
Chapter 1

Wandering at night in the Tanelician forest was suicidal with tall trees blocking the stars and moon, the only source of light. Furthermore, Tanelic's forests were vast that it will take days to find any forms of civilisation. It was also the homes of not only hungry predators but to bandits and highwaymen.

However, if there were anybody listening, they could hear soft but hurried footsteps, crashing through the bushes and forage. Two shadows moved in the darkness, as silent as wraiths. When the clouds revealed the brilliance of the moon, its light reflected on a boy and girl. The boy has light brown hair and brown eyes. He was tall with a strong body. Following behind him, the girl has brown, long hair and eyes the same colour as the boy's. In comparison, the girl was shorter and skinnier than the boy but there were hints of muscles in her arms: suggesting she work at a blacksmith or at a farm. Both of them wore clothing that marks them as villagers from the Northern side of Tanelic, except that the boy wore a sword around his waist.

The pair stopped and bent their knees, breathing and panting heavily. The boy looked over his shoulders. 'I think we lost them.'

The girl only nodded before asking, 'How far are we to Canaleodon?'

Canaleodon was the capital of Tanelic whose ruler was King Arald Tendahaul who was renowned for his bravery on the battlefield and kindness to his people.

The boy could only shake his head doubtfully. 'No idea. In this blasted forest, we could be miles away from it.' When he saw the fear in the girl's eyes, he held her hands and said firmly, 'But we will find them! We will find them and tell them what happened to the village! The king will send us help. I swear it!'

The girl looked up into the boy's eyes, a hint of hope lit in her eyes.


Canaleodon was the most magnificent city in the entire realm of Tanelic. The walls were 50 span wide100 span high and 30 span thick. Surrounding the city was a moat with only two drawbridges at the North and South part of the city, heavily guarded by six guards day and night. On the walls were defensive mechanism such as catapults and ballistae as well as storage of arrows, rocks, logs, and pots to hold boiling oil for enemies who dares to scale the city's wall. Besides that, guards were stationed, to look out for friends or foes approaching the city.

Within the walls housed a thousand of civilians and soldiers who live and earn a living. Among the residence buildings were markets, taverns, banks, tailors, blacksmiths, schools, barracks, War academies, Wizard schools and many more buildings. In the middle of the city was the castle where its wise and brave king, Arald Tendehaul, resided and made decisions for his people. He had ruled Canaleodon from the age of eighteen where he defended his realm from his enemies and ruled his people with kindness and mercy. During his reign, his people lived in peace and harmony.

In one of the garrisons in the city, one of them was covered with white banners with a golden cross in the middle. This garrison stationed the White Crusade: Canaleodon's elite cavalry consisted of knights, paladins and crusaders. A wandering crusader, named Davin Cavelier, founded the White Crusade and saw it as his duty to vanquish any foes who were against the Light or commit evil in Tanelic. Their numbers grew with enthusiastic volunteers who were sympathetic to the cause or were seeking for glory on the battlefield. Five years after its birth, King Arald allied with the White Crusade to battle against his treacherous brother, Avencus, who seek the throne. Together, Arald and Davin drove Avencus deep into Morte Mountain and Arald regained his throne and his kingdom. In gratitude, Arald appointed Davin as Grand Crusader of the White Crusade as well as Battle Commander of the Canaleodon's army. From that day, peace and order was kept in the city.

Standing within the garrison was a young man with black hair and brown eyes. He was tall and quite masculine. He wore white armour with shoulder pads and quite light with a white waist cape that hung from his hips. Strapped behind him was a two-handed great sword. The young man looked at the sky and sighed.

'Bored aren't we?' Somebody suddenly voiced out.

The young man looked over his shoulder and smiled. Another young man, with red short hair and wearing the same armour as he, approached him. In his hands were two steaming mugs of tea. The young man nodded his thanks and took a mug. He slowly sipped the warmed beverage and closed his eyes in bliss.

'Not really.' The young man said to his friend. 'I'm just… insecure. We just graduated from the War Academy and we're already captains of the First Company. Doesn't it worry you a bit, Argus?'

