What's this? Another story of Pets? You got that right. Birch lives a normal life until strange things started happening to him and his father, Jet. Birch and his friends decided to go and save his mother, Rudy. But will they be able to live safely in the forest?
Everything is calm. It's been five months since the war, and everything has finally settled down. I looked around the clearing, and a few cats were cleaning their fur and basking in the sun. "Birch! It's time to hunt!" I look at the entrance and I see my best friend, Jay. He was with a female named Lu and another male named Quinn. Lu is a Bombay cat with yellow eyes, and Quinn is a white cat with black paws and green eyes.
I'm a Turkish Van with sky blue eyes.
I stumbled to my friends and Quinn said, "Hey you're getting faster the more you walk, ya know!" I smiled and said, "Maybe I'll get to walk right someday!" Lu chuckled and Jay said, "Alright team! Let's go!" We walked into the forest, and I was able to catch a couple of mice. Lu caught a squirrel, and Jay caught a sparrow. Sadly, Quinn didn't catch anything, but what we had was enough for today.
When we returned, my father was in the clearing talking to a group of cats and my uncle Klaus. He said, "Alright Klaus. I need you to get all of the Cats of the Sun's leaders and send them here. Please try to return today." Klaus nodded, and he and the other cats left the clearing. I walked up to my father and asked, "What was that about?" He dodged the question and asked, "Where were you? I didn't see you in the clearing."
Jay said, "We were just out hunting." Quinn nodded and Lu said, "I should get going. I'm supposed to learn more on how to take care of sick cats today." My dad dismissed her and said, "Hunting, huh? Does that mean you're walking better?" I nodded, and he said, "That's good. I'm kind of tired, so go on and play now Birch." I nodded and I rushed off with Jay close behind. Quinn walked into his den, and Lu was already gone.
I sat down in the clearing, and Iet the sun bask in my fur. I looked around, and I see a girl staring at Jay. She instantly looked away, and Jay said, "I think her name is Joy. I'm pretty sure she has a crush on me." I purred in amusement and asked, "Do you like her back?" Jay looked at her for a few seconds. Then he grumbled, "She's probably like Blossom."
Blossom was my sister. She died because someone severely wounded her, and a human threw a bomb in an alley she was in. A few days after we officially settled into the forest, Jay told me what happened before she died. It made me sad, but I still had Ace and my dad, so that thought made me feel a little better. I said, "Well you need to get to know her first before you make conclusions!"
Jay looked at me with his expression full of envy, and asked, "How are you so positive about everything? It's like... you're never sad." I looked at the sky, and said, "The truth is that I miss my mom and my siblings every day. It makes me sad that I can never see them again." Jay shuffled closer to me until our bodies were touching, and then he put his head on my paws.
He said, "Don't be sad. Your joy is what keeps us in a good mood." I put my head on his and I said, "Thanks, Jay." I felt like we were being watched, so I said, "I'm getting a little tired. I'm going to go and sleep." Jay stood up and said, "Alright. See you later!"