
Chapter 3: Selective Memory Loss?

I was right when I said that Cassy will wake me up early. It's still 6 o'clock when she woke me up. She's preparing a light breakfast and a letter to the mistress which we'll drop it off to her office later. I stood up lazily as I didn't get much sleep. I kept thinking about what I heard and what I saw last night. It's a big news but I decided to just keep it to myself first as I do not want to cause panic to the students at Scylian High School. I just have to protect Cassy.

"You look awfully tired. Did you get some sleep last night?" she asked and I shook my head. Cassy's aware about my insomnia and although she feels bad for it, she makes sure that I always get on time. She's literally just like my mother. "Have you been drinking milk? I saw a glass outside our room" Ah right. I forgot it. "I was looking for you last night because you were not on your bed and you're not outside either, only the glass. Where have you been, Hera?"

"I just went out to throw the garbage last night, Cassy" she nodded. True enough. I really did threw the garbage after I came back just to save myself some explanation because she sometimes wake up at night and checka if I'm already sleeping.

"I told Zero to meet us at the mistress office at 7:30 so better pick up your pace" she said and I nodded.

Zero... Were they talking about him last night? Well, it seems like it. And I remembered the flower.



"Do you know something about a flower?" I asked.

"Hmmm? What kind?"


"I don't but Marjory does" she answered. "But, you have to ask her yourself" I just rolled my eyes at her. She doesn't like Marjory, at all. Like she can't even put on a facade in front of the girl. Cassy will always make sure to remind Marjory that she hate Marjory and I think the latter knows it so well. "Why are you suddenly asking about flowers? Are you planning to have one?" she asked and I shrugged. It's better to keep your mouth shut to prevent any unnecessary suspicion than to talk and regret it afterwards. I just savored the food she prepared, she did not ask anymore questions.

At exactly 7:30, we met with Zero in front of the mistress' office. The guy's wearing his usual but it looks like he's having a photo shoot as he looks good, effortlessly. The three of us went inside the office and we were greeted by the mistress who seems to be busy by something as she didn't even noticed our presence until Cassy announced it.

"Ms. Han, Ms. Snowthrie and... Mr. Neville, what bring you three here this early?" she asked. Dropping her pen on top of the papers she's working on.

"We're here to give you this letter, mistress" Cassy said as she handed her the letter of request. The mistress read it fast and then she looked at us.

"So, you're going grocery shopping"

"Yes mistress"

"How about you Mr. Neville?" she asked.

"Well, I realized that I didn't have much supply too" there's a hesitation on her face. I don't know if this is still about me or is it something about the guy beside me. I stared at Zero then back at the mistress and it looks like we won't be leaving anytime soon so I decided to butt in.

"Is there a problem?"

"Okay. But you must be back before 5 pm"

"As far as I know, there's no curfew on Sundays" the mistress looked at me and if feels like she wanted to tell me something but I just ignored it until she sighed and withdrew her decision. We then left her office and went straight to the parkinh area and hopped in Cassy's car because it's more convenient to use just one car.

We've arrived at the supermarket and we got two carts. One for Cassy and I andnone for Zero - who's currently busy looking for his stuffs while we look for ours too.

"Why did the mistress gave us curfew?" Cassy asked while she's pushing the cart.

"I don't know"

"It's just weird that she suddenly gave us curfew"

"Do we need salt?" I asked and she nodded.

"Don't you find it weird?" she asked.

"I don't know Cass"

"I mean, she doesn't give curfew but when we went with Zero..."

"Maybe because he's the newbie?" I asked.

"That may not be the case"

"I don't know Cass... Where the hell is that brand?" we already finished walking around the aisle of the dairy products but I can't still find the brand of milk that I buy.

