
The elegant young maid

As I was watching over the young recruits on the training grounds a little after lunchtime, a kid suddenly run towards me with a big grin on his face and crashed into my side.

-Ray! I haven't seen you in a while!

-Your highness is as energetic as ever, I'm glad to see you are well, however please avoid suddenly running into the knights' training grounds as you might get unexpectedly injured.

-Yes, I'm sorry for barging in like this, I was just playing with Lily and thought I could hide this way, then i noticed you and thought I could greet you! I'm so happy to see again! How come you haven't played with me in so long?

How cute, he's sulking. This 7 years old boy is Leonhart Der Ravtalia the crown prince of the Ravtalia kingdom we live in. He's a very diligent worker and promising pupil as he has shown increasingly satisfying results in both his studies and physical abilities especially in the course of the last few months. The most remarkable part about him is how well behaved he is and how his personality is actually modest and respectful towards his retainers and subordinates despite his high social position as the future king.

-Aah, I'm sorry your highness, I've been overwhelmed in work recently and I couldn't find the time to visit. Please forgive me?

-Ah, I guess you're busy now that you are the knight captain. Well, it can't be helped, but please come visit me from time to time! But don't worry, I won't cause trouble in the meantime as Lily is currently playing with me.

-Well I'm glad you found another friend to play with but who is Lily-san? This is the first time I've heard you talk about someone you think of favorably your highness.

-Ah! Lily is a friend I met almost a year now! Whenever I finish my work early, I get an afternoon break and she promises to play with me, sometimes we even have teatime together! We're currently playing a game where one is to catch the opponent and make him do the chasing next, it's very fun however Lily is extremely good at it! She's really quick on her feet and dodges so well I can barely see her movements sometimes! But recently, I noticed that whenever we're out of the deeper gardens, she maintains a very calm and slow peace! It's easier to beat her that way as she never runs or shows any kind of energetic behavior if we're not alone!

-I see, Lily-san seems to be his highness' friend, however I wonder if it's alright to win this way? From what I understood she's a young lady so she must absolutely not show any kind of unrefined behavior in front of others correct?


-Well then don't you think the conditions of the game are quite unfair if she can't display her full potential? Also, I believe winning while knowing you had some kind of advantage isn't really a worthy win, or is it?

-... Yes ... she told me the same thing last time ...

-Is that so? I guess we share the same opinion, she must have gotten angry for your conduct not being of a gentleman's?

-Well, she wasn't really upset but she said if I was to behave according to the knights' code of conduct I must always fight my battles fair and square and earn worthy wins by my own means without any upper hands on my opponent.

-... I see... well that's quite surprising I have to say the young lady is very wise and dependable for her age, you must treasure you friend, your highness, as she seems to be quite the fine lady.

-Yup! She's really the nicest and the most beautiful girl I've ever seen! Even though I lose every time at tag, she let me win the other day.

Well, he's still a child and must be exaggerating her beauty as he seems quite attached to her.

-Oh really? And why is that?

-We played the day after my birthday and she let me catch her and told me how much I've grown up and how she would have to work harder in order to catch up to me. I know she's lost on purpose but nonetheless I feel happy about her feeling.

-My, you sure have found yourself quite the nice lady, haven't you?

-Ah I wish that would be the case... I proposed to her many times before but she always turns me down...

-Eh? Your highness you actually asked her in marriage?! Isn't that a bit too early! And she refused? First of all, that's a little irresponsible from your position but second of all why did she refuse?

-Well, she said an old lady like her was unworthy of someone young and respectable like me... I personally don't agree, I think she's really amazing in all kinds of subjects but she said our social standings were too far apart and that she would be happier stating by my side while Looking over me from afar.

-…I … see... that sounds quite lonely... may i inquire how old is the young lady and which family she's from?

-Eeh well I don't really know the details, we've been meeting fir a while this last few years but i have never prayed into her business as I thought it wasn't that important?