Argus Ward just shrugged. 'We're the best students from the War Academy and we did graduated with top honours. Even his majesty acknowledged that when he awarded us our graduating sword and shield. Frankly, I'm surprised that you didn't become commander or major. I mean, you're the Grand Crusader's grandson.'

Daniel Cavelier merely smiled as he finished his tea. He threw the remaining dregs into a small fire that was keeping him warmed against the wind. Daniel placed his mug on a barrel. 'Just because I'm the Grand Crusader's grandson doesn't mean that I can become a commander overnight. I want to earn it through merit, not by my name. Besides the fact that I'm inexperience, it wouldn't be fair for those who work so hard to earn their titles.'

'Fair enough.' Argus agreed as he finished his tea. 'I mean heck, I think I'll feel left out if I'm just a mere captain while you become the Grand Crusader's right hand man. Anyway, I think becoming captains is a position for those with top honours.'

'You're probably right.'

Just then, a group of horsemen arrived into the camp. They stopped to where Daniel and Argus were standing. The riders jumped off their horse, looking breathless. Daniel and Argus walked towards them as their leader saluted them.

'Anything to report?' Daniel asked.

The captain just shook his head. 'Nothing, sir.'

'Whose leading the next patrol?'

The captain rubbed his chin before answering, 'No one sir. This is the last patrol for today.'

Daniel turned to Argus. 'Argus, maybe we should take the next patrol. Let's consider this our first contribution as captains.'

Argus smiled. 'Aye.'

The captain looked troubled. 'Young Master', he addressed him knowing full well whom he was talking to. 'Maybe you should let another captain…'

'None of this "Young Master" nonsense.' Daniel snapped. 'We're both captains in this army and as such, we're equals. As a captain of the White Crusade, it is my duty to make sure the city isn't in any danger.'

The captain nodded. 'Yes, Captain Daniel.'

The captain and his men returned to his camp. Argus grinned. 'That was some show of authority just now.'

Daniel grimaced. 'This is going to take some time before I'm used to it…'


Back in the woods, the two refugees continued trudging through the thick forest: abandoning caution into the wind. Then all of a sudden, the boy collapsed to the grass, hugging his belly. The girl quickly knelt besides her companion and turned him on his back. She gasped in horror. There was a big cut on the boy's stomach, threatening to burst open.

'Johann!' she cried in horror. 'What happened? Why didn't you tell me about this?'

Johann grimaced. 'Sorry Lia, I didn't want to worry you. I thought we could reached there before…'

'You're an idiot!' Lia muttered, half angry and frightened. Johann became paler as she leaned him against a tree. 'There, rest now. I'm going to get some help.'

Johann shook his head weakly. 'Lia… don't! It's too dangerous…'

'It's okay.' Lia assured him. 'I can take care of myself. You need to rest.'

She was about to continue when she suddenly fell down flat into the grass. She tried to lift herself up but fell down again. She and Johann had been running from the Northern parts of Tanelic where the mountains were steep and rocky. They had to run without food or rest. Now their exhaustion had finally caught up to them. Lia forced herself up with what strength she had left. She managed to leaned herself against a tree before falling downwards again.

Before she could hit the ground, somebody caught her. Fearing it was a bandit, Lia pressed the ball of her foot firmly into the ground and head butted her capturer in the belly. Her head met metal and both of them fell onto the ground. When she looked up, instead of a face of a ruffian, she was staring at a young man: his face expressing pain.

'Oh,by the Light!' She cried. Her tiredness disappeared. 'I'm so sorry! Are you okay?'

'Now I know what it feels like when a bull rammed into you.' The young man groaned as he rubbed his belly.

'I'm so sorry!' Lia apologised again. 'You see, I thought you were a bandit…'

'I understand.' The young man smiled. 'You were right to think like that. This parts of the forest is famous for a bandit's hiding place.' The young man raised his head. 'How's the other one, Argus?'

