
Mel Of The Wind

Abby was at home getting ready for bed, she had had a long day and yearned for the comfort of her bed. Before she could even lay down a loud knock on the door forced her to head back out of her room. She headed to the door wondering who it could be. "Open up! I know you are there!" She recognized the voice and immediately opened the door. "Shiro? What are you doing here, it's late. Can this wait?" " No it can't wait. Listen to me, Yuki has betrayed us, she has joined up with the Demon Prince and are planning to kill the rest of humanity off." Abby couldn't believe it she almost laughed, Shiro seemed desperate but she was having a hard time believing what he was saying. But she realized he was serious. "What? Yuki would never-" "I saw it! We have to warn everyone . We need to get everyone in the academy to help, and we need to inform master about it!" "The master!? But no one has seen him in almost a year." "Yes I know that, but I'm sure if we get the word out he'll come and help us fight."

Abby still wasn't convinced, she needed to talk to Yuki something seemed off. "I don't know Shiro, where is Yuki? I think I should talk to her-" "She is gone! She left with him to his castle and abandoned her grandmother." She looked up at Shiro in disbelief. "What, no! She would never leave her behind." Shiro looked her straight in the eye, trying to convince her. He needed to pin her against Yuki. "She's been brainwashed by those demons, claiming they care for her." He said. She looked down in silence still not convinced but she knew Yuki would never leave her grandma behind, right? "What do you say, will you help me? You know I love her, I wouldn't hurt her I just want to save her." He lied, all he wanted now was to have Yuki dead. He would do anything to kill her, if he wasn't going to have her no one else was. Abby looked at him and nodded. "Yea you were always pretty in love with her... Fine I'll help, I don't want her to be tricked, used and maybe even killed. What do I do?" Shiro smirked, this had been easier that he thought. "Well..."

Morning came and everyone in the castle was up early in the morning. They were currently all gathered at the dining hall waiting for Yuki to finish having breakfast. Seth spoke first. "Make sure you eat plenty, we have a busy day ahead of us." "So what are we doing anyway?" Seth and Neil looked at each other then back at her. "I am assigning you a guardian." Yuki was confused, she didn't really feel like she needed a body guard she felt capable enough to defend herself, well against humans, demons where a different story. "Wait a guardian, like a body guard? I don't think that's necessary. I mean, I can take care of myself and well you guys are always around too, right?" Neil chuckled amused by her. "We aren't always going to be able to be by your side protecting you. Besides I am Seth's guardian I protect him, not you, no offence." It was true if ever they were in a dangerous situation Neil would with no doubt put Seth's life before hers. He was his friend and the demon race's future King. "None taken, I understand. Who will my guardian be?" She asked looking at Seth. "Hmm that's a bit hard to explain, that's why we must get going soon." She quickly finished her food and drink. "Okay I'm ready." "Well someone's excited, considering you'll be going...outside." Neil said wanting to see what kind of reaction she'd have. "Outside?.." She thought for a second, then it hit her. "Outside! like outside outside? The open world? Beyond the River!?" Seth nodded. Now she didn't know whether to be excited or scared. She was a human about to venture into demon territory. Seth smirked "Let's go."

They made their way to the highest tower in the castle. Yuki was extremely confused now. How were they supposed to go outside when they were headed up a dead end tower. They needed to go outside and head out into the forest not this. They made it to the top, inside was completely empty. There was an arched opening leading to a wooden platform built on the side of the tower. They headed outside, Yuki was a bit reluctant as she peered down and the height intimidated her. A gust of strong wind threw her off balance but she regained herself quickly.. She had never been this high before. Seth extended his hand to her and she took it. Holding on tight to him they walked on to the platform.

"It helps if you don't look directly down. You'll miss what's in front of you." Seth told her and she looked up, her eyes went wide at the beautiful view in front of her. "Wow.. its beautiful up here, you can see everything." "Yea it's nice." Neil agreed, "But you are about to be even more amazed!" He added. "What do you mean? Why are we here anyway?" She asked Seth. "Well our destination is a bit far and the trip will most definitely wear you out, not to mention all the demons down there who might come after you. I rather not have to scold demons left and right for trying to hurt you. So I figured this would be easier and I also thought you'd like this." He then brought his fingers to his mouth and let out a loud whistle. A shriek came from the distance and Yuki looked up at the sky trying to pinpoint where it had came from. From the sky a huge hawk like bird came down. Yuki was mesmerized by the creatures grace and the sound of its huge wings against the wind. It landed on the edge of a platform on what seemed to be a big stump built just for its landing. "My Lord you call." Spoke the creature bowing down to Seth.

As if Yuki could not be anymore shocked, the creature spoke. She instinctively held to Seth's arm tighter and slightly hid behind him. She understood it wasn't an ordinary bird, it was a demon bird. "Hello Mel its been a while, how is everything?" Seth asked casually. "Everything has been great my lord, there haven't been any casualties in the last year, and everything is fine around the border." Yuki guessed it was referring to the river border around the villages. "Good to hear. I have come because there is someone I want you to meet." Seth looked down at Yuki and pulled her in front of him, never letting go of her hand. "This is Yuki, Yuki this is Mel, she is our sky patrol leader." Yuki looked at Mel a little nervous. "Hello, nice to meet you." She warmly greeted Mel. Mel looked at her for a moment and understood the situation perfectly. "It's a pleasure to meet you my lady." Mel said as she bowed in respect. Yuki was now very uncomfortable, here she was being called My Lady by a huge demon hawk who could easily kill her in a second and the demon was bowing to her. What had the world come to she thought.

"We need to get to Elder Oden's and we hoped you could help us." said Seth. Mel nodded "As you wish my lord." She then turned around and lowered herself as much as possible. Seth slightly pushed Yuki signaling her to go to Mel. "Wait! What are you doing, you don't mean?" Seth smiled and nodded. "Don't worry I'll get on with you." Yuki was now freaking out, she was scared honestly, she was expected to get on Mel's back? What if she fell, what if Mel killed her? She looked at down at the ground and thought it would be an instant death from that altitude. She was brought back from her thoughts when Seth proceeded forward. "S-Seth are you sure? Isn't there another way?" "You are going to have to get used to things like this, you are my mate after all." Yuki looked down embarrassed. She really couldn't believe how easily he expressed stuff like that out loud when everyone could hear him. Neil who had been watching also felt himself a bit embarrassed for his friends lack of restrain when it came to saying things like that.

Yuki had no other choice, Seth was right. If they were going to be together she could no longer avoid demons, they were going go be part of her day to day life at some point. She then climbed on top of Mel with help from Seth. Then Seth climbed on top as well adjusting himself behind her and positioning his arms around her to serve as some form of safety. "Neil, I need you to find Saria and find out her exact movements and plans. When I come back we will discuss it." "Aye Aye Sir!" Neil said playfully and smiled. "Try not to fall Yuki!" Yuki was already nervous and he didn't help. Neil made his way to the village to find Saria. "Okay are you ready?" Seth asked Yuki. "I don't think this is something you can ever truly ready yourself for." As she said that Mel straightened up. The sudden movement made Yuki immediately grab hold of her feathers. Mel sensed the girl was scared. "My lady I promise to be as gentle as possible. Trust me." Yuki looked at Mel and she felt the good intentions in her words. "I won't let you fall either, I'm right here." Seth said. She felt herself relax a bit as she took a big breath. "Okay I'm ready."

How cool would it be to ride Mel!?

MoonlightGDScreators' thoughts
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