
Holy Moon Festival

"G-Goliath!?" Asfi exclaimed, "What is a boss monster doing here!?"

In response, Kisuke just chuckled after witnessing the birth of the black-skinned Goliath through the crystals that gave light on the 18th floor, "Now things have become more interesting~." Although he hated it when other people schemed against him and those important to him, he didn't have the same hesitation when doing it to others, hence, he suggested summoning a strong monster to Hermes.

"Yep. That's a floor boss." Hermes muttered as he watched the Goliath drop down from the ceiling, creating a shockwave.

"Hermes-sama! What did you do this time!?" Asfi asked in a panic.

"There is some truth in Kisuke-kun's words. However, this time, it isn't just for amusement." Hermes tipped his hat and muttered.

While gritting her teeth, Asfi asked again, "Please tell me what's going on!?"

"A tantrum." Hermes answered, "The Dungeon hates it, you see. Hates the fact that Gods are all the way down here. However, what I don't understand is why is the Dungeon more sensitive than normal. Although it would have summoned a monster, it shouldn't have summoned a floor boss with just a bit of Divine Aura."

Hermes then commanded Asfi, "Asfi... Go to Rivira and call for reinforcements."

"What!? Isn't retreat a better option!?"

Hermes then faced the paths towards the 18th floor, "Take a look. Our route to the surface caved in. Seems the Dungeon won't let us retreat."

Asfi gritted her teeth harder before leaving Hermes alone, "Fine!!! But if I can't get out of this place alive, I'll haunt you forever!"

Hermes shook his head, "I'm going to be punished for sure." He then faced Kisuke, "What are you planning to do? With you in there, their survival skyrockets."

"Nope. Nothing. I won't do anything. Although I suggested this, I didn't say I'll help out." Kisuke replied while thinking, 'I just wanted to confirm how a God's aura affected the Dungeon. Thanks to that, I was able to gather valuable data.'

Hermes sighed and sat down, intending to watch what was about to unfold. Kisuke, on the other hand, stayed quiet.

While the Goliath started decimating its surroundings, the group that attacked Bell was targeted. However, Hermes was impressed that Bell still decided to help them when they were in danger, proving that he had the disposition of a hero that this era needs now, 'I've seen something great. Following his suggestion was indeed the right thing.'

With the leader of Rivira, Bors, along with Asfi and Ryuu, they led the battle against the Goliath. However, it wasn't an easy fight as it was not just the Black Goliath that appeared. Smaller monsters also started roaming around the whole floor, disrupting the formation created by the Adventurers to deal with the Floor Boss.

But even though the Black Goliath was stronger than the Goliath on the 17th floor, the people of Rivira were already used to dealing with his kind since this floor boss had the same move set, albeit, stronger.

With the volley of magic from the casters in the backline, they were able to gravely injure the Black Goliath and thought that it was about to be killed with just a bit more push.

However, contrary to their expectation, the Black Goliath roared and gathered magic power on its fist, smashing it on the ground and creating a very powerful shockwave that was enough to change the floor's terrain around it.

Since they were in the shockwave's destructive radius, Kisuke hurriedly grabbed Hermes and used Flash Step to get away.

Startled, Hermes thanked Kisuke, "Thanks... But dare I say, you're pretty fast."

Kisuke didn't say anything and just watched the progress of the battle. It was then that he saw Bell's skill, 'A charging type skill?'

With the same magic that he used to defeat the Minotaur, Bell was able to blast away the Black Goliath's head with his white Firebolt.

Kisuke then looked around and saw everyone's state before he started to walk away.

Seeing his action, Hermes asked, "You're not going to watch until the end?"

"I already know how it's going to end," Kisuke answered while waving his hand, leaving the place. He knew that this was not enough to defeat the Goliath due to its increased regenerative abilities, but it was not just Bell who was out there, and soon enough, Bell's skill should be able to overpower that monster and destroy the magic stone inside it, 'That's a hero's strike, alright.'

Easily going through the caved-in path towards the 17th floor, Kisuke was able to return to the Loki Familia when they were on the 6th floor.

