

"Strip!" Aron, the Alpha, uttered a bark. As he came closer to me with his hand raised in front of him like an angry bear getting ready for a fight, I quickly pulled off the top half of my shirt and then began removing the other half as he approached me. "Until you have completed your sentence, you will not move forward with anything." He said it firmly while staring down at my body from behind those large brown eyes that reminded me so much of my own father's eyes. He was staring at me in a manner that was very familiar to me. It looked like there was some sadness mixed in with his anger, which made me feel even more responsible for what had happened than I had before. His face was filled with anger. I had disobeyed him once more, and this time I had been unable to conceal any evidence of my disobedience either! It was the last thing I needed right now to get another spanking, or even worse, to be sent back home, where everyone would know what a naughty little girl I really am...

When he saw how aroused my pussy already felt after having just come once only minutes ago, I could see his enormous cock twitch in anticipation of having it with her. It throbbed against the fabric that was covering it, and I knew without a shadow of a doubt that he would make good on his threat by fucking me hard and fast if given even a fraction of a chance to do so. But first things first: in order to properly discipline me, he needed me to be naked in front of him. And based on the expression he was giving me, there was no way he was going to let me get away with anything less than ten smacks across both of my cheeks.

He reached his hand around me and pulled my skirt up, which caused my pants to fall to the ground as well. Then he grabbed hold of both of my wrists and held them above my head while keeping his big paw over my mouth. He did this so that he wouldn't be able to hear me scream or beg him to let go of me, regardless of how loud I was. He got on the bed next to me and eased himself down carefully before lifting my legs into the air and spreading them as far apart as possible, thereby exposing my entire body. Almost immediately after he did this, he moved his nose close to mine and took a deep breath in. He let out a low growl as soon as he caught a whiff of my arousal, and then he reached forward, grabbed two handfuls of my hair, and pulled me towards him. My pouty lips became slightly more open in response to his touch, and he licked them greedily, causing the muscles throughout my entire body to twitch. He gave me one more lick before pushing his tongue inside of me, causing me to let out a loud gasp as he filled me with his hot, thick cum.

After that, we savored the warmth of each other's company as we retreated to a position where we could lie down together in peace. We didn't say a word to each other because neither of us could come up with words that were powerful enough to describe how amazing it felt to have finally found someone who understood exactly what I required. Someone in whom I could place my complete trust. After all, we are lifelong companions to one another.


It was several days before things returned to their normal state. Even after a week had passed, I was having trouble believing that I had been successful in luring such a powerful alpha male. I reasoned that there had to be something fundamentally wrong with me. Maybe I'm losing my mind? I mean, how is it possible for anyone to fall in love with a guy they have hardly ever met and only recently became aware of their existence? Especially considering the fact that I was supposed to be seeing someone else?! How incredibly foolish does that sound!? It's possible that it doesn't really come across as very clever, but man, does it ever feel absolutely incredible!

The fact that I hadn't told anyone about what took place between us was, however, the most embarrassing part of the situation. Neither my close friends nor my relatives. I suppose that sooner or later I should probably start telling people, especially considering the possibility that it will become common knowledge sooner rather than later anyway. If the rumors that have been circulating around town are accurate, then the majority of the pack will know by the time tomorrow night rolls around. However, I suppose that it does make sense; why would you hide things from your own kind? In addition to that, I don't believe that it will be detrimental to me in the long run. What are the worst-case scenarios that could occur?

My parents were relieved when they found out that I was going to be wed to an older man rather than a young pup like some of the other people their age. They went as far as to tell me how happy they were for me that I had found such a wonderful partner. That's pretty cool, I suppose. Despite this, I really wish they would stop referring to him as "my mate." This was never in my request. My wildest dreams have always included a face-to-face encounter with a pack's alpha wolf. Also, I used to fantasize about meeting a hunky beast, falling hopelessly in love with him, and having him whisk me away to a land where I could live happily ever after with him. On the other hand, I did not anticipate becoming pregnant and having to bring up a child by myself. No way! This is completely insane. Why should I even give a damn about what goes on with me anymore? Who cares if I wind up being a single mother with no family or friends to turn to for help? At least I won't die a virgin. Or at the very least, I really hope not!

My problem was that I cared way too much about what happened. I was aware, on some level, that the process of mating had nothing to do with love but everything to do with ensuring one's own survival. No matter how hard I tried to persuade myself otherwise, I just couldn't shake the feeling that somewhere, deep down inside, I already knew that things between us wouldn't work out. Inevitably, we'd get to a point where we couldn't move forward, and I'd end up losing my partner. Of course, I never stopped wanting it to take place as soon as possible rather than later. Because if it didn't, I would undoubtedly lament my decision for the rest of my life.

And now, here I am, lying in bed next to my new lover and pondering the best way to break the news to him that I no longer wish to continue our relationship. I have decided that I do not wish to continue our relationship. Simply considering carrying out such an action made my stomach feel like it was being attacked by a swarm of butterflies. I've never ended a relationship with anyone else before. In point of fact, I've never dated more than a few guys in my entire life, and of those, I've only had sexual encounters with three of them. I'm supposed to sleep with four different men in the span of a single month, is that what you're telling me? What in the world is wrong with these wolves?!

The sound of footsteps drawing nearer to the bedroom door prompted me to glance at the clock hanging on the adjacent wall. It's getting close to midnight already. Great, just perfect. Even though I need to talk to him about terminating our relationship, I haven't even started taking off my clothes yet. How humiliating would something like that be?

At that precise moment, the door to the room opened, and Aron entered while only wearing a pair of boxer shorts that were pulled up to his waist. After leaving the room, he walked straight over to me, closing the door behind him as he did so. He then stood right next to the side of my bed and looked down at me. He spoke in a low voice into my ear, saying, "Good evening, Ava." "How was your day?"

I was taken aback by the fact that his tone of voice was almost calming, especially in light of the fact that he typically gives off an angry vibe. "Not bad. You?" I responded while attempting, despite my nerves, to sound nonchalant.

"Pretty uneventful." It was his response. "Are you prepared to face the consequences of your actions right now? Do you comprehend that I will immediately send you home if I find out that you have been sneaking around again? I'm sorry, Ava, but I just can't afford to throw any more of my time away on you. I have a lot of responsibilities to fulfill in addition to my regular obligations. Your presence is causing me to lose valuable time that I could be using to attend to more pressing concerns."

Oh god! The lecture is about to begin once more. It drives me crazy when he takes himself so seriously like that. It makes me think of the times when my dad would get angry at me for doing something wrong and yell at me. It never failed to make me feel insignificant and inadequate. As if it weren't necessary to make an effort for me.

Before continuing, Aron knelt down and gave me a gentle peck on the cheek before saying: "Therefore, I ask that you make a greater effort to avoid getting into trouble. Have no fear; I will make an exception for you this time. But keep in mind that the next time it will be even worse!"

After that, he turned around and left the room, leaving me to wonder what in the hell I'd done to deserve such severe punishment. Shouldn't he have been the one to guard me and show me affection? Instead, he was extremely disrespectful toward me!

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