The one called Argus was inspecting Johann. 'Not too good: nasty gash, by a sword no doubt. Nothing to worry about, it's a good thing that the instructors back at the academy keeps on lecturing us to carry first-aid kit at all times.' Argus pulled out a small glass of ointment, rubbed some of the substance into Johann's wound and wrapped it with bandages. 'There, he should be okay in a few minutes.'

Lia breathed in a sigh of relief as the young man continued. 'It was a good thing we stopped when we heard disturbance behind the bush. If we didn't, then it will be too late for your friend. Oh,' the young man pulled out a water skin and some bread. 'Here, you must be dying from hunger.'

Lia nodded her thanks and took a swig from the water skin. The fresh and cold water refreshed her body and throat. She took a bite from the bread the young man offered and felt her strength renewed. Her mind clearer and with the moon out, she recognised the golden cross on the young man's armour. 'Thank the Light!' she exclaimed. 'You're one of the White Crusaders!'

The young man nodded and confirmed, 'Aye. My name is Daniel Cavelier and he is Argus Ward. We're Captains from the 1st Company of the White Crusade.'

Lia looked in surprise at the two young men. 'But you're so young!'

Daniel looked uncomfortable. 'It's complicated.'

'There's nothing complicating about being the grandson of Grand Crusader Davin!' Argus joined in.

Daniel glared at his friend. 'I thought you said that being captain was what top honour students received after graduation.'

Argus just shrugged. 'It was something I said to make you feel less guilty.'

Daniel grumbled darkly as Lia gaped at him. 'You're Grand Crusader Davin's grandson? We need your help.'

Daniel became serious. 'What happened?' Argus quickly joined him.

'Johann and I are from Dallen Moor Village.' Daniel and Argus exchanged concerned glances. Dallen Moor Village was at the north of Tanelic, about a half-day ride from Canealeodon. 'We were attacked by the Night Wolves.'

Now that got both the young captains' attentions. The Night Wolves was Avencus' dark army consisted of barbarians, bandits, wanted criminals and mercenaries who seek plunder and riches under Avencus' wing. Using the raw materials from Morte Mountain, Avencus had his army equipped with weapons and armour forged from the fiery furnaces that the surrounding volcanoes provided. Avencus was banished from Tanelic for ruling Canealeodon with tyranny and black magic until his younger brother, Arald, defeated him and his cronies in battle and chased him out of the city. For three decades, Avencus have been preparing his revenge by increasing his power in the dark arts and recruiting more men into his army. However, every time they charged out of Morte Mountain, Avencus' army met resistance from the White Crusade and were driven back to the mountains. Due to the White Crusade's efforts, the Night Wolves suffered heavy casualties and were unable to step on Tanelic's soil.

Until now.

Argus looked at Lia in disbelief. 'But that's impossible. The White Eagle Company is guarding the entrance to Morte Mountain. If they were overrun, we be receiving messengers by now!'

'When did the Night Wolves attacked your village?' Daniel asked Lia. 'Can you described them?'

Lia replied, trying to concentrate. 'They attacked three days ago at noon. Johann and me took a long time to avoid them before heading south. They wore black armour with red scarves and their banner have the symbol of two axes pointing downwards below an eye.'

Daniel nodded to Argus. 'That's Avencus' coat of arms all right.' He frowned. 'It seems that Avencus managed to find another path leading into Tanelic. One that will bypass the White Eagle's outpost.'

'Either that or the entire White Eagle Company is slaughtered and they didn't get a chance to send any runners.' Argus suggested.

Daniel grimaced. 'I hope that's not the case.'

'So what do we do?'

'We return to Canaleodon immediately.' Daniel answered instantly. 'The king and my grandfather need to know about this right away!' He turned back to Lia. 'Are you well enough to ride? I'm afraid we need you to tell everything you told us to the king.'

Lia slowly stood up with some assistance from Daniel. 'Of course, that was why we came here in the first place. But…' Her eyes lay on the wounded Johann.

Argus caught her glance and instantly. 'You two go on ahead. I will carry him back to the infirmary.'

'Thanks Argus.' Daniel said.