"Come on Hera. There's a lot of brands in here" I ignored her and continued to look for it but it looks like they ran out of stock. I am standing in front of a display of milk when someone walked passed behind me. I looked back and it looks like her handkerchief fell so I went for it and tried to find her but she's nowhere to be found. I looked at her handky and tried to find some identification but what I saw made my eyes widened. I looked around, trying to look for the owner of the handkerchief but there's too many people and it's impossible to find her here. I was walking around not minding my way when I bumped on someone else's cart. I looked up and saw Zero's face. Then there's Cassy who's running after me. I almost forgot about her.

"Hera! Why were you running?" she asked. I looked at Zero who's staring at me then I looked around the supermarket. "Are you looking for something?"

"Someone dropped---"

"Zero? Hera? President!" the three of us looked around when someone called us. It's Marjory who's also doing her grocery.


"It's so nice to see you guys here"

"You too" Cassy answered with a hint of sarcasm on her voice.

"But are you guys doing in front of the storage area?" she asked.

"Hera's looking for something" Cassy answered.

"What is--- what is that?" ahe asked, looking at my hand.

"A handkerchief?"

"OMG! Can I look at it?" she asked and snatched the object from my hand. "OMG! This is mine!"

"Are you sure?"

"Yes! I dropped off somewhere so I went back to get it. Thank goodness you found it" she said so I got more curious.

"Is that really yours?" I asked.

"Yep. All my handkerchiefs have this flower" she said, showing the figure of flower embroided on the cloth.

"Do you happen to know what flower is that?" I asked.

"Hosta or Plantain Lily"

"Are you going to buy one?" Cassy asked but I shook my head.

"No. I was just asking"

"Anyway, I'll go ahead" I watch her as she made her way to the counter and paid her groceries. I am rooted on my spot when Cassy pushed me lightly and that's when I moved.

"I almost forgot that Sunday is shopping day for Scylian High students" she commented. I was quiet the whole time until we went back to Scylian.

Out of all the flowers, why did they chose Hosta?

I reached for my phone and searched for that plant. And it wasn't that long when results about the meaning of Hosta came into view. It's one of the never ending plants. It never dies - or it does but it lives for a long time. But I still couldn't fathom why.

"You were quiet the whole time. Is there something bothering you?"

"You were friends with Marjory, right?" I asked and I saw how she frowned.

"I was never friends with her"

"But... you knew her since our freshmen year, right?"

"Well, yeah"

"Do you think you can tell me more about her?" the creases on her forehead went deeper as she scrutinized me, probably for asking such questions.

"Why are you interested to know more about her?" she asked, curiously.

"I just thought that... maybe I should know more about our batchmates?" I answered. She stared at me for a while and burst out laughing at my face.

"Are you serious right now?" she asked in between her laughs.

"What's funny?"

"You?" then she laughed at me again. I shook my head and continued putting the groceries out. "Anyway, Marjory is quite intelligent despite her attitude. And, well, she was chosen as the next VP for the Chemistry Division. She's quite explicit and she aced in some of our subjects and I should've been the VP for Physics if you only accepted the position of the President"

"Are we on that again?" I asked.

"Yes!" she answered. "She's a strong candidate for Presidency too but even our adviser does not like her attitude so, he chose you but then you rejected so they forced me to take the position. Ugh! I should be hanging loose right now if it wasn't because of you" she glared at me again. "But, yeah. Marjory is also good at the field she chose. The Chemistry Division is doing better with her but I still don't like her"

"You chose her as the VP for the Chemistry Division"

"I did not! I did not vote for her. But she's good at making friends that's why she won"

"Is that it?"

"Yep. I am not interested in her so, I don't know much about her but these details" I nodded and continued fixing our groceries. If my hunch is right then I should keep an eye on her... very closely.

Cassy is yet again lazy to cook us food for dinner so we went to the cafeteria. There's a lesser number of students during weekends as some choose to spend it with their family but in our case, our houses are located far from school and I prefer to stay here rather than facing my father who will just tell me about how useless I am. Running a business is not my interest but it's his.

