
Chapter 14: Rowdy Breakfast

Making my way out through the doorway and down the hall, I found myself quickly arriving at the kitchen.

Seated in front of me were my sisters and mother eating joyfully, as I appeared in their line of view. When Mia suddenly sprang up from her chair, dawning a rather nonchalant expression like usual, she made her way over to me.

"Lyndel." Standing slightly over me, her saphire blue eyes staring me down.

"Mm? what's up, mia?" Her saphire blue eyes gazing at me in an inexplicable way when she suddenly placed her hand on my head, back and forth, her face stoic as ever as her eyes couldn't hide the shy face hidden underneath.

'Seriously...what is up with this family of mine lately..'

Its been like this ever since I turned 5, I began to notice a slight shift in attitude when it came to my family, as if before they treated me like a cute pet, nowadays it's as if I'm some fragile oil painting on display, something to admire but not touch, or taint.

'..Well..atleast that's what it WAS like..now..'

"You're so soft.." As she continued to pat my head, I could hear her faint mumbles, her breath growing ever slightly heavier with each touch.

'..alright, i should probably stop this already..' With that in mind, I reached out toward her wrist, her hand still on my head.

"Okay, okay, that's enough, mia."

"Okay..." Her words were soft and barely audible, and her voice was as melodious as church bells ringing.

Despite that, we made our way over to the dining table as I sat next to my mother as usual.

"Good morning." I greeted her, marveling at how youthful she looks.

After having 3 kids and almost a decade and a half passing, you'd think she would look older. However, she still retains the body of a woman in her late 20s, maybe even mid.

'..Mana sure is useful..' Finally done ogling at her. I turn to the other 2 girls sitting at the table.

'..alot of time, sure has passed, huh..'

It's been around 10 years since I first reincarnated in this new strange world. The first few months were hell, but in the end, I found that living here... It wasn't as bad as I thought.

"Lyndel? what're you thinking about?" My mom called out in intrigue. I guess I look pretty weird just staring at them.

"Nothing really.. I was just wondering when I could start my training." As if it was nothing more than another wandering thought, I seemed to drop a bomb on them.

And almost instantaneously, 3 faint clinks could be heard as the three women now seated dropped their silverware in surprise.

"Training? You? Why would you want that?" Taken aback at my words, I saw my sister Mia interrupt, her usually calm demeanor shaken by my words.

"Huh? what do you mean for what, to become a Duelist, obviously?" I returned her gaze as I saw her facial expressions change from calm, to surprised, to worried.

"What are you talking about? You're smart. You would probably succeed in any field you want, so why would you choose something so dangerous?"

"What's wrong with it?"

Our little standoff of course didn't escape the eye of my mother as she coughed into her hand and intervened.

"I THINK." She shot a glare at laia. "She was just worried you lyn, not alot of men can awaken mana, let alone aura, besides it's a very dangerous path, are you sure you want to go through with it?"

After pondering it over for a few, I look back at her as I steel my resolve, though I myself don't quite understand this..urge, I will follow it nonetheless.

"I-" I attempted to get the words out before..

"NO! He can't!" The sudden outburst of my second sister, mia, clouded my response.

"Mia? what are you-" My mother, quite astonished at her sudden tantrum, questioned her.

"No! What if he gets hurt! or worse, you know how dangerous it is for men to go down this path! Especially him considering he's-"

"MIA! control yourself!" The thundering voice of our mom rang out as she subdued the whines of my sister.

It was quite the spectacle watching the usually calm and stoic mia have her tantrum like a child not having their way.

"But mom-"

"No buts, I understand what you mean, but let's just..hear him out first, okay?" She visibly choked on her words as she herself agreed with what mia was saying.


"You two done now? geez, we've been waiting for you two to stop bickering so loudly. "

"a-ah..sorry laia.." Finally calming down her emotions, all three of them look at me, staring me down.

"Now, you mister, what's all this about wanting to be a 'duelist'?" My mother was the first to ask her question.

"Yeah! Why would you want to do something so dangerous?" Followed by mia.

"Is it cause of us teasing you? You're not trying to get back at us, right?" And finally, laia.

"Shut up laia." Thankfully, mom was there to shut her up.

"Lyndel..are you REALLY sure you want to go through with this?"

"I'm sure, mom"

My words echoed within the dining hall as our mother was left to make a decision.

It appeared time had stopped the way all of us sat there in silence, not even a whisper, as three of us waited our mom's response.

Finally, after what felt like minutes she said, in an exhausted tone of voice.

"Haa..seriously.." Her body slumped down slight in reluctance, "Alright.. you can start training..BUT only once you turn twelve, is that clear?"

"MOM!" Immediately, mia stood up in an outrage, and of course, once again for the final time my mom intervened.

"It's his decision, mia, i too think it's dangerous but..I want to believe in him."

"I can't believe this.." She stormed her way up to her room as the remaining 3 of us sat there in silence.

"I'll go talk to her." I spoke as I already began to make my way up following her.

"Please, and don't be too harsh on her, okay?"

"Of course, she's my sister, after all." And with that, I turned away, and made it to her door, giving three distinct knocks.


"Mia? can I come in?" I waited for a short while before a soft, almost inaudible sound was heard, and I opend the door.

I'm back lol, sorry for the break, I was going through some family stuff and school, it was alot but now I'm back and will try my best to update as much as I can, please let me know if you liked the new chapter and sorry if my writing got rusty.

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