
Percy Jackson: Reincarnated with an Avatar System

Reincarnating as the eldest sibling of Nico and Bianca di Angelo, Lucifer must now do his best to keep the only family he ever had safe. Luckily, he has an Avatar System to help him.

milfloverzz · Derivasi dari karya
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3 Chs


'Is this it? Is this how my life ends?'

That was the first thought that came to Lucifer 's mind. That day was supposed to be a day of celebration for him.

It was his 20th birthday and he was just offered a scholarship for a prestigious University in America. Once he finished University, he would be almost guaranteed a decent paying job that would sustain him for life.

Unfortunately, things don't always go the way we want them to be.

On the way home, a man ran towards him. Chasing after the man was a middle-aged woman screaming 'THIEF' at the top of her lungs.

Lucifer was able to tell that the man running away was a thief. He wanted to step aside and let the guy pass through to save himself some trouble, but his conscience didn't allow him. When he saw the woman screaming at the top of her lungs begging for help whilst chasing after the thief, his heart grew soft.

Lucifer decided to try to stop the thief by blocking his way. But things didn't go as he planned. As soon as he stood in the thief's path of escape, the thief swiftly took out a knife from his backpocket without Lucifer noticing. As soon as he grabbed hold of the thief, the knife was fiercely thrust into Lucifer's chest. The pain made him tremble and made it difficult for him to breathe, but he didn't release the thief even when he was under such agonising pain.

More people came to help, and together, they brought down the thief. But as soon as the thief was restrained, Lucifer collapsed on the ground, blood flowing out of him endlessly. He was experiencing an extreme amount of pain, and he knew he wouldn't survive long. He wondered, was it the right choice for him to intervene? Had he let the thief pass through, he would've been alive, unhurt. It wasn't even his problem to begin with anyway.

The woman he had helped was still scolding the robber while checking her purse, showing no sympathy to the bleeding Lucifer, as if it was his responsibility to help her. When she was done, all she did was call for someone to send her home, without a shred of concern for Lucifer's wellbeing.

'I hope the orphanage at least gives me a proper burial…'

'How foolish I was…. to play the hero… it's not like I'm some main character from a cultivation novel.'' He wanted to laugh at his current situation, but under extreme pain, it came out only as a grunt.

Before he even noticed it, his vision suddenly started to darken slowly until he could finally see nothing but pitch black. He could only hear the sound of an ambulance siren coming near. Then suddenly, everything ended. No sound, no light, no pain.

He wondered if he had already died, for he could feel nothing. He felt like he was in that state of formlessness for eons before being able to feel something. He could feel again, albeit what he felt was pain, but this was a pain different compared to what he experienced before. Compared to the pain he felt when dying, it was nothing.

He could also feel his body, smell, and hear the sound of air flowing in the room. He was lying on something soft, probably a bed. He wondered if he was in the hospital and was somehow saved by a doctor.

He carefully tried opening his eyes, and thus slowly, they opened. He could see things around him. He then tried looking at his body but found no wound, nor a scar on his chest. He grew confused, and tried looking around, but what he saw made him even more confused. He was in a luxurious yet retro-looking room. There weren't many things in the room, except for a bed and a few more items, including some books.

Before his thoughts could start to stray, his head started hurting again, as if it was about to burst. That was before strange and foreign memories started appearing in his mind. After a few moments, everything ended; the pain that is. He was smart enough to understand what had happened. He died on Earth, and was transmigrated to a new world, and occupied the current body that he was in.

Suddenly, a young boy with black hair and brown eyes entered the room.

"Big brother, are you awake? You promised me that you would play Mythomagic with me."

Looking at the boy, memories started resurfacing one after the other.

From those memories, Lucifer understood a few basic things. He had reincarnated into the world of Percy Jackson and was reborn as the eldest sibling of both Bianca and Nico di Angelo.

Clearing his thoughts, Lucifer stood up and walked to the front of the mirror that was hung on the wall, and sure enough, what he saw was the unfamiliar appearance of another person.

He had short dark hair, healthy bronze skin, and a pair of eyebrows akin to a sword's edge decorated his extremely handsome face. His eyes seemed to be a faintly glowing blood-red and he stood at solid 6 feet 1.

"Big brother?" a confused Nico di Angelo asked after noticing his brother's weird actions.

Turning to face Nico, Lucifer bent down and ruffled his hair. "I'll play with you after breakfast, okay? Go find Bianca first. I'll join you shortly."

Nodding his head cutely, the 8 year old Nico Di Angelo ambled happily out of Lucifer's room while humming a song.

Walking to the wardrobe, he grabbed a shirt and pulled it over his well-trained body.

'I don't remember anything from my current life's childhood. Meaning there's a high chance that Maria di Angelo is already dead, and that Hades has already bathed the 3 of us in the River Lethe' Lucifer thought to himself while heading towards the door.

Just then, a shining gold metallic keycard on his bedside table caught his eye. Picking it up, Lucifer examined the printings on the keycard.

'Lotus Hotel.. Entry date: 1940….'

"Well, that explains it.." Lucifer mumbled to himself as he exited his room and headed towards the kitchen.