe her to compare us as we walk.

Zack Hammers

Title: The Gamer


Race -Human- Lvl 1

Class -blank- lvl 1

STR 13

END 15

DEX 17

VIT 13

WIS 12

INT 12

CW 1.0



-Jogging lvl 1-

-Running LVL 2-

-Sprinting LVL 1-

-Fitness level 3-

-Acrobatics level 2-

-Flexibility LVL4- 

-Nausea resistance lvl 3- 

-Disorientation Resistance LVL 5-

-Long Jump LVL 4-

-Flirting lvl 1-


-Gamer's Mind-

-Gamer's Body-


-Conceptual weight.-

-Martial arts prodigy of the highest order.-

-Mercy is the privilege of the physically gifted.-

-EXP printer go BRRRR-

-Photo Neuron Activation- (TEMP) 4 hours 50 minutes remaining.


-Conceptual gun control.-

-Crippled mana pathways, YOUTH! Edition.-

-Mercy or else. Unless my bitches are involved. In which case, fuck you!-

-Protagonist? What? You think this is a story?!-

Alright, making progress. Now, Observe.

Miu Furinji

Age 16

She's a good mix between extremely hot, and very cute. She has a good personality, I should definitely date her.





Alright. I get it, my observe is only level one.

It's level 2 but someone doesn't want updates. If it was level 1, it wouldn't have given you her age.

Ignoring the system we arrive at our home-room. Due to the fact I didn't fall into the river, Thank you Long jump powers- for being there for me. I got to sit next to MIu and listen to things I already know given in the context of Japan and not 'murica.


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