'Thank you.' Lia said gratefully.


The rays of the rising sun penetrated the glazed windows of Canaleodon's throne room as Lia told her story to King Arald. The throne room was magnificently built with statues of great heroes and pillars that supported the golden ceiling with paintings of angels defeating demons. Red banners with a golden lion on a silver shield were put on full display: the king's personal symbol. Rays of light lighted the room through glazed, coloured windows.

King Arald's throne was magnificent, made from the fine timber from ancient trees and the softest cushion from goose feathers, it displayed an aura of majesty as well as making the king comfortable as he sit there listening and deliberating petitions. However, hearing Lia's grave news, the king was far then comfortable.

Arald Tendehaul was a strong man with clear blue eyes and brown hair streaked with white and grey over the years of war and administration. He was approaching his fifty and appeared to be tired but there was strength and wisdom in his eyes that still remained even until today. He wore majestic white robes with a red cape attached to it. His hands were tightening around the arms of the throne as he listened to Lia's account on the Night Wolves raid on her village.

Standing next to him were the king's trusted ministers. Aaron Wentworth, Archmage of Canaleodon, and master of many spells as well as headmaster of the Wizard School. He also acts as adviser to the king and a well-known diplomat. His eyes were sky blue and his hair and long beard were greyish white. He wore brown robes and carried a staff with a dragonhead carved at the top of it. To the king's right was his chamberlain, Simmor Audemar who is in charge of the city's finance, administration and policies. He also made sure that all taxes were collected and the laws were obeyed. He stood tall with a dark goatee and hair tied in a ponytail. He wore clothes made from the finest silk, marking him as a noble. Standing next to him was the Battle Commander and Grand Crusader of the White Crusade, Davin Cavelier, Daniel's grandfather. Like his grandson, he too wore the white armour but with more devices that marked his rank. He was muscular man with white, short hair and white beard. Although he was approaching his sixties, he continued leading the White Crusaders, leading punitive expeditions against invaders or drilling new recruits. He and Arald were close friends as they went thick and thin together during their younger days.

Besides Lia was Johann, patched up and slightly better than before. He was suppose to stay in the royal infirmary to recover but insisted he should also come with Lia to recount their tale to the king. Standing behind them were Daniel and Argus, hands behind their back and listening to every word Lia was saying. Apparently, when the residents of Dallen Moor Village finished harvesting their crops, a small band of Night Wolves appeared out of nowhere and attacked the villagers. The Night Wolves burned down the village and plundered anything of value: food, gold, treasures and weapons. Every women and children were captured, to be taken as slaves or war prisoners in Avencus' dark dungeons. All the men and those who fought back were butchered without mercy. It was a massacre.

After Lia was finished, King Arald leaned back against his throne, breathing a sigh. 'So, my brother finally found a way back into my kingdom. I had hope that our best effort will keep him and his infernal army from ever stepping onto our lands but that was just a futile hope.'

Davin stepped forward. 'You majesty, we must now concentrate on the present. If Avencus troops managed to past through our defences without our knowledge, then we have to increase our vigilance and reinforced every forts and outposts.'

'What's good is that when even the White Eagle Company did nothing to stop them?' Simmor scoffed. 'It seems that the men stationed there are getting lazy and neglecting their duties, Grand Crusader.'

'Watch your tongue.' Davin growled. 'Those men are my elites and loyal soldiers who fought and died so that the entire of Tanelic can live in peace without any fear of war. If you think you can do better, I dare you to don your armour and lead the troops yourself!'

Simmor cowered before Davin who glared at him and muttered, 'I thought so.' Before turning his attention to the king. 'Your majesty, whatever happens, it be best to prepare the troops for battle.'

Daniel, who stood there silent the whole time, stepped forward until he was standing next to Lia. 'Your majesty, my lords, I believe that the Night Wolves here is just a reconnaissance force: gathering information on our defences and destroying villages that will provide food and recruits to our army.'

Simmor now looked down at him. 'Huh! Such statement coming from a mere captain! And one that just graduated from the academy no less!'

