
The Stadium Maniac (Football)

IMPORTANT NOTE: Please go read the auxiliary chapter where I will explain the important things about this novel and its more detailed translation ----------------------------------- Reincarnated into the body of AC Milan's Digao, he trained with the top team, played in the World Cup, and was surrounded by gorgeous women. He even witnessed how he created a new miracle on the pitch! See how the footballer becomes a master in an instant!

Alexxz · Celebrities
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794 Chs

Chapter 5 High profile

Chapter 5 High profile

Cristiano spent a sleepless night tremblingly, and when it was dawn, he hurriedly sent away the elder sister Ruhua who kept saying that she wanted to live and die for him and raise children for him.

When I arrived at the restaurant with two big dark circles under my eyes, the first thing I saw was my friend Rooney who was holding back a smile, although the two had a very unhappy scene at the World Cup.

At that time, Rooney even said in an interview that he never wanted to talk to Jin Maoluo in his life, but the friendship of men is sometimes very difficult to understand.

Especially the life-threatening friendship with prostitutes together!

"Cristiano! Should I help you to correct your aesthetics? The weird one yesterday~~~~~ No! I mean beauty, how did you find it!"

Jin Maoluo bit the sandwich viciously, gave Rooney a hard look, and slandered in his heart: You can have a soft spot for your wife, that female man, so why can't you change your taste?

Just as he was vomiting in his heart, he suddenly thought of the appearance of that woman, and Jin Maoluo almost vomited again.

Jin Maoluo was disgusting, but Digan had a good sleep, but when he and Irina went downstairs together and appeared in front of his family, the playful smiles of the family made him feel so cheeky. , the thick lines can't help but feel hot on the face.

On the contrary, Irina seemed very generous and greeted everyone as if she was supposed to be here in the first place.

Digan couldn't help sighing when he looked at it: Sometimes, although this woman's face looks very ordinary, in fact, it has long been invisible.

After breakfast, Digan was taken aside by Kakara. The prince on the court, the noble son off the court, the idol in the hearts of countless girls, sometimes, he is very dishonest, especially in front of his family, he even It can be said to be naughty.

"Rod! Congratulations! Irina is a good girl!"

Digan looked Kaka up and down: "Can I interpret your words as jealousy?"

Kaka was stunned for a moment, and then greeted him with a straight punch. He knew Degan too well. No matter how he answered, the bad boy Degan would immediately inform Caroline. He would be the one who suffered at that time. .

Digan dodged: "Are you threatening me?"

Kaka hugged Digan's neck and whispered: "Rod! You know, Caroline is pregnant, and there are some things that you can't say to him, damn it, I didn't say anything at all What."

"Then why are you nervous?"

Kaka was tragic: "That's because I know that you can always make Caroline nervous!"

"Honey! What are you talking to Rhodes?"

Kaka was still looking fierce just now, but when she heard Caroline's voice, she immediately put on a gentleman's face again: "No! I'm just telling Rhodes something!"

Digan looked helplessly: Brother! Don't you feel tired living like this?

After evading interrogation from his family, Digan accompanied Irina to the beach. The clothes thrown into the sea yesterday had long drifted to somewhere in the Pacific Ocean.

The blonde girl I met yesterday is already waiting with others. Irina is not as leisurely as Digan. She came to Bali this time for work and to take promotional photos for a certain fashion magazine.

Sofia saw that Irina was actually with Digan, and thought that Irina didn't go back to the hotel last night. If she wasn't stupid, she would know what happened.

As a photographer for a fashion magazine, she naturally knows how to maximize her profits.

Immediately, Sophia invited Digan to participate in the filming together, and Digan also knew that if he appeared on camera, he could help Irina improve her reputation, so she naturally agreed.

When Digan appeared, those reporters were naturally indispensable. When the reporters saw that Digan and Irina were walking together very closely, they were all blown up.

What is the most eye-catching thing in the football world's truce?

Of course, it was the lace news about those stars. The cycad tree of Degan had blossomed. This was big news. All the reporters raised their cameras and took pictures of Degan and Irina.

There were also reporters who were clever and sent Irina's photo back to the headquarters as quickly as possible to inquire about the identity of this beauty.

Although Irina is a well-known model, she is still very unfamiliar to these reporters, far inferior to Canalis, Belen, who have already been in the rivers and lakes, captured Vieri, Digan's big senior.

Although the speed of these reporters is not slow, they can be regarded as belated. When they were still chasing Digan and Irina, and wanted to take a few more intimate photos of the two, A magazine published a group of photos. Although it was taken at night, people could easily tell that the man in the photo, half naked, with a woman on his back, was still in the sea. There is also a more explosive photo of Digan and that woman hugging each other. Although people can't see the bottom clearly because of the damn sea water, it is not difficult to see the relationship between the two of them just by looking at their upper bodies. generally.

Deegan is in love!

Since Digan and Avril Lavigne broke up peacefully, there has never been any woman by Degan's side. Although Beren thought about rekindling the old relationship during the period, Digan refused without hesitation.

People are speculating that Degan's outlook on life has been distorted all of a sudden because of emotional frustration, and his sexual orientation has also changed.

Because there is no cat who doesn't steal. In the football world, especially in the Italian football circle, autumn is outstanding, with a handsome face, and there are a few who can control their waistbands.

Digan's performance is really abnormal.

When this group of photos was exposed, people finally discovered that the world is still normal, and Digan still likes women.

Digan didn't know that the events of last night were actually recorded, but now, he knew that there must be many flies around him, but he didn't care at all.

Digan is not an idol star who relies on his face to make a living, and there is no need to cover up his love affair. Since it happened, there is nothing to escape. People will know it sooner or later. Digan feels that it is better for him first show off.

Irina didn't care much more, her job was to live under the spotlight, those reporters wanted to shoot, whatever they wanted, Irina even took the initiative to cooperate and show off her love for Digan in front of the camera.

When these photos were gradually published, the whole world exploded, even ordinary people, people are not in the mood to spy on other people's private lives, but Digan is different!

Who made Digan a world superstar!