
pennywise and i

Dark_Mysterious_7173 · Filem
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4 Chs

Chapter one: Never Take Things From Strangers

October 1988

It was raining heavily that morning, the outside was filled with mist.

I sat in my room, too sick to do anything else but stay in bed.

Georgie, my little brother, was standing by the window, drawing a smily face on it.

I was making a paper boat for georgie, so he'd go out to play with it in the rain.

He liked to play in the rain, I used to, but that was before I started getting Ill.

Now all I do is stay in bed, take my medicine and go to sleep.

It wasn't fun at all.

"Sure I won't get into trouble, bill?" Georgie asks, turning to look at me.

"Don't be a w-w-wuss, " I said, stuttering slightly. The paper crinkles between my thumb as I bended it. "I'd come with you if I wasn't- I was cut off by a few coughs. "Dying," I finished covering my mouth.

"You're not dying," Georgie insists, as he stands up.

"You didn't see the v-vomit coming out of my nose this morning?" I asked.

"That's disgusting." He scrunches his nose, making his way over to my bed.

"Okay, go get the wax," I said, flipping over the boat. It was almost finished.

But georgie looked a bit hesitant as he spoke. "In the cellar?" He asks.

I frowned. "You want it to f-float don't you?" I said.

"Fine," he sighs before heading for the door, but not before grabbing his walk-talkie from the dresser.

I took up my marker, biting off the cover before I drew down his name on the paper boat. Rain continues it's relentless pouring outside. It made the morning more gloomy, the first dismal dispiriting days of October.

The piano could be heard, playing from downstairs.


Mom was playing the piano when I came downstairs. She looked like she was enjoying her quietude, so I didn't bother her. I needed to get the wax for my new boat. It's in the cellar.

I wasn't very fond of that part of our house, but I wasn't gonna be a wuss and not go down there and get it.

I had to pass through the kitchen to reach the door to the cellar.

I stared at it, feeling something menacing and foreboding seeping through those doors. But that was just nonsense, right?

I mean, there was no way I'd chicken out just cuz I'm a bit..scared.

I let out a reluctant sigh, before hesitantly opening the doors. It made an eerie creak as I pushed it against the side walls.

My breath was shaky as I stared down the stairs leading into darkness.

Suddenly there was a high pitched static noise, from the walkie-talkie, making my breath hitch.

"Hurry up," bill said, then there was some shuffling around before his voice was gone.

I reached over to the side wall where there was a light switch. I tried a couple of times, but it didn't work.

"Ok," I muttered. There goes that bit of hope. "I'm brave," I breathed, making my way down the old squeaky stairs.

It was very dark down there, I could hardly see a thing except faint objects like boxes.

I let out a sigh, hopping off the last stair and making my way over to where the shelf was. "Where's the wax?" I mumbled aloud, squinting to try and discern something through darkness. Then I found it.

"There's the wax,"I whispered, picking it up with a relieved sigh.

But my relief was short lived when I turned, to catch two faint glow in the left corner, seemingly resembling a pair of eyes. I was beyond spooked out, but needed to see if it really was eyes and not just my imagination playing tricks on me.

I hurriedly grab a flashlight from the shelf, switching it on to point it towards the eyes in the darkness.

Thankfully it was only just two glass bottles, next to a jar of paint.

Nothing at all to be afraid about.

There was a sudden bang of thunder, making me bolt for the stairs in fright, not taking a second look back into that creepy room.


I carefully passed the brush on the paper boat, coating it in wax, while Georgie leans over to take a look." Alright," I said, after I was finished. I handed it to him. "There you go." He takes it, with a look of admiration on his face.

"Sh- she's all ready, captain " I said.

"She?" He questions, looking up to me.

"You must call the b-boat she," I explained.

He smiles. "She." He then gives me a hug.

"Thanks Billy."

I smiled, then tickled him, causing a fit of giggles as he squirms to get out of my grip.

"See you later, bye." he says, running off to go and play with his new boat.

I watched him skips off happily, before I stood from my spot at my desk and head towards my bedroom window.

The rain had not slowed down, it was still steadily falling, streaming down the window pain and cascading down the roof.

I could see my little brother, he rain down the walkway, he wore his yellow raincoat and black boots.

He was running until he stops, and looks up to where i was, waving at me.

I brought the walkie-talkie to my mouth.

"Be careful," I said just before he turned to the road, bending down to place his boat in the water that was streaming pass the sidewalk.

I watched on, as he runs after it, before finally disappearing out of my sight.


This was so much cooler than I had expected. The boat billy made for me was really cool and fast as it sailed the river the rain created. I ran after it, laughing happily as water splashed at my face.

The road had water streaming down like a whole river!

I jumped from sidewalks to the road, giggling as water splashed in the air.

I was running for a bit when I noticed that there was this metal thing in my way, so I quickly ducked underneath it, not knowing that there was another then I ran right into it, falling on my backside.