"What happened?" Yoruichi asked after she noticed that the Gigai beside her became the real Kisuke.

"I captured it through a video camera. You can watch it later." Kisuke answered with a smile.

Not more than an hour later, they were able to reach the surface. "Finally! The sun!", shouted Tiona while jumping around excitedly.

But the first to approach them were not the people of the Loki Familia or the Guild, but a horse-drawn carriage that was driven by Kuroka, "Welcome back, nya~!"

Kisuke then went to Finn's side while Yoruichi talked to the supporters who were carrying the stretchers where Aika, Koneko, and Sona slept on and asked them to carefully load them up to the carriage.

"Deimne-san, thank you very much for taking care of our girls." Kisuke removed his hat and thanked Finn properly.

Finn then put out his right hand, "It should be our part to be thankful for their presence. I hope that we can work together again in the future."

Kisuke shook his hand and replied, "Much obliged." He then turned towards Riveria after separating from Finn and added, "See you around, Riveria-san."

Riveria nodded, "I'll be seeing you soon."

Kisuke also nodded at him and acknowledged Gareth before turning his way towards the horse-drawn carriage.

But before he could get away, Kisuke heard Ais from behind him, "I'm not giving up."

Kisuke didn't turn around and continued walking, only waving his hand in acknowledgment of her words. However, those parting words and actions only fueled the already brewing misunderstanding for most of the members in the Loki Familia. They thought that Kisuke and Ais had something going on, seeing how the latter kept chasing after the former.

As Kisuke took his distance, he could feel the 'grievance' of the Loki Familia members at the thought of someone taking away the Sword Princess which they idolized. But Kisuke couldn't care less about what they thought about him and just go on his way uninterrupted.

When he reached the carriage, he saw that everyone was already riding it and he didn't forget to thank the supporters who carried the three girls throughout their whole journey.

On the way back, Kisuke noticed that people, Adventurers, Guild members, and ordinary citizens were getting busy decorating the streets, "Is there an event?"

"If I remember it right, it should be the Holy Moon Festival in ten days," Yoruichi answered after racking up her brain to recall what was scheduled to happen.

"Holy Moon Festival?" Kisuke asked. Since he was too busy with a lot of things, holidays were out of his radar and he just left this kind of information to Yoruichi.

"Yep, nya~. This is a traditional celebration that dates back before the Gods' descent, nya. It's supposed to be an event where people send their prayers to the Moon Goddess for protection against monsters. The festival will occur every 6th Fullmoon of the year, nya." Kuroka answered. She then looked towards Kisuke and Yoruichi with a smile, "Take this chance to go on a date, nya~."

Yoruichi looked at her and said, "Hmm? I thought you'll be jumping on this chance."

Chuckling, Kuroka replied, "You two have been too busy with your things. So you haven't had much time with each other, right? You two have helped everyone else a lot so please use this time for yourselves, nya~."

Kisuke smiled, "I guess that's the plan ten days later~."

Kisuke thought that it was just enough time to completely stabilize the device which could help them to travel through dimensions and return to their former world.



Alexander: Finally some romance. However, if the dimensional device will be completed, then it can mean only one thing. PHIS-CHAMA can finally visit her beloved Donut-dealer and break Ais' curse through pure cuteness/innocence.

28th00: My Phis-chama senses are tingling! SHE COMES! WE SHALL GET OUR INFINITE CHAOS LOLI DRAGON VOID GOD AGAIN! Hell shall be raised in this poor, poor city. Doors shall be made through walls, daedalus street shall be remodeled when she eventually gets lost there! Criminal Famila shall get NOMMED, gods included, when they try to even THREATEN HER FOOD ! Side-note, I think Ais would have one of those existential crises' when she meets Phis-chama, she's the Black Dragon to end all Black Dragons (Being a Void Dragon God), but also a child (mentality and shape wise), but also a god(dess? Sex is pretty fluid when you're an avatar of a primodrial aspect of reality after all.), the thing she can't even comprehend harming.

Goyya: Phis-chama should appear around Chapter 500+