
Samantha Girden

"Huh? The All-seeing what?", I asked as my eyebrows curled because of my confusion.

"Wait.... This universe already had their [ Chosen One ] so why is this guy here? Is he an irregular? An illegitimate son of the [ Overseer ]? There's no way an [ Overseer ] , a supervisor of a universe would make this kind of mistake so why?..." she mumbled.

Hearing her say all those wierd things made me even more confused and scared. "Illegitimate son? Chosen One? Overseer? What the hell is happening right now!?".I was in a situation where thinking of answers gives even more questions... And so, I attempted to get away from the girl and ran towards the direction of my house.... I was successful at getting away and when I looked back... the girl that was mumbling to herself was gone.

"What the f-!"

Even more scared, I dashed to my house and hastily entered my room to hide.

"What the hell was that!? Her beauty was out of this worl-!! Wait! That's not the problem here... Chosen one? Overseer? She even called me an illegitimate son!! Damnit!"

I was lost in my thoughts..... And as I was thinking about what to do, I remembered something she said...

"The [ All-Seeing Eye ] is that related to the pain I felt in my eyes in my 16th birthday? I have an all-seeing eye? If this eye is an All-seeing eye then why am I not seeing any colo-...."

This was the time that I noticed....

"After that day, I covered my left eye just because it's not normal.... I was scared to think that my eye has an incurable disease... I closed my eyes everytime that it became my habit to constantly close it making it even harder for me to notice something so obvious... It's not that I'm not seeing any colors... If I remember correctly, the doctor glowed red and everything was gray?... No! My Mom was there and she was also glowing a faint green! Yes! that's it! If I'm correct then my left eye sees colors in human beings... It's like the Manhwa that I read recently! If so, then these colors might be indicating something... But the question is what do these colors indicate.."

As I was deep in thoughts in my room, figuring out the discovery that I found... A visitor knocked on our door...

*Knock* *knock*

"Hello?", the visitor asked.

"Coming!", my mother replied.

When my mother opened the door, she was greeted by a gorgeous girl that came asking for me.

"Are you Mrs. Amber? Is Sky here?" she asked.

"Y- Yes! I am...", My mother stuttered as she was enchanted by the beauty of the girl.

"Why is such a beautiful girl like you looking for my son?", My mother asked.

"I see, he's still hiding it....", the girl frowned.

"Hiding what?", my mother asked with a puzzled face.


"Don't tell me....", My mother realized something....

"Yes.... We've been dating for 6 months now... And I.... When I told him that I have his baby, he said that he won't accept it because he doesn't love me anymore.. *Sob* *Sob*", the girl cried.

"That idiot!... Please sit in the sofa young lady, I'm gonna get your husband down here...", My mother said in order to calm her down.

The girl smirked... she gave off the face of a villain that had it's plans laid out perfectly..

"SKY!! GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE AND TALK TO ME!!", my mother angrily shouted.

I was in my room... Taking note of my discoveries and writing it down in a notebook. When I heard my mother shout. I got goosebumps because it's my first time hearing her so mad... I immediately ran downstairs and asked what's wrong.

"What's wrong mom?", I asked.

"What do you mean what's wrong? You made your girlfriend pregnant and now you're leaving her!? I didn't raise you to be a bastard and you know that!!", she angrily shouted.

"...", I couldn't say a word. I just paused for a brief moment.

"I made someone pregnant? What are you saying Mom!? I'm still a virgin y'know! And besides, how can I even get a girlfriend when most girls avoid me..", I Confusingly asked.

"Shut yer trap.... just come and see her!", she angrily replied.

Still confused.... I followed her silently....

"There she is..", my mother pointed.

Seeing a familiar face made me even more confused....

"Wha- You!! Who are you!? You're also the one who said those wierd things to me at the bakery.", I angrily asked.

"Who!? Me? Now that you've got what you wanted you're just gonna forget me and everything we've been through?"

*Sob *Sob *Sob

"Do you even know how happy I was when I found out that I was pregnant with your son.. And you... You said all those horrible things to me!", she cried.

Seeing her like that, I decided to play along in order save myself from my mother's scoldings later on.

"I'm sorry... I'll take responsibility of the baby so why don't we talk in my room?." I asked as I held her hand watched her reaction.

"Okay....", she replied.

"By the way, young lady...", my mother called her.

"Hmmm?", she hummed as she turned her head to my mother.

"What's your name?", my mother asked.

When she heard the question... She paused for a moment and smiled..

"Pleased to meet you Mrs. Amber, My name is Samantha Girden..."

Please give your reviews in the comments. You are also free to give me some advices on how to improve my writing style or my vocabulary.


Sora0creators' thoughts
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