
Chapter ii


Character's introduced in this chapter :

*Jade Kingston played by Jade Thirwall .

*Jasper Gothem played by Sam Craske.

*Anonymous - Liam Hart played by Liam Payne


Location : Wolverhampton , University of Wolverhampton . Dorm buildings 


' A best-friend won't agree with you to make you happy,

  If anything they'll say what needs to be said , no matter you want to hear it or not ! '


7 months before

Jade's POV :

A new start ,

A new day ,

A new semester


onto my 4th year in the University of Wolverhampton. 

I blinked  my eyes rapidly to get used to the brightness in the room and the pushed the covers off  me . After a while laying on the cold bed , I pushed myself up , while sitting in an erect posture , I then stretched my hands and wriggled my toe fingers to relieve myself from this passivity . 

I inhaled the fresh air and spoke " Good morning to you , Jade . Feel beautiful !! " 

Immediately , I jerked my head  in the direction , when I heard a groan  as well as the alarm going off from the other room , to soon realize it was the late night party-pooper . I stood up , made my bed , folded my blankets and then took the glass of water from the nearby  side table and after removing the glass lid walked over to the forth-coming drama scene .

I stopped right in-front of the bed , a body clamped over what used to be called a bed up to now , was now covered by blanket or bed-sheets . Within the next few seconds​ , I pulled the sheets off  , then dumped the entire glass of water on his  face and spoke " Good morning Jas .  "

 With shock all over his face ,along-with water dripping from his hair  , Jasper sat-up on the bed , holding his hand over his chest . He screwed his eyes on  me and then spoke  " Give me a warning before doing that and I'll be up without you wasting energy and time on me Jay ."

I shook my head and got into my singing tune and sang  

"I've been there all night,

I've been there all day, 

And boy, got me walkin' side to side ." ;

exactly the same way Ariana Grande sang in the song - 'Side to side'ft. Nicki Minaj .

I heard a 'puff' voice from behind me . I looked back to see Jas sleeping back on that feather pillow  . I swear he is a polar bear in hibernation . 

I shook him violently and spoke " Jasss . Jassss . wake up , wakey-wakey . It's a new day . college starts today . I wanna be early .We can't be late .... Jasss pleaseeeeeeeeee ............" 

He screwed open one of his eyes and spoke " Jade , you're impossible . What will you do being this early ? It's 8 :30 for goodness sake !! Our classed don't start before  10 !"

 I groaned and spoke  " Get up Jasper please . pretty please . please , you're the best one pleasee .pretty pleaseeee for meeeeee " 

I  got down on my knees and inter-wined my hands and put them under my chin and pleaded  to him  , while trying my best for him to fall for my puppy eyes along-with a prominent pout featured on my lips .

You can say that I'm a child at heart  , oh I get that a lot ! Mentally doing a hair-flip .

Jasper just shook his head and sat up on the bed pushing his bed-hair back , " Go hit the shower first . I'll get  down with the breakfast . " 

I screamed while hugging him , twirling us from side to side on his spring bed ,

" You're the best best best best-friend in the world Jasper . I love you sooooooo much Jas. " 

He pulled himself from the embrace and spoke " Yah-yah I know ! but young lady , keep your filthy hands to yourself please . " 

I nodded my head and answered " okay Jas " and then embraced him back this time a bone-crushing one . In-return he groaned and sweared on me multiple times 

You see jasper is not a straight guy . I suppose I don't need to explain much on that ?!

I guess I'm lucky then because being with him is like being safe  , the feeling of being home and he's like next to my brother . In-case Wolverhampton grew on me is because of Jasper .

Let me say you this the whole of this university knows well about the uniqueness in Jasper and I guess that's a plus point for me as I can be with him like always  without being judged and without hearing the rumour's about us dating !

I quickly walked over to my cuphoard and pulled out a grey tank-top with the words 'cocoa-cola' along with well-ironed white jeans . I quickly walked inside the bath-room after grabbing my toiletries bag . After I was done with my shower and  my daily morning routine of washing my face and brushing my teeth  , I quite quickly wore my top over my under-garments followed by the jeans .

I walked out after wipping my legs on the door-mat and as a ground rule in this apartment , well only according  to Jas . I paired my out-fit with my black and white and black duo sneakers and my watch . Later I brushed my messy tangled hair . After I was done with just brushing , i grew awfully lazy  . So, I just grabbed a bandana and tied it to the top  with two knots , later putting the left over hair which fell back into a messy bun .

I again made my way to the cupboard and opened up my drawer where my infinite collection of eye-wear were held . What ? I'm proud of my collection !

I grabbed a nerd style Rayban eye-glasses and wore them , as i can say i'm half blind without them. HEHEHE !

 I made my way over to my study-table and then packed my necessary books for the day . I could hear the hustle and the rustle's of the students in the corridor going about borrowing stationery , clothes , make-up , books in the neighbours or their friends dorms . 

To which i did realized i didn't do my own make-up . I left my back-pack half-done and then walked over to the showcase grabbing a eye-liner and applying a thin layer over my eyelids . I caught hold of my baby pink lip of the brand 'elf ' and swiped it over my lips . 

here  ,

now I do look presentable .

I heard the stove being switched off to which my eyes just widened. Hurriedly i applied lotion on both my hands and sprayed some cologne across my upper chest .