I rubbed my head, groaning softly, but then I remembered my boat, I had to keep following it otherwise it'll get out of my sight.

I stumble back upright before I continued after it, running as fast as I could.

It was just around a corner, and I noticed just up ahead was a drain.

If it reached there before me it's gone.

I ran faster, but I was too late as the boat slips right into the hole.

"No!"I screamed, failing to grab the last piece before it was out o my sight." No!" I groaned, bending down to look down into the hole. It was filled with darkness.

"Bill's gonna kill me," I whined, peering into the pitch blackness of the drain.

A sudden pair of glowing yellow eyes made me jump back, yelping in fright at the sight Infront of me.

It was a horrifying clown!

"Hiya Georgie," it says, in a cheerful voice, while coming closer.

I trembled from fear and the cold.

I've never seen such a frightening thing in my life. "What a nice boat,"it says, displaying rabbit sort of teeth, only much longer. It's grin was wide and happy.

"Do you want it back?" It asks, droplets of rain sliding off it's blood red lips.

I hesitated. "Uhm.. yes please." I managed, still shaking in fear.

"You look like a nice boy, i bet you have a lot of friends!" It said.

I nodded slowly. "Three, but my brother's my best, best."

"Where is he?" It asks, still grinning widely.

"In bed, sick." I said, sadly.

"I bet I could cheer em up. I'll give him a balloon. Do you want a balloon too georgie?" It asks, giving me a wide smile. It's yellow eyes glowed in the darkness of the sewers. I hesitated a bit.

"I'm not supposed to take stuff from strangers " I said.

"Oh, well I'm pennywise, the dancing clown!" It said in almost a squeal.

"Pennywise, yes, meet georgie, georgie meet pennywise."

I giggled, not being able to contain my laughter. It was a funny clown.

"Now we aren't strangers, are we?" It said.

I bit my lower lip thoughtfully.

I mean, it was still a stranger, and a clown no less, but still...

' random old woman comes out of her house in night gown, hair blustering in the wind as she goes to check something on her porch. She notices a little boy down on the road, looking into the sewer. She paid no mind as she ambles off inside her home '

"What are you doing in the sewer?" I asked him. I was generally curious to know.

"Storm blew me away,'' it said with a bit of exaggeration. "Blew the whole circus away." It giggled, goofily, but then the smile was gone." Can smell the circus georgie," it said, in a low voice. I leaned a tad bit closer to hear him. "There's peanuts, cotton candy, hotdogs, and... " It trails, looking excited.

I frowned. "Popcorn?'' I asked.

"Popcorn! Is that your favorite?" It asks.

"Uh huh!" I smiled.

"Mine too!" It giggles goofily. "Because they pop! Pop, pop, pop, pop!"

I laughed uncontrollably.

"Pop! Pop! Pop!" It giggles.

"Pop!" I said, laughing.

By now we were both laughing over the silly popcorn joke pennywise made, but the laughter suddenly halts when pennywise face went grim, in an instant, his gold eyes bore into mine, almost like a predator would to it's prey.

My laughter was gone, and now I remembered that I was still out in the rain and needed to get back inside to my brother so I could tell him what had happened to the boat. "Uhm I should get going now." I said nervously.

"Oh! W-without your boat," it said.

"You don't wanna lose it, georgie. Bill's gonna kill you," it reminded me, it's eyes were twinkling in the darkness.

I swallowed, as I looked into his left hand to see my boat. He had my boat.

His wide grin was back, showing buck teeth. "Here .. take it." The grin never leaves his overly cheery face.

I shuddered, before slowly reaching forward, straining my arm to get the boat from his hand. But he wasn't making any effort to give it to me. "Take it georgie," it said, in a creepy voice.

I crawled a bit forward, knees a bit sore from staying on the hard concrete.

I reached out again, trying to grab the boat from his hand, only to have him pull it back, gold eyes taunting me to come closer.

I ignored the devilish look in his eyes, but instead reach for the boat in his hand again, sweat dripping down my damp forehead as I got closer .. and closer until-

It suddenly grabs my hand, mouth opening incredibly wide. There was countless teeth in it's mouth as it latch onto my hand, eyes gone into the back of it's head.

A scream erupted from my throat so loud it hurt. My arm felt like it had been detached from my body, and the pain was so excruciatingly horrible that I felt like passing out.

I crawled away from the drain, screaming and crying, trying to get as far away from the clown as possible. My head was spinning and I felt like I was about to faint.

"Help! Help me!" I screamed, barely able to stand as I tried to crawl away from the drain.

I hadn't gotten far away when the hand of the clown grabbed me by my ankle, dragging me all the way into the drain.

"Billy!" I screamed, before I was enveloped into pitch blackness.

How was the first chapter? Tell m your thoughts in the comments.

This book will be following the original line of the movie.

But I'll be adding in my own imagination as well as pairing a quite unexpected... Pairing.

Stay tuned readers.

Dark_Mysterious_7173creators' thoughts