
The Stadium Maniac (Football)

IMPORTANT NOTE: Please go read the auxiliary chapter where I will explain the important things about this novel and its more detailed translation ----------------------------------- Reincarnated into the body of AC Milan's Digao, he trained with the top team, played in the World Cup, and was surrounded by gorgeous women. He even witnessed how he created a new miracle on the pitch! See how the footballer becomes a master in an instant!

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794 Chs

Chapter 176 Eastern European Cavalry

Chapter 176 Eastern European Cavalry

Czech Republic, since the 1996 European Cup almost created a miracle, Czech football has always been a very important force in European football.

With the help of a large group of excellent players such as Nedved, Popolski, Smicer, Borg and Kohler, the Czech team has always been the most anticipated team in the European Cup. Because of the tenacious style of the Eastern European Iron Army, and because the Czech offensive is so sexy.

The brilliance of 1996 is still fresh in people's memory. In 2000, in the confrontation with the Netherlands and France, they unfortunately lost the death group and missed the knockout round, but the Czech Republic still won the respect of the world.

In the European Cup in 2004, the Czech Republic reversed the Dutch game 3:2 in the group stage. It is considered to be one of the most classic events in the history of the European Cup.

In the past three European Cups, the Czech Republic has contributed a lot of wonderful games and classic shots to the fans. Their offense has been talked about by people. The talented Nedved, Popolski and Rosicky have supported the facade of Czech football. .

But in 2008, the former Czech team no longer existed. With Nedved, Popovski and other veterans having already faded out of the national team, Rosicky became the team's only offensive core.

It can be said that it is an indisputable fact that the level of Czech football has been declining in recent years. This situation is too cold for all those who love the Czech Republic. However, this European Cup, they still exhausted their last effort to start own show. I am afraid that apart from the domestic fans of the Czech Republic, very few people will support them to win this European Cup. The only suspense is when they will be eliminated.

35-year-old Garasek, 35-year-old Jan Kohler, 31-year-old Jankulovski, 31-year-old Sionko, 30-year-old Ujfalusi.

In the first match against the host Swiss team, when Jan Kohler faced the Swiss team players who were sitting at home, he repeatedly plotted behind the back. Effectively keep the ball up front at one time. ?? Stadium Maniac 176

When he gave the ball to Rosicky under the opponent's pull, and the latter volleyed the ball vigorously and sent the ball into the host's gate, any loyal Czech fan had no choice but to admire, man's The highest and the greatest, that's all there is to it?

There are nobles and darlings in every field in this world, but don't forget? Don't forget that there are still some people who don't have the highest talent, the most precious resources, the most superior environment, and no Romans in their own industry. The spotlights of the Naerdos do not have the blood of participating in the noble salon. All they have are dreams, beliefs and unyielding struggles. It is precisely by these that they can move towards their own victory step by step.

Nedved can't become a superstar, his generation of players, the halo will always be left to Ronaldo and Beckham, but he can win the Serie A championship in Lazio with his own hard work, and can win the semi-finals of the Champions League The one who saw the red bayonet defeated Zidane and Figo, but that was because he was in Juventus.

What can everyone see when they arrive at the Czech national team?

No matter in the field of European or world football, the tragic giant of the Czech Republic has never been a star. They are just sharp weapons in the hands of the powerful to attack their opponents.

In the 2000 European Cup, the Czech Republic played against the host Netherlands. Ronald De Boer flopped in stoppage time. The World Golden Whistle did not hesitate to take away the 90-minute effort of the Czech, even though Pavel Nedved had knelt down for him.

In the end, Nedved could only leave his beloved national team with regret, and handed over the banner of Czech football to his younger generations to continue to work hard.

This time is the same. The Czech team faced the hosts in the first game. Although the level of Swiss football is far from that of the Netherlands, some off-field factors cannot be changed. Pollack's forehead was kicked in the Swiss penalty area and he was bleeding. No one cares about it. It is estimated that Pollack's nationality is Germany, so he will definitely blow a penalty. This is the fact. For the Czechs, it will always be cold and cruel.

In this European Cup, the Czech Republic's signing luck is actually very good, and they did not fall into the death group like they did in 1996 and 2004, but it cannot be said to be their luck, and more importantly, they are no longer four. It was the Czech Republic a few years ago. If they were still as strong as they were four years ago, maybe they would still be "drawn" into the death group.