-... Your highness, may I escort you back to your friend? I would be very happy if you introduced me to your friend.

I know she must be a good person for playing with him so well all this time however I feel quite suspicious as her background is unknown to me. A normal noble lady would have properly introduced herself with her status and family name, and I doubt his highness would've missed such details of her introduction. I'm a little worried over the reasons she didn't introduce herself, or is she perhaps hiding something?

-Yes! I can introduce you right now, she must be looking for me. I really like Ray who's been with me all this time and this way I'll have my two favorite people meet! Hehehe

Waa how cute can this kid get, seriously if all humans were as diligent and pure hearted we wouldn't need war or armies anymore! He's been calling me his favorite person ever since he started talking as I've been looking over him, however I feel a little jealous over the recent rival who also earned herself the same title. My curiosity is growing the more I hear about her.

-I would be delighted, let's not make her look for you any longer shall we go?


After taking his hand, I turn to Robert in order to give him instructions for the rest of training and excuse myself for the day. It's almost evening and i haven't eaten lunch yet, so I guess I'll make sure his highness is in safe hands then eat some bread to finish my desk work. His highness is guiding me to the deeper parts of the royal gardens, we're crossing the palace and the inner gardens, he traveled suite the distance to hide himself i believe his friends must have already left or if she's as praiseworthy as he claims, she must be very worried.

After finally arriving at the deeper gardens, i can see from afar the figure of someone sitting in the grass.

The silhouette looks very refined, I can only see her back, but she's definitely a young woman, her hair is extremely long and a very beautiful dark blue color, I feel like I've seen it somewhere before... a sudden breeze shakes the surroundings, the trees and flowers sway a little and the young lady's hair flutters in the wind as the gentle sun rays shower it with light, the beautiful dark colors suddenly turns into a starry night and as we're getting closer and only a few meters away, she turns around and unknowingly I stood agape for a moment. Her eyes are of a light blue icy color, they're slightly sharp at the edges but they bear a very gentle feeling as they're looking at his highness with relief. Her nose is elegantly drawn on her face as if it was a painting and her lips are small but pulpy and fresh with a light pink color making them look as though they were some kind of juicy fruit you'd like to bite in.

As we were approaching she was quietly looking at us and i felt her icy stare pierce right through my heart as if she was looking deep inside my soul. Her eyes were not fully open and she had a very impassive and

Uninterested expression as her lips didn't even twitch, but i feel some emotion in her eyes as she made sure of his highness' safety and was now making sure the person guiding him was not dangerous.

After his highness inquires the reason of the sudden stop, i tell him it's nothing and we quickly arrive before the young lady. I thought she was his highness' playmate or friend but she looks much older, i believe she should be in her late teen? I wonder how he got acquainted with her, maybe her noble father wanted to make relationships in the palace by introducing his daughter, she was indeed a stunning beauty, I believe she would easily find a very suitable marriage partner with high position if she wanted.

As I was deep in thought and my head filled with question, the young lady rose from her sitting stance and stood in front of me. She's quite tall for a girl, I myself is over 1m80 but she seems much taller than the average ladies i guess she should be around 1m70. The girl quietly cleared her dress from the grass stuck to it and straightened her back. She then gracefully put her hand in front of her skirt and bowed her head to me and his highness. I was a little breath-taken by the beauty of her movement and couldn't help but wish for her to raise her head so i could admire her gorgeous features more, but i was also curious about her behavior as the she bowed was not how a young noble lady would but more how a servant would. Then, i suddenly noticed her marine blue dress and the apron laying on the ground, could she be... could this beautiful and elegant person be a maid?!

I don't know if you guys noticed, but my writing style in the first part of the novel is very influenced by the japanese novels' style, since that was what I read the most at that time. However, at the later parts have more of a chinese novel influence since I got completely hooked on those, so I hope the whole feeling doesn't get too confusing. Enjoy!

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