"Ah! I miss alcohol! The Science Club should really bring that Weekend Bar back!" Johny... Jaime... Jami? Well, I'm not sure but it starts with J, said while stretching his arms.

"The Science Club President in aitting in front of you"

"Tsss. It's on the Chemistry Division. Tell Marjory to make a proposal" Cassy answered. We used to have a Weekend Bar at the rooftop of the Science Building where students gather to have a drink on weekends but it got suspended after some students caused chaos for three consecutive weeks. And then no one tried to reopen it again.

"The mistress won't approve of it anyway" she answered. I kept an eye on her since we seated for dinner and I do not know if she noticed it.

"Aish! Then we'll gather student votes! We can overrule an verdict with that"

"Tsss. It will be so much work on our part"

"Then I'll gather the votes and you just tally it"

"Fine fine! I'll make a proposal" the night ended with them arguing about the Weekend Bar and how it would be operated. Cassy is already sleeping comfortably on her bed while I'm still up trying to finish my term paper. I stood and went to get some milk when I remembered something. I wore a long coat that will cover at least half of my lower extremities and went outside. I looked around and saw no one that's when I tiptoed until I reached outside. I guess the guards are always patrolling as this hour for I did not see one when I reached the gate so I got out easily. The wind is blowing strongly so I had to clutch on my coat as I walk passed the lamp posts and made my way to Scylian Park.

I stared at the vast darkness of Northsey and the wind blew stronger and colder. It's almost autumn so I guess the temperature's starting to cool down. The trees started swaying chimerical and sounds of dried leaves reached my ears. I do not know why I'm doing this when I can clearly sense danger. I must be really out of my mind for doing this again. I'll be dead when the mistress finds out but it's curiosity that's giving me braveness - if it is bravery and not stupidity. Once the mistress finds out, I'm done. My father will disown me.

I looked around once more to make sure that no one is following me before I entered the woods. It still feels the same - the feeling of being watched by someone you cannot see: the Phantoms. As I was making my way inside the woods, the wind got stronger. Is there a storm coming? I went to the exact place where I saw them talking. The moon is also up so it illuminated the clearing. It's much smaller than our field but it's still wide. I was watching the trees swaying when I saw a laser-like red light from the other side of the woods. I was about to go there when someone talked behind me.

"What are you doing here?" I heard a deep and familiar voice which gave me goosebumps. My heart beats started raising and I can feel sweat on my forehead despite the cold wind. I turned around and came face-to-face with his greenish-blue orbs. His tall figure is overshadowing me. It's intimidating so intimidating that it made my heart skip a beat. He's just standing, staring at me with his dead eyes. What is he doing here, too? "Hera"

"Zero" he took a step back and he looked around the perimeter. I was still staring at him when his eyes returned to me. "What are you doing here?" I asked.

"That's what I'm asking you. What are you doing here?"


"I followed you here. You were cautious when you entered the woods. I thought you told me that no one is allowed to enter Northsey" he got me there.


"Then, what are you doing here?"

"I just thought that maybe I can have a walk... around" he stared at me for a while and he shook his head.

"I should tell you that you are not good in lying"

"I am not lying"

"Then are you stupid?"


"No one in their right mind will have a walk in the woods at this hour"

"I am" I answered. Still refusing to tell him the truth but he just ignored me. He was about to answer back when we heard voices coming from the inside of the woods so Zero grabbed my hand and pulled me towards a big tree. I am leaning against him as his hand secured me.

"So? How is he?"

"He's doing great. He's behaving well"

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. His friends are keeping him busy so I am certain that he will not do anything stupid again"


"I thought the doctor fixed that problem already?"

"Yes. She did. But you know him. He's stronger than we thought. Once we have the control over him, then the whole experiment is finish" experiment? "So you better report any problems that you encounter with him"

"Yes... father"

"I have to go" I held my breath as the man walked pass the tree. I followed him and he went towards that laser-like red light. I was about to run after him but Zero held me back.

