
Path To Supremacy

Jin was born different from others with mysterious markings all over his body along with a higher level of intelligence compared to a normal child, though that did not stop him from trying to live a happy life with his loving parents. Sadly for him, because of his title as the monstrosity, the never before seen genius, his parent were killed right in front of his eyes and he also would have died if not for the mysterious awakening of his system. . . . Please read the tags, the mc isn't a kind-hearted person nor is he even the average anti-hero. He is evil, so please don't bother commenting about how evil the mc is unless you like it. . . . . Also, the story wouldn't focus much on the romance that would be coming very late into the novel so don't expect it to do anything to the plot like softening the heart of the mc.

Destructive_killer · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
69 Chs



Suddenly, Jin's body shook as a groan escaped from his lips. Weakly getting up he couldn't help but think.

'That hurt like a bitch!!!' Jin thought of that as he then looked at his surroundings, making out the figure of the little kid who was approaching his location. His voice then entered Seth's ears, but unlike his usual creepy and freaky voice, this seemingly new voice of Jin did not contain the usual overly freaky nature in which he speak. Instead, it held evilness but also a seductiveness which Jin's voice never contained in this life.

Jin's voice then entered Seth's ears, but unlike his usual creepy and freaky voice, this seemingly new voice of Jin did not contain the usual overly freaky nature with which he previously spoke had with. Instead, it held evilness but also a seductiveness which Jin's voice never contained in this life.

"Oh my! Little Seth, I did not expect to find you still here. I thought I would have to hunt you down. I mean, logically speaking, if I was you, I would have escaped from my very own clutches when my bloodlines were evolving. Unlike when my Lightning Tribulation is underway and I can still forcefully move, when my bloodlines are evolving, I am akin to a vegetable..."

Jin said, but suddenly, his hollow eye lit up as he then voiced out with a sick and creepy smile etched onto his face.

"Don't tell me...you don't want to leave my side!!!"


Hearing this, Seth's heartbeat then spiked as his face reddened, unlike before, Jin was now able to hear more minute things so he was able to pick up on this fact. He placed this increased hearing on both his increase in rank and the bloodline of the Vampires as he then smiled wider which showcased one of the many changes in both the outside and inside of his body.

Unlike before, Jin's canines seem to be unable to shorten as it was a whole inch and a half longer than his regular teeth and after seeing Seth's flushed face, Jin bit down on his lips and repeated in his mind.

'Calm...calm down Jin...I already have a wife!!' Jin thought as he then continued in his mind. 'Though saying she is my slave is slightly more accurate...but I should not get turned on by a smaller version of myself...wait, he is still not yet a smaller version of me because his eyes still have that annoying color of blue!!!'

As black blood dripped down Jin's chin, he opened his mouth and voiced. "Little Seth, come hear and let your brother transform you into a Vampire."


Hearing Jin's words, Seth felt an increase in excitement as his eyes gave off a splendid light. Why was he so excited? Well, it's actually very simple...unlike what one would think, Seth learned firsthand how horrible it is to be a mere human in the Underworld aka The Abyss World.

Unlike what he read in novels in his first life, there was never a mystery to Humans. They weren't anything special, they were average in every way except intellect but, races like vampires also have intelligence comparable to Humans yet they also have a higher physical strength along with higher vitality.

So when Jin said he'll be able to transform him into a Vampire, his excitement went through the roof as he thought.

'Haha, with this and on top of the fact that I am staying with Jin from now on, I would not have to face death ever again.' Seth thought in excitement as he was completely oblivious to the fact that somewhere in the near but also distant future, a catastrophic event will befall him...an event in which was all his doing no less.

Seeing Seth enter his embrace, Jin couldn't help but release a smile as his void black pupils which were now surrounded by a blood-red hue, gave out splendorous lights. Simultaneously, his already long canines lengthened even more as Jin bit down onto Seth's neck.


Seth couldn't help but release a moan as it felt as if the very essence of Jin was being released into his body. His face flushed as he felt as if his whole existence was being twisted in a way that was similar to Jin's.


Releasing jagged breaths, Seth's eyes were filled with watery tears as his appearance could give even the most devout of monks a sudden sexual urge.

Jin on the other hand took his canines out of Seth's neck as he gazed at the scene of a flushed Jin. But, unlike what one would expect, Jin was completely unfazed as he merely gazed on in interest at the eyes of this being who was in his embrace.


Seth weakly let out a groan as Jin placed his body on the ground. Knowing well that Seth was about to undergo tremendous pain, Jin simply left him in the same ditch that he himself was just lying down in as he went to do his own things.





'Little system, is my skill eat, still level 3?' Jin, who was currently sitting on top of a rooftop and completely ignoring Seth's blood-curling screams, asked his system.


[Yes, the skill 'Eat' will not level up by eating your own body parts, which is what you did for the last decade.]


Hearing this, Jin couldn't help but look toward the thousands of dead bodies that filled the street that spanned a few kilometers.

'Hmm, under normal circumstances, I would have taken my time and eaten every single one of these beings which would definitely upgrade the skill eat, by at least two levels but....'

Thinking this, Jin then sent his Soul Sense inside of his body as he focused on the thing that Vampires call a 'Blood Core' which was floating next to his heart. Unlike the normal red-colored blood core, Jin's blood core was black, similar to his actual blood as he then said out loud.

"Unlike the novels from the memories of one of the lifeforms that I was for my Soul Transformation tribulation, Vampires do not need to suck the blood of humans or any other living beings for that matter as they merely need to transfer said living being's blood into their Blood Core."

Saying this, Jin stood up as a demonic and bat-like wing burst out of the left side of his back, with which he then flapped once effectively propelling his body over the river of dead Vampires. He then raised his hand and grandly said.

"Blood Absorption!!!"


Instantly, the blood inside the bodies of the river of Vampires blasted out, destroying their bodies in the process. Right after, one can see the said blood streaming into Jin's chest as he had a beautiful smile on his face. His pale skin and his even more devilishly handsome look could now truly be at an otherworldly level as one would not be able to believe that Jin could become any more handsome.


With Jin's increased hearing, he was able to hear the groan which left the mouth of his little Seth as a smile etched onto his face as the blood increased the speed at which it entered Jin's chest. Shortly after, the massive blob of blood that was in the front of Jin's body was nowhere to be seen as Jin too disappeared from his location and appeared next to his now even more beautiful Seth.




(Next Chapter Name: New Prey)