This European Cup is probably the last performance of the 72 generation. Jan Kohler has publicly stated before the game that after this European Cup, he will quit the national team. The 72 golden generation is gone, but I believe in Czech football. The soul will not die, there will be better young players to continue to write the history of Czech football, there will be Nedved, Popolski, Jan Koller, Rosicky, Cech, they will love Czech football The fans will bring the next classic, the next breakthrough, perseverance, unyielding, hard work, and hard work will continue to be sublimated in their blood, for the Czech fans all over the world and those like them Ordinary and diligent people bring a splendid sky.

This is how the Czech Republic started their European Cup journey with the final tragedy and tenacity. The old coach Bruckner who led them is definitely a master tactician, but lacking offensive genius, the Czech Republic can only make up for it with hard work and through tenacity The defense strives for success.

In the first match, the host Switzerland, the Czech Republic's offense was lacklustre, and it was difficult to find a trace of "sexy" shadow. To be lucky enough to beat Switzerland, in addition to a solid defense, Petr Cech's miraculous performance, and a little bit of luck.

In that game, the Czech Republic played a 451 formation, but except for the striker Baros, the rest of the midfielders were almost defensive and supplemented by offense.

When the Swiss team took advantage of the home court to launch an offensive, the nine Czech players in the midfield could only be completely compressed near the penalty area, and the Swiss players were not given the opportunity to show their skills and talents.

Although the Swiss team played crazily in the first half, the tenacious Czech Republic relied on crazy and violent defense to contain the Swiss team's offense and used their tenacious will to deal with the host. ?? Stadium Maniac 176

Due to the lack of an attacking organization core, the Czech team lacks offensive means, and can only rely on punching and positioning balls to find opportunities. Left-back Jankulovski seems to be the organizer of the team's offense, but the entire Czech Republic can't find a suitable core of attacking leaders.

It is difficult for a wonderful offense to appear, and the Swiss team began to perform under the help of the referee. Violent malicious fouls abound on the court. Rosicky, Barosh, Prashir and the others were brutally brought down time and time again.

The extremely sexy Czech offensive football ** in the impression is gone, replaced by helplessness and tragic resistance.

The fighting spirit of the Czechs is commendable, but the Eastern European Iron Army, which no longer has geniuses, undoubtedly disappointed many fans who like Czech football.

The generation of Czech football players who were once all-powerful in history have gradually faded out of the historical stage, and the brand-new Eastern European Iron Army has gradually lost its direction.

In the end, the Czechs only relied on a header from Jan Kohler, who was unable to play, in front of the penalty area. Rosicky, the last genius of Czech football, shot a long shot and brought a victory to the Eastern European cavalry.

I have to admit that Czech football has declined. In fact, after the Czech Republic and Slovakia became independent on December 31, 1992, Czech football and Slovak football have embarked on a path that has nothing to do with each other. In the following period of time, Czech football developed more smoothly. They inherited the fine tradition of the old Czechoslovakian team. The 1996 and 2004 European Cups were undoubtedly the most shining moments for the Czech team.

However, the lack of Slovakia has inevitably caused Czech football to suffer heavy losses. The most obvious is the loss of talent. Just imagine, if this Czech team has Hamsik, maybe Rosicky can relax a lot.

If the Czech team and the Slovak team are still a team, this must be a powerful team that can compete with traditional strong teams such as England, Italy, the Netherlands, and Germany.

In the frontcourt, the "Czechoslovakia team" will be able to have the double-high combination of Vitek and Nechid. In the midfield, Hamsik does not have to feel lonely. Incomparably thick. In the backcourt, the "Czechoslovakia team" can also have goalkeepers Petr Cech, Mazukh, Siwok, Hubschmann and other stars.

Of course, all this is just a nostalgia for the past Eastern European football. If this is the case, the "Yugoslavia team" will be stronger. It will be composed of Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia and Montenegro. An All-Star team?

But in fact, if there is still a "Czechoslovakia team" or a "Yugoslavia team", there may not be stars such as Pandev, Dzeko, and Pjanic. As Boban said, Yugoslav football in the past paid great attention to players from the Belgrade area. If players from other cities want to stand out, they have to work twice as hard, and they may not necessarily be favored. Therefore, it is best to stay in the memory of the past glory of Eastern European football.

The first match was off to a good start. Today, the Czech Republic will face the defeat of the first match and the European Red Devils Belgians who have been "forced" to a dead end. This game will also directly affect the qualifying situation of this group.

In the previous game, Turkey defeated the host Switzerland team 2:1. Switzerland's European Cup journey has come to an end, and the Turks of the Star and Moon Legion advanced to the next round with their heads held high. The result of this game, It will be directly related to another qualifying place in Group A.

If the Czech team wins, then Belgium will leave the European Cup. If Belgium wins, the final round will determine the fate of the two teams.