"Let me go, Zero" I hissed.

"And what? Watch you run after him?"

"That's none of your business"

"Then, is it one of your business?"

"Shut up and just let me go"

"I never thought that you can be this stupid"

"Shut up!"

"Do you think he will spare your life when he finds out about you setting foot in his territory?" and that's when I stopped struggling against him. Death. It's been a long time when someone talked about my possible death. Of course, I did not consider that.

I am just a high school student who wants to prove to my father that I am not a worthless kid. I always show them my strengths and I am always the badass bitch daughter of Johanson Snowthrie, one of the business tycoon. Ever since my father enrolled me at Scylian, I started to wonder how he hated me and my guts. My older sister got to study in a nice, prestigious school in the UK while I am stuck with my parents as they cannot trust me and my decisions. And also, my mom doesn't trust me sometimes too.

The students fear me. They make sure that they will never get in my way as I always make trouble. I am a magnet of trouble. That's why the mistress gave warning. If I ever challenge her temper, she will surely give ma an expulsion and my father will probably imprison me in our house. As he does not want to dirty the beautiful name and reputation of the Snowthrie. Well, that's maybe one of the million reasons why he chose Aubrey to study in the UK and he chose Scylian because it's far from home and all my wrongdoings will not be exposed to the media.

"I am not dumb to get caught" I answered. Still not backing down because I am Hera Snowthrie.

"Then why did I caught you?" and Zero always has his way to catch me off guards. He makes sure to have a witty come back that no one can never answer.

"Let go of me" and this time, he let me go. Maybe he knew that he won. I looked at the red light and I glared at him before going back to the entrance of the woods. He then followed.

"You did not answer my question yet"

"There's nothing to tell you"

"Makes me question more about what you ought to do in the woods"

"It's none of you business, Zero"

"It is now"

"Look, Zero. I don't care if you're the handsomest person I've ever met in my life but stop controlling me"

"Am I controlling you?"

"Yes!" I almost yelled at him but I remembered that we're still inside the woods. He's also surprised at my sudden outburst.

"In what way am I controlling you?" he asked. I just shook my head and continued walking to the entrance of the woods.

We almost reached Scylian Park when I felt a sting on my neck. I looked back and saw Zero, staring at me. My eyes became blur and my surroundings are spinning. I felt tipsy, no, I feel like I'm drunk. For no reason, I tried to step back and a caught a glimpse of a needle in between his fingers. That's when I realized that I was drugged. But, why?

"Z-zero? W-why?" I managed to ask despite my almost unconscious state. My voice is almost gone too as it almost came out as a whisper but I am sure that he heard it. "W-why?" I repeated.

"I'm sorry, Hera. But I need you to stay alive" and that's the last thing I heard before dozing off. I just felt my body, dropping on the ground.

I felt the warmth of the sun kissing my feet so I curled up to a ball to avoid it. I pulled my blanket closer as it's cold and I still want to sleep because I feel so tired and I do not know why. I didn't run a mile though. But I do have a vague dream last night. Oh well.

"Hera, wake up. We're going to be late" I heard my room mate's voice, telling me to get up but I'm still lazy to do that. It's cold and it's the perfect time to sleep. "Hera. Get up"

"I'm still sleepy"

"I know. But you need to get up or we'll going to be late" I sighed and with my eyes closed, I got up from bed but I used my blanket to cover myself. "I feel tired"

"Are you sick?"

"I don't know. My whole body is numb" I felt Cassy approach me and she put the back of her palm on my forehead.

"You have a fever"

"I want to sleep"

"At least eat and drink you medicine. I'll just go to the mistress' office to get you an excuse letter" I nodded and went back to bed. It feels like I'm having a flu right now. I cannot fathom why though. I feel okay yesterday so I don't understand why I'm feeling bad today. I did not do much yesterday except for our grocery shopping. Plus that vague dream. Ghad! This is even worse than a hang over! This is the woest headache ever!