King Arald held up his hand. 'Enough Simmor! Let the boy speak!' He nodded towards Daniel. 'Continue.'

Daniel bowed and continued, 'From our recent scout's reports, Avencus had suffered heavy casualties from the last skirmish and had lost many of his best generals. To mount an invasion will be suicide with the numbers of troops he currently have.' He turned to face Johann and Lia. 'Do you know how many of them attacked your village?'

Johann thought for a while before answering, 'About fifty of them.'

Daniel nodded his thanks to Johann. 'I suspect that this group raided Dallen Moor to prepare for future skirmishes with us or to report back to Avencus on Tanelic's defences. Never forget, Avencus maybe a traitor but he is a cunning foe. He will strengthen his army first and weaken our defences before launching a full-scale attack: annihilating us in a single swoop.'

'My worthy grandson made an excellent point.' Davin agreed, smiling proudly at Daniel. Daniel smiled back, although quickly to prevent accusation of favouritism.

'One must wonder', Simmor added. 'Is that how did those Night Wolves enter our lands with such ease. What are your theories, captain?' He emphasised on the word.

Daniel ignored his sarcasm and spoke out. 'I came out with three theories. One, for the past 30 years, Avencus' engineers must have carved another passage through the mountains that by pass the defences we set up at the mountain's entrance. Two, our fear that the entire White Eagle Regiment is slaughtered and they didn't have the chance to send any runners to warn us. Lastly, being a powerful sorcerer, Avencus may have teleported his army through magic.'

King Arald nodded in agreement with Daniel's analysis. He turned towards Archmage Aaron Wentworth. 'Aaron, you were my brother's former teacher. Do you think his abilities is capable of such feat?'

Aaron leaned heavily against his staff as he moved forward with difficulty. 'Although he had been my student for five years, he ignored the basics and favour offensive magic over technical spells. Teleportation is one of the most difficult spell to master and it will take years of practice before one can perfect it. I doubt Avencus will have the patience or desire to learn such a spell.'

'In any case', Davin continued after Aaron. 'We need to formulate a plan. I suggest sending a hundred of light cavalry to inspect the Northern part of Tanelic as well as Dallen Moor and the White Eagle's outpost and to strengthen defences and report back.'

'Absolutely not!' Simmor suddenly burst out. Noticing everybody staring at him, he coughed and continued calmly, 'With the enemy so close within our lands, it be best to strengthen our defences around Canaleodon and prepare for an assault: whether it's on the frontier or within the city.'

'But wouldn't it be better to check on the White Eagle's outpost to see if anything happened to them?' Argus finally argued back, dreading to imagine the fate of his comrades.

Simmor ignored Argus and turned to Arald. 'Your majesty, if the Night Wolves managed to infiltrate our borders, then they're probably near Canaleodon to spring a surprise attack or to ambush any reinforcement we send. I suggest we reinforced the city and after there are no attacks coming from the rear or by the docks, then we can send troops to aid the frontier.'

Johann burst out. 'Then what about Dallen Moor? There still maybe survivors who survived the slaughter! Furthermore, we have to rescue those who were taken prisoners by the Night Wolves!'

'Still your tongue, peasant!' Simmor thundered. 'You have no right to speak unless spoken to!'

'You…' Johannn was about to call Simmor a pompous cowardly noble but was pulled back by Lia who hugged his arm and shook her head. Before he could even protest, Daniel placed a hand on his shoulder, urging him to calm down. Johann took a deep breath and calmed down, although he looked daggers at Simmor.

It was Grand Crusader Davin who spoke on Johann's behalf. 'Your majesty, at least let me send a small group of my best men to both Dallen Moor and the White Eagle Outpost to gather more information on the enemy's movement.'

'That exactly what the enemy wants.' Simmor countered. 'They probably set up ambushes at Dallen Moor and the road to White Eagle Outpost in case we send reinforcement. If we send our best troops, they may fall into an enemy's traps and our defences here will dramatically decreased. We cannot take the risk.'

