
Perseus Jackson: Chinese God

Percy Jackson was betrayed by Annabeth during the war with Gaea, later everyone thought that he suicided, except for Annabeth. What was left of the seven, including Nico and some others were offer immortality. Fifteen years later, Percy and Camp Half-Blood once again meet, except Percy changed, so much that they didn't recognized him, watch how the plot develops.

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7 Chs

Chapter 5

3rd POV

In Camp Half-Blood, demigods were staring into the sky, star struck at it's beauty and wonder as gentle snowflakes brushed and snuggled against the camp.

Snow wasn't absolutely uncommon, however todays snow seemed much more beautiful and made a fine scenery, at first everyone was confused, but then seemingly to recall that today a god was supposed to visit the mystery seemed to solve itself, after all sometimes the arrival of gods can bring some side affects, a colder climate didn't do much harm, everyone was half god so they were much more bearable of temperature's than mortals.

Chiron the centaur was pacing at the entrance of the camp, anxious at the expected guests arrival, he wasn't in his wheelchair, it would have been meaningless and offending to hide his true nature in a wheelchair should the god be able to see through his disguise. Piper, Leo, Clarisse, and Will were standing besides him, partially because they were the most powerful demigods currently in Camp Half-Blood, while they were also the ones whom took this in a more solemn way, which was also the reason why the Stoll brothers weren't here, after all, the sheer presence of the Stoll brothers could somehow make situation go into one of which the god is pelted in exploding Greek fire.

After waiting for a while, at exactly 12: 00, a. m. the sound of crisp bells rang through the air and danced along with the wind, reaching the ears of every demigod within Camp Half-Blood, and seemingly coming from all directions.

Behind Chiron a figure suddenly appeared, Clarisse, Leo, Will, immediately noticed the figure, Clarisse and Will instantly placed their hands on their respective weapons out of instinct, noticing this Chiron instantly turned behind, his hoofs making "Cloop Cloop", sounds at his movement.

Chiron turned to face the hooded white figure, his body tensing visibly.

The white hooded figure did a 90 degrees' bow, Chiron in turn, also bowed.

The figure then raised it's head and upper body, then it pulled down it's hood, showing it's face beneath the cover.

Underneath the hood was a delicate gorgeous face, long fan-like eyelashes graced the large almond shaped eyes, high yet not sharp cheekbones, a short jaw and a pointy chin, short thin eyebrows, a high delicate nose, and a full pale red mouth in the shape of petals. His irises resembled unpolished and rough, yet beautiful, Lapis Lazuli gems, while his pupils were a lighter shade of it. On his small ears rested stud earrings on one, and a ear cuff on another.

The person's face was feminine, and was timeless, however judging by the height of the figure, it seemed that she, or he, was barely nine years-old.

The beautiful figure raised it's hand's vertically, sideways, in a hand shaking motion, Chiron grasped it and shook the hand in a stoic manner, at this the figure raised it's eyebrows, breaking apart the image of indifference that previous graced it's features, though the facial expression was still cold, it expression seemed more questioning.

After the show of manners the uncovered figure walked towards the Big House, through surprisingly, although the immortal knew where the destination was, by being the first to turn in the direction of the Big House, he/she allowed Chiron to walk before he/her by falling behind.

An uncomfortable silence engulfed the demigods.

"Hi, I'm Piper, you?"

Piper, being the one with the best communication skills, was the first one to speak up.

The immortal glanced at Piper, an unreadable expression glazing his/her eyes, after a brief moment of silence the cold being talked.

"Tong Bing"

Piper was momentarily thrown off. The foreign language unusual to her ears, and the musical voice that accompanied the words were like music to lyrics, enough to rival Aphrodite's off springs'. However Piper quickly composed herself, while the immortal just gave her another glance, before looking away and back gazing at the Big House.

Clarisse sneered, however Piper gave her a pointed glance, not a warning but message, demigods don't threaten their own allies in such situations.

Clarisse nodded, she turned towards Tong Bing, hid her scowl and smiled, albeit in a very uncomfortable way. At this Tong Bing raised an eyebrow and Clarisse fought back another sneer that was morphing on her face, the result was an oval shaped twitching expression on her mouth with her eyes narrowed into crescents.

After arriving at the Big House, Tong Bing plopped onto a chair unceremoniously, though still graceful, with a leg hooked over his/her other, Tong Bing waited for Chiron to continue his speech.

A bit awkwardly, Chiron plopped himself onto his wheelchair, instantly the mist disguised his true nature, the demigods followed Chiron's demonstration a sat down too.

Chiron asked in a inquiring tone. "May I ask how to address you?"

"First I would like to clarify, I am a he, not a she-" It was a bit of a shock. "-and I would like to be addressed as-" There was a pause from the immortal. "-Mr. Ice."

Leo, at this, tried stifling a laugh, only for it to come out as a choked sound that instantly drawn the attention of everyone in the room, including Tong Bing.

Leo coughed awkwardly for a moment, causing Piper to roll her eyes, then she glanced at Tong Bing quickly, the unhealthy tempers of a lot of immortals has made itself carved into the memories of most demigods.

However the next moment something unexpected happened, Tong Bing asked in a questioning tone. "Do you like the address? Perhaps we should call you Mr. Fire then?"

Leo's mouth dropped, then in a weak voice, he said. "Did you just attempt to make a sarcastic joke?"

Tong Bing allowed his eyes to roam over Leo, in a severe inspecting way, and replied.

"Indeed Leo Valdez."