
Results may vary

"So Dr.Fay. What brings you to my office?"- Vlad said with a smooth and pleasant tone trying to relax Dr.Fay.

Although it had the opposite effect on Fay as she felt her spine shiver. And she instantly became even more wary of Vlad.

Tossing multiple yellow folders onto his table, Fay spoke to him in the most apathetic tone Vlad had ever heard.

"Just as I promised Vlad." - Dr.Fay said before walking out of the room and slamming shut the door to his office.

As such Vlad's eyesight soon fell down onto the folders now before him. Which were almost as thick as a dictionary when combined.

And reading through the folders Vlad soon understood how the experiment went.

Which much to his surprise had been more successful then he initially thought.

The things they did to the children that night were revolutionary. Which only raised Vlad's opinion of Fay and her team even more. Sure he had begun to doubt them, but not to the point were he wouldn't have any faith in them.

"Perfect." -Vlad said calmly while smiling. However his smile was anything but normal. As his eyes and lips were close to touching. Giving him the appearance of a vile monster. Not that he wasn't one.


•Project: Renaissance•

Page 179 out of 750

Our newest batch of subjects have been quite a success. As out of the 99 children, 14 were successfully able to withstand the stress that they had gone through. Most notably are the changes their bodies have undergone.

However much to our dissatisfaction 4 out of the 14 children were put on life support almost immediately. As even though they had survived the procedure their bodies seem to still reject the mutations.

Further testing is needed to know why, as of right now. Though we can speculate it to being one of many things.

As to not stretch out our resources the 4 children were soon terminated.


Page 250 out of 750

Subject # 13

Name: Classified

Sex: Female

Age: 7

Weight : 55 lb -> 85 lb

Height: 4ft -> 4.7ft

Due to having her stem cells and genetic makeup changed. Subject #13 has exhibited a increase of muscle density, bone density, enhanced strength, enhanced reaction time, and a increase of height. At a level that the other test subjects can't measure up to.

Further testing is required.


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Subject # 27

Name: Classified

Sex: Male

Age: 5

Weight: 45 lb -> 50 lb

Height: 3.7 ft -> 3.9 ft

Ability: Rapid cell regeneration

Subject #27 has also had a increase of muscle and bone density. As well as a small height increase, though not as significant as subject #13. Subject #27 much to our delight seems to have acquired rapid cell regeneration. Though not without it's side effects; as it seems to use an excessive amount of calories in return for it's use. Moreover as of right now subject #27 has been shown to be able to regrow all 10 fingers in a matter of seconds.

Further testing is required.


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Subject #38

Name: Classified

Sex: Female

Weight: 44 lb -> 45 lb

Height: 3.9ft -> 3.9ft

Age: 6

Ability: Electrokinesis

Subject #38 demonstrated the ability to produce electrical currents. As a result of developing a brand new organ that replaced her pancreas. As a result she destroyed 1/3 of her room and gave herself 2 degree burns throughout her body. Perplexing enough the burns are healing at a visible rate. Perhaps as a result of her body getting use to the electrical currents. Yet as of making this report she is still currently bedridden.

Further testing is needed.


Page 310 out of 750

Subject #73

Name: Classified

Sex: Male

Weight: 43 lb -> 47 lb

Height: 3.7 ft -> 3.9 ft

Age: 5

Ability: ???

Subject #73 though the most uncooperative has been deemed the most valuable test subject out of the 10. We speculate that he is able to perceive the wavelength in which kaiju communicate through. And it's quite probable that he's also able to perceive the wavelength in which titans communicate with too. During brain scans we were able to identify a part of the temporal lobe being rearranged into a more complex nervous system. That being said subject #73 has started to show a degrading mental health. As he seems to have various symptoms similar to people with schizophrenia. Though medication seems to help.

Further testing is needed.


As for the other 6 subjects.

Well they were deemed unsuccessful. As they showed little results. But are still being kept under observation do to the potential they could show in the future. Which is very likely.

Yet this was enough for Vlad to be happy with… for now.

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