King Arald stood up from his throne, silencing everybody. 'Very well, we will follow Lord Simmor's suggestion. Simmor, send messages to all cities, towns and villages to warn them of suspicious activities around their vicinity. Aaron, summoned all mages to prepare for magical attack and to scan for hidden enemy troops. Davin, prepare the army and your White Crusaders for war at any notice.'

The three men bowed as the Arald turned towards Johann and Lia. 'You must be tired from your terrible ordeal. Please remain as our guest in Canaleodon and rest. Captain Daniel, Captain Argus, see to it that our guests have clean clothing and something to eat. They can stay in the guest house during their stay here.'

Both Daniel and Argus saluted and gestured Johann and Lia to follow them. Reluctant but seeing no choice, Johann and Lia walked ahead of the two captains out of the throne one. Once the massive golden door closed behind them by two royal guards and making sure they were out of hearing range, Johann burst out.

'Why that arrogant, self-centred, no good, son of a bitch! Calling me a peasant! I mean who does he think he is…'

'If I were you my friend,' Argus warned him. 'I keep that tone of yours down. Audemar maybe an asshole sometimes but he is one of the most respected nobles in Canaleodon and the king's adviser. Bad-mouthing him is only getting you in the dungeons.'

'So what?' Johann dismissed Argus' warning. 'What is he if you take away his title, clothes and wealth?'

Argus just shook his head but smile with amusement at the thought of Simmor Audemar as a commoner. Lia however, turned to Daniel. 'Captain Daniel, please, is there anything you can do to persuade them to send aid to Dallen Moor?'

Daniel sighed apologetically, 'I'm sorry but I doubt I can make any difference. For one thing, I'm only a newly-appointed captain.'

'Now are you regretting that they didn't make you commander of the White Crusade instead?' Argus teased.

Before Daniel could retort back, somebody jumped on him from behind. Daniel almost stumbled back but planted his feet on the ground and shook the person off him. It happened to be a young man with messy brown hair and blue eyes wearing the Canaleodon's armour with a bronze eagle shoulder pad on his left shoulder, marking him as a captain of the Canealeodon's army. Strapped behind him were two twin swords and he wore a cocky smile on his face.

'Daniel! Argus!' he cried cheerfully. 'There you are! I've been looking all over for you two!'

Daniel smiled tiredly. 'Hey Matthias.'

Matthias Alston was the son of nobleman Marcus Alston and Daniel's and Argus' classmate during their time in the War Academy. Matthias was famous in Canealeodon as a swordsman with his twin swords, an equal warrior to Daniel and Argus. Unfortunately, he was also infamous in the city for his arrogance, recklessness, and drunkenness and womanising. Despite his immoral ways, he was a close friend with Daniel and Argus, who unlike anybody else could stand his wild antics.

'I was going to celebrate our appointments as captains at the Three Kegs but they said you two went on patrol last night so I have to drink by myself! Don't you know how depressing that can be?' His eyes lit up when he noticed Lia in tattered clothing. 'MMMmmmm… What do we have here?' He studied Lia, who fumed and blushed at his staring. 'For a commoner, you're quite a catch. Hey, maybe after a few drinks and time together, we may have something in common.'

Before Matthias could take a step closer, Lia raised a fist at him. 'Touch me and I'll make sure you swallow all your teeth after I knock them off!' she threatened.

Matthias took a step back with raised hands before letting out a laugh. 'Woah! You're quite feisty aren't you? You'll be fun in bed.'

Lia was burning with embarrassment and anger as Daniel placed his hand on Matthias' shoulders. 'Enough Matthias, these two didn't travel all the way from Dallen Moor just to face your antics.'

Matthias turned to face Daniel. 'Dallen Moor?'

Daniel nodded. 'Yes. Apparently the Night Wolves managed to sneak through our defences and attack Lia's and Johann's village just yesterday.' Matthias look in interest at Lia and Johann as Daniel furrowed his brows. 'I need to talk to grandfather. Perhaps I can talk to him of persuading the king to send aid to the north. Argus, come with me. We might be needed to organise the troops.' Argus nodded as Daniel addressed Matthias. 'Matthias, Johann and Lia are the king's guests during their stay here. Take them to the royal bath, give them new clothes and let them have something to eat in the dining halls. I'll be back as soon as possible. Oh, and Matthias,' he smiled. 'No funny business okay?'

