
Oye... Senior!!

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What is Oye... Senior!!

Baca novel Oye... Senior!! yang ditulis oleh penulis savage_girl_231 yang diterbitkan di WebNovel. ...


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又名《大佬被迫躺赢了》 凌宝宝太惨了,睡了一觉,自己的豪宅就变成了土坯房,还是下雨会漏雨的那种。 她这才发现自己穿成了农家小村姑,还是带着一家人全部穿越而来。 凌宝宝手握招募系统,表示无压力,于是撸起袖子就准备大干一场。 却没想到,一眨眼。 爸爸变成了远近闻名的神医,地里种的全是高级草药。 妈妈变成了远近闻名的女先生,开的私塾,京城富家公子小姐挤迫了头,要进去。 大哥哥变成了天下第一富商,手里的钱财富可敌国,就连皇帝都要要向他借钱。 二哥哥变成了大发明家,他烧制的琉璃盏,青花瓷,研发的葡萄酒,远销海外。更是研发出了超强武器,解决了国家一直存在的外患问题。 而,隔壁惦记了她许久的漂亮小哥哥,突然摇身一变,成了权倾朝野的大将军,更是将她抱在怀里,非要跟她生猴子。 于是,凌宝宝就这么躺赢了。 一日,有一贵族千金嘲笑顾将军夫人是小村姑,粗俗跋扈。 爸爸得知后,直接宣布,拒绝这家人的求医。 妈妈得知后,直接取消了她的入学资格。 两位哥哥得知后,表示,以后所有商品,都不卖给他们。 将军夫君,一把将凌宝宝搂入怀中,无限宠溺:我就喜欢村姑,粗俗跋扈就是我宠出来的。 于是,气坏了一众千金小姐。

紫苏咕咕 · Umum
Peringkat tidak cukup
438 Chs

A Villain's Guide to World Domination

{On break...} Let me begin by telling you how much I hate cliches and Happy ever after's. Cinderella, getting the prince with love at first sight, snow-white, and her Prince with love’s first kiss…who’s gonna tell these fools that real life doesn’t work like that and don't even get me started with the so-called heroes. It's almost like the world is blind, and my four-eyed self(making sure to clean my pair of glasses before putting them back on) is the only human that can see that: Villains are the true masterminds, the ones with the goals, the only people who see the world as it is- an apple for the taking. That's why my motto is: Life is short and I, Ray, should always come FIRST. ********* Unlike the cute facade Ray puts up in front of his mother: the only person he cares about, Ray is anything but cute. He sees the world he lives in a little differently and he intends to change it. Unlike others vying to become heroes, he embraces the villain he knows himself to be and the absolute ruler he hopes to become. In a high-tension world where superhumans exist alongside mutated beasts with powers of their own , there is a huge gap between heroes and villains. Apart from the different grades(F-A) powers are divided into, they are also classified into two main groups. Propensity for good( Hero-like) and Propensity for bad(Villain-like). This means that the power each person can awaken directly affects how they are treated and which organizations and groups they can join. At fifteen, Ray’s life doesn’t go according to how he planned it. Not only is he unable to awaken his powers but caught in the crossfire of a huge battle between a hero and a villain, his life lingers at the brink of death. Just before his soul escapes his body, he gains a death-related system that not only changes his looks and body but also the way people view him. Regardless, Ray doesn’t care. His sole purpose is *world domination* even if he has to bring the world to its knees first. At first, he tries to join hands with a villain organization his father belonged to when he was alive, to take down as many heroes as he can as his powers slowly grow to balance the gap between the two groups. But when he discovers how shallow-minded other villains were to each other and themselves. Almost at the cost of his life, he finds a way to upgrade his system and ventures out on his own, building his army from scratch, using the very souls of the mutated beasts the human race is daily battling to defeat. Art by B3RKZN *This art doesn’t belong to me*

Arrc_ · Fantasi
108 Chs


  • Rata-rata Keseluruhan
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  • Memperbarui stabilitas
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