I ran over to my study table and just in time Jasper walked into my room ,  removing the apron around his waist . He looked in my direction and questioned , " we aren't twinning today right ? "

 I shook my head and  while arranging  my books in my bag , I  spoke " No Jas . Go get ready ! "

He replied back saying " oh , great then . I'm hitting the shower . " 

 before closing the door of my room , he spoke " jay ? "

I turned my head in his direction to see that he now only had his pajamas on . I raised my eye-brow to which he spoke

" don't wait for me . Have your break-fast . By the way i saved some pineapple tarts for you , from last night . Don't tell Troye , he'll have my head then !! "

I gave him a toothed smile and spoke " Thanks Jas . You're the best . " 

He mocked  me " Oh i know that ! think of something new to say me Miss Jade Kingston . "

I gave him a scowl after which he closed the door .  

I carried my back-pack till the couch near the entrance door

along  with a file which i had to submit to Mrs. Evan on the couch decently . I sat on the high stool of  our joined kitchen and dinning table and ate the pineapple tart which my precious Japser saved for me . 

Half-way while i was eating , I heard Jasper calling me out from his room . I replied back with a 'yes' and continued having small bites of my tart not wanting it to get over soon . 

He walked out of the roomfully dressed  with a towel in his hand . He looked in my direction showing my phone . He twitched his lips and then looked back at my phone in his hands  .

I got the look and spoke " how much got transacted into my account ? "

Jasper looked onto my phone and spoke " Edward transacted 50,000 euros into your account which got directly connected with your credit card . " 

I muttered out a 'okay'  and continue savouring the tart until he spoke again , " that's not the end of the text ."

I nodded and spoke " Delete the message then  . "

Jasper walked over and stood in-front of the table  and spoke " I normally being on your side would then and there delete the text, Jay , but i really really think you should read it . It might change your mind , to call him . "

I nodded and took the phone from his hand which he gestured me to take . I placed it on the kitchen counter and grabbed my now empty plate and walked inside the kitchen and dumped it in the sink which would be later washed by him .

When i came back in the hall , I saw Jasper sitting on the couch right beside the file . I squealed and spoke " Jas careful . Don't mess with the things around  . "

He looked towards me and then to the file beside and answered, " Ah! yes and  why would i ? It took you days to do this . Mrs Evans will love you even more for helping her out with the office work . " 

I nodded  while grabbing my phone  and pushed it back in my jeans  . I walk  towards Jasper to see him  getting up from his seat  and walked into his room . He came back with his bag and stopped right in-front of me and spoke " Let's get going  ! " 

He started unlocking the front door when  I asked 

" And your break-fast  ? "

To which he gave me a wicked smile and answered ,

" did you like seriously take the ' don't wait for me . Have your breakfast ' ? "

I thought for a milli-second and suddenly grew angry . Before i could say anything Jasper ran out of the apartment  , leaving me with the duty to lock the door . 

I grabbed my bag and slung it over both my shoulders  and also grabbed my file  and hugged it in between my arms and ran outside while locking the door behind . 

I ran past the huge crowd to catch up on Jasper but it took me a lot of time , patience and energy to wiggle myself out of the unwilling crowd .  

Thankfully i was at the end of the hall-way and then i ran my way down the stair's in search of Jasper . 

When i was at the last step of the stair-case , ready to take a turn , I bumped into a stoned body with which the end result was me on the floor . 

My eyes screwed open when I felt somethimg was missing and then they widened , when I realized my hand were empty .

Immediately, I  looked up to witness a paper fall . I smiled for a mere second  and then shock took over my face .



that's not a paper fall .

that's your hard-work scattering !!!!!! 

but it was too late they already took their landing on the floor . I looked for the person who was responsible for it . 

My eyes stopped wandering at one person who was as well on the floor .  There were a two  suit-cases dropped carelessly near the stair-case  and one duffel bag around him . I got up from the floor and ran behind the papers which were far away and were ready to take a flight again . 

After a few attempts of  sucessfully collecting all the papers , I came back to see that the same person was still there and now had two papers in  his hand as well . I stomped my way  towards him  and when i stood in-front of him I grabbed those papers from his hand later pushing  him a bit back and squealed

" Are you blind or what ? "

He look amazed and shocked at my words when all he gave was a bitter answer back

"  I could say the same to you ? ! "

My mouth fell ajar and I immediately retorted back .

" Look mister . You bumped into me and I at-least get the right to get back a courtesy out of respect . You made me fall to the ground and made no attempt in helping me up  or either help me with my papers . they took me almost three straight damn weeks . ! "

He gave me a smirk and answered " great to know that you're hardworking ! " and looked back at the bulletin-board hung on the wall. 

I got annoyed and spoke " hello . I deserve an apology  ?! "

He looked in my direction and quickly answered ,  " I don't think so ! "

My mouth fell ajar and i scowled while speaking " What do you think of yourself ? "

He turned his entire body . That's when i got a look of his face . He had a  chiselled jaw with a light stubble over his chin. He had brown  hair which was raised into fohawk  ( check google to know  what is a fohawk hair-style )  , he also had a warm colour of brown eyes , that almost looks mesmerizing .

 My eyes wandered down to his lips when he spoke " Oh ! I think no! i rather  not . I call myself as perfect ." with that he left me while carrying his luggage up the  stairs without giving me a second glance . 

such a dog i swear .  

with a huge + point of being a jerk 

'Perfect'  it seems !

utter piece of ego man if you ask me ! 

mental case ! retarded human being !

needs to be in an asylum rather than a university and that too this university .

shit !

I suddenly realised what I was doing before meeting this jerk . I  turned my back  and shouted out

" Jasperrrrrrrrrrrrrrr......... "

" wait for me jasperr..... "

"Jasperr...... "

while running my way towards the exit gate of the dorms  in search of him .