'Leave it to me.' Matthias smiled; no doubt he was crossing his fingers behind his back.

Daniel nodded his thanks and turned to Lia and Johann. 'Please enjoy your stay in Canaleodon and if you need anything, do not hesitate to ask Matthias. Please excuse us.'

Both Daniel and Argus bowed towards them and strode back to the throne room. After the echoes from their steps died down, Matthias grinned at the two fugitives.

'Let get you two clean.' His grin widened at Lia. 'And I will get you something… Revealing.'


Matthias placed a raw steak on his black eye as food was delivered to their table. 'Wow! You're a girl who plays hard to get! I have to double my effort on you.'

Lia swallowed the bread she was eating before raising her fist in a threatening way. 'Keep it up and I will give you more than a black eye! I can't believe you wanted me to wear something so… inappropriate!'

Matthias grinned but cringed in pain. 'But you look wonderful and I no doubt you will be the envy of all women in Canaleodon!'

Lia showed him a very disrespectful gesture, making Johann to stop eating the roast chicken and pushed her hand down. 'Lia, you shouldn't be rude to a captain of the king's army.'

Lia turned angrily towards Johann. 'You! I can't believe you didn't stand up for me! How can you let him wear something so revealing? Besides, you're the one to talk, Mr I hate-that-chamberlain-who-thinks-he-can-tell-us-what-to-do!'

'I was angry at him!' Johann said defensively. 'Besides, you look…'

'Like what?' Lia snapped. 'A whore? Hooker? Prostitute? Is that what you wanted to see about me for all this years?'

Matthias shook his head and made the clucking sound. 'OOOhhh… Looks like we're having a lover's spat here.'

Lia and Johann turned angrily towards him. 'SHUT UP!'

Matthias, and others who were in the dining hall, recoiled at the shout. Before he could say anything else, the door of the dining hall opened and Daniel walked in, looking tired and crestfallen. He saw them and approached their table. Lia and Johann stood up, followed by Matthias.

'Well?' Lia asked a bit snappishly. 'Did they agree to send reinforcement?'

Daniel just sighed and shook his head. 'My grandfather agreed with me but he too could do nothing to persuade the king. 'I'm sorry.'

Lia and Johann shook down heavily. Daniel noticed Matthias' black eye and raised an eyebrow. 'What did you do this time?'

Matthias raised his hands in a defensive gesture. 'Nothing! I did what you told me to do: I took them to the royal bath, gave them some clothes and brought them here to have a bite to eat. I didn't do anything perverted this time!'

'Besides making me dress up in clothing that reveal most of my skin?' Lia growled, angry at Matthias' earliest antic and at the king's refusal for aid.

Daniel folded his arms and glared at Matthias who chuckled. 'Old habits dies hard I guess.'

Daniel shook his head. 'I take over from here. You're needed to organise your own platoon. And get some healing ointment for that black-eye of yours.'

Matthias nodded and winked at Lia. He stood up and exited the dining hall. Daniel took his seat. Lia, who calm down a bit, said apologetically.

'Sorry I snapped at you. I knew you did your best.'

Daniel accepted her apology. 'Don't worry about it. You two have endured the most terrifying experience and I understand. Besides', he grinned. 'No one but Argus and me could stand Matthias. He maybe a jerk sometimes but he is a good friend to have by your side.'

Lia smiled. 'I hope you're not just saying that to defend him.' Then she remember what Daniel said earlier. 'What about you? Don't you have troops to organise?'

'All done.' Daniel replied. 'Argus is still organising his platoon so that's why I came alone. I wanted to see how you two are doing. So, how're you finding Canealeodon?'

'It was great!' Johann cried. 'I have never seen cities so big! The towers, the buildings, the people, the walls, everything! Matthias even took us to one of the royal gardens. It was … astounding.'