I am staring at the wall since I took my seat. I'm still sleepy but I can't get myself to sleep more plus it's Monday so I have to get my ass up because I need to work. If I have a choice then I will be spending my day in my quarters, watching Netflix, eating or sleeping. The door then open and Ms. Han entered my office. I looked behind her but I did not see Ms. Snowthrie. Where is she?

"Good morning, mistress"

"Good morning Ms. Han. What can I do for you?"

"I need an excuse letter for Hera"

"Why? What happened to her?" I asked.

"She's having a fever mistress"

"Are you sure?"

"I'm certain, mistress"

"Where is she?"

"She's on her bed" I nodded and reached for a letter from on of my drawers and wrote Ms. Snowthrie's name. "Thank you mistress" as soon as she left my office, I stood and made my way to the girl's dormitory. It's empty as classes already started so I can roam freely. I went to their room immediately and it's open. I saw Ms. Snowthrie, curled into a ball on her bed with some untouched food on her night stand. She did not even noticed my presence. She's maybe sleeping right now. I went to her and touched her and she is having a fever. Well, I need to do TSB.

As I was giving TSB, I noticed a scar on her neck. It's a needle prick mark that's very familiar to me. It's a scar that a needle leave when you are injected with that drug. My eyes grew wide as I stared at it. It's impossible. Who would do this? I stared at Hera... Fever, chills, body malaise... all of which are the side effects of that drug. I looked around their room and found Ms. Han's make up kit. I searched for a concealer and thank goodness she has a shade for Hera. I immediately covered the scar as no one should see it. No one can see it. Or else she'lk be in great danger. But, who the hell gave her that drug? And why was she given... I caught a glimpse of her coat that's hanging on the stand and there's pieces of dried leaves of a plant stuck on it... Dried leaves of a plant that is only found at Northsey.

I looked at her again and I also noticed a tiny Forget Me Not flower stuck on her hair. And Forget Me Not flowers are found in Northsey. Did she went to the woods again? If she did, what did she heard that she got an injection? She's drugged. It's a substance that will make you forget some recent events in your life. It will make you feel that you were just dreaming. If my hunch is right, she got drugged in the woods and someone just put her back on her bed. But who? If I will apply deductions, I would say it should be someone who knows her room number. But, I think everyone know her room number as she is quite familiar in school. I ticked her in bed and left her alone. I cannot suspect her room mate or anyone from their dormitory. I almost reached my office but I made a turn to my right. I need to see who, so I went to the Control Unit. The staffs greeted me and asked me what I need.

"Can you show me the screen of the entrance of the Ladies Dormitory?" I asked and they did. I had to ask them to go out because I need to see it for myself. At 10:36 pm, the guards left their post to patrol around the dormitory to make sure that no one is lurking around after curfew and at 10:46 pm, it's clear that Hera went out of the dormitory. I picked up the pace but in the middle of watching, there's a glitch at exactly 11:57 pm and that's when I saw a man carrying... Hera! I was waiting for him to come out but the screen turned black but the camera is still on. It's still recording. I called a staff to help me fixed it but they were also puzzled about the sudden glitch of the screens.

"There are 5 cameras that blacked out mistress, the cameras located at the Chemistry Lab no. 2, the Scylian Park, the Walkway, the Ladies Dorm, and the Library"

"Do you know why?"

"We're still figuring that out, mistress"

"Can you show me the screen of the Men's Dorm?" I asked and he immediately show me. There's nothing suspicious so it's not him? If it's not him, then who? I thanked them and went to the Chemistry Lab after. There's no one inside. I roamed around to see if something is missing but I cannot really tell is something is missing. The laboratory custodian is not around and I do not remember all the equipment. I walked around the room and noticed that the cabinet where we place the anesthetics and sedatives that students use in disceting is slightly open.


Sedative-hypnotics plus the Red drug, a perfect combination. But, who are you?