
Life Is Hard

Two days have passed after speaking with Roland. The money he gave me ran out quicker than I expected.

I'm not sure where I am, but this is definitely not the world I lived in previously. People here use gold and silver coins for currency. 1 gold coin is worth 100 silver coins, and all I was given were 20 silver coins.

A single cheapest meal costs 5 silver coins, and the food here tastes horrible. I got to eat weird soup and stale bread. Well, there's probably tastier food out there, but I won't know until I have enough money.

For the past 2 days I was trying to find a job, but no one wanted to hire a 22 year-old with no practical experience, not to mention that I have an unknown background. When I told that I was a student before, they laughed at me and kicked me out.

But you could say these 2 days did bear fruit. I found out more about this world which is way different than the one I was from. This world is technologically similar to the Middle Ages of my world…though you can't really compare it to that, since this world has magic. Yes, real magic and not cheap tricks.

I'm currently in the Kingdom of Polenimia, at one of the biggest trading cities named Teles. The only available jobs I could do are joining the military, though they'd have to do some checkups on my past, which I don't have, or joining a mercenary band. I did hear that there's an adventurers guild but it's apparently impossible to join without identification papers.

The problem is – all of these jobs are deadly and you can die at any given second. I'd love to be a merchant but for that you need to already have a lot of influence and a lot of money.

"This is bad. At this rate I'll have to risk my life to survive…"

I got kicked out today. I have no money left. And I only have my clothes and a small bag which used to contain money. What should I do…?

As I was racking my brain on what to do, sun already started going down and the last bell of the day rang. It usually rings in the morning, in the mid day and in the evening. At night gates close down, so no one can enter or leave. I've got nothing. All that's left is to find a place to sleep and find a way to get money.

I go into an alley and sit down with my back to the wall. It takes a lot of effort, but after an hour or so I manage to fall asleep.


I was woken up by the morning bell. My body was hurting due to sleeping outside, but overall I got enough sleep. As I was recollecting yesterday's events I noticed that a smelly old dog was sleeping next to me. I don't know what type of dog it is since I never had a dog but it was a dog which I've never seen before.

"This breed might be unique to this world." Without thinking too hard I stood up and decided on what I will do.

It took me 15 minutes to reach the market. It was a simple market and not the fancy one in the noble district, I even heard they sell slaves and other luxuries a commoner could not afford.

I shouldn't think about it, since I might not live long enough to see it with my own eyes, because my aim for today is to join a mercenary band. I am a bit worried about my well being, but without money I'll definitely die, so I might as well go and join a deadly job.

At first I was thinking that maybe being an adventurer would be better, but since I need identification papers it was out of the question.

Almost immediately I noticed two wagons full of barrels and other supplies in the center of the market. A man was sitting on a barrel while about a couple dozen of men were cleaning their blades and putting on armor. They're the mercenary band I decided to join.

The mercenary band Twelve Claws was a small-sized band and mostly consisted of melee troops, with only one or two scouts. Their leader was a well known warrior, who once apparently stopped a cavalry charge all by himself, winning the battle. How much of that is true I do not know, but if people are saying these things he must be a very competent person.

I approached the man and before I could say a word he started speaking.

"Here to join the band? You'll get 5 silver a day and 20 silver for each kill. Is that mutt yours?"

I looked at my feet and noticed that the old dog followed me here.


As I was about to say that it was not, an idea came to mind. If I'm going to join a mercenary band I might as well take the dog as a companion. Though it looks old it's still big and at least can knock someone down.

"Yes he is. Could I take him with me? Also how did you know I wanted to join you?"

"Ah, yes, yes you can. He might just save your life one day…probably not." He muttered. "Also throwing questions one after another, it's pretty fucking tiring you know? Use your head for once. A man comes to me, a band leader, wearing only crappy clothes and a dirty mutt in tow. Are you a refugee or something? Maybe you're from the slums?" The man grins as he says that and looks me in the eyes.

"I'm not from the slums nor am I a refugee. My name's Henry Renner and I am happy to join your band. But I do have to say, I have little to none experience of fighting."

The man seems disappointed for a second, before smiling even wider than before, even his teeth started showing.

"Ho ho. Don't worry. Battle is the best teacher."

I was led to the wagon and got equipped with poor quality leather armor. I was also given a wooden shield and a dull steel sword. It seems I'll have to not only learn how to fight but also learn how to look after my equipment. It's the only thing that will keep me alive after all.

Dialogue is killing me. What do you think? -_-

Also, I actually got views. Surprising. Isn't this website awesome for noobs like me?

A_good_usernamecreators' thoughts
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