Lia nodded as she remembered the time when her uncle and aunt brought her to Canaleodon when she was a child. Bringing them weapons and tools to sale to the army and workers in the capital, they travel for days until they reached the city. Lia looked up in amazement and the grand display of the city with its shops, people and lifestyle. Compare to the simplicity of Dallen Moor, she had never seen such a sight. It just so happened that her uncle made a beautiful sword for the king and was asked to present it to the king. As they entered the castle's grounds, Lia admired the walls, statues, gardens and the courts. Such art and designs. Lia was fortunate to see the city.

Lia drew herself away from the past and muttered, 'I can't believe it! All that travelling Johann and me had done have been wasted!'

'Don't be so unenthusiastic my child. Your warning, may have saved Tanelic from total destruction.'

Lia and Johann raised their heads and Daniel stood up to pay his respect to Archmage Aaron Wentworth. Unlike before, Aaron seems livelier and he wore a warming smile. There was twinkle in his blue eyes as he sat next to Daniel.

Perhaps I misjudged him. Lia thought.

'Because the king didn't had the chance to thank the both of you for your warning', Aaron continued. 'He sent me to thank you on his behalf. He even said you're welcome to stay here in the castle if that is your wish.'

Lia bowed her head humbly. 'Please thank his majesty for his kindness and ask him to forgive Johann's outburst at the war council.'

Aaron smiled. 'He completely understands: one tended to be angry when one is tired.' He smiled as he tapped his staff on their cups. Instantly, the water filled the cup to the brim. Lia and Johann looked at the cup in amazement.

'That was amazing!' Lia gasped. 'I heard talk of magic but this is only my first time witnessing it!'

Aaron smiled. 'That is only a simple spell. There many things you can do with magic. For good…' Then he sobered. 'And evil.'

'Master Aaron have been the king's Arch Mage for over twenty years and is a master of all spells.' Daniel added. 'He is also the current headmaster of the wizard school here.'

Aaron chuckled. 'You flatter me Captain Daniel. I must say, you and Captain Argus have accomplished so much just after your captaincy. You have my full admiration.'

Daniel bowed. 'We did what we can do as captains. Only… I wish we had done more.'

'Persuading the king to send troops to the north is not your tasks, young one.' Aaron admonished. 'Your duty is to lead your troops in battle and defend your country at the best of your ability.'

Daniel bowed his head, accepting the Archmage's wisdom as he stood up from his seat. Aaron walked towards the wooden door but suddenly looked over his shoulders. 'You know, normally your grandfather and I don't see eye to eye on some matters but he accepted my proposal to assign you and Argus to guard the Western gate tonight.'

Daniel lifted up his head, puzzled at his assignment. 'Guard the western gate?'

Aaron nodded. 'Aye. Since it leads directly to Dallen Moor, it maybe best to assign our best men for the job. I will also assigned some of my mages to cover you, their expertise are cloaking and illusionary spells.'

'I don't…' Suddenly, Daniel registered what Aaron was implying. 'Understood!'

Aaron smiled. 'Take Johann and Lia with you, they maybe interested in seeing how our defences are. And made sure that they are prepared as if they are going on a trip. I assume you want me to ask Captain Matthias if he wants to join you?'

Daniel grinned. 'Please do and while you're at, could you heal his black eye? I'm afraid the Lady Lia had done such a damage that Matthias won't be able to perform his duty.'

Aaron gave a wink at Lia. 'Consider it done. One more thing from your grandfather and me: good luck.'

Aaron bowed at the three of them and exited the dining hall. While the conversation was between Daniel and Aaron, both Johann and Lia looked confused.

'Can somebody please explain to me what was that about?' Johann asked, knowing there was a deeper meaning to it.

Daniel made sure nobody was near their table. He beckoned Lia and Johann closer and whispered, 'Meet me in the armoury in one hour, I will provide you with armour and weapons at your choosing. After dinner, we'll head to the western gate and after that, we ride to Dallen Moor!'

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