

Apocalypse-check Overpowered-double check Handsome (of course)-triple check Lazy(maybe)*proud*Nah!. Great!.Of all times the apocalypse had to come was when I won a lottery*sigh*. Join Adam Brook who just wanted a chill life after all the mishaps only to have his hopes dashed by the presence of of the apocalypse*sigh*. But...on the bright side he gained something nice.Overpowered abilities and guess what he wanted a life of laziness and simplicity.But a guys gotta have cash every now and then right*wink*. After gaining his abilities there's a time skip and we proceed from there. Please read and keep hurtful attacks to a minimum ok*pleading*am kinda nervous here.

Udochukwu_Osigwe · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
6 Chs


If one was to summarize the life and powers of Adam there where two words to be said "lucky chap."

I mean yeah,an ordinary guy albeit one with an above average face rather than dieing in the apocalypse got extra lucky spins exceptional talents to match all while doing nothing.

But on Adam's side it wasn't luck rather was like a curse.Everyone has or at least once dreamed of immortality or having absolute powers to be the top dog but how many have achieved it?.

And here was Adam with it all but yet sees it as a curse.

You would gladly curse him right if you had the ability to withstand the consequences of your actions.

Adam as he was now was not just due to the amazing abilities brought on by the apocalypse but rather by sacrifices made by certain people and near death experiences in his life due to the fact that most of his powers were locked as a punishment made by the system for unknown reasons for a good fifty years.Only his appearance due to immortality and some part of his strength along with low level regeneration was spared.

With every loss and sacrifice that came Adam soon became numb to it all and the final straw was an incident that occured some days before he regained his full powers.

With his powers in hand slaying monsters was as simple as eating and drinking and it soon reach a level where he started to think 'where am I going with this?when will this end?is there really an end?'and with this he went in to a special state later breaking through after some months with renewed virgor and this started the rebuilding process.

Now, currently an unrivaled entity in the world and probably the universe(as to why I said universe...he he he it's a secret) he found himself constantly looking for entertainment it came in form of a stunning lady in a red dress which did little justice to her curves.

Though his eyes where closed Adam could see everything and more if he wanted to and currently the little bug down there was currently starting to piss him off.

"Get down here you miserable lowlife do you who I am or the powers behind me!"The guy below shouted in anger as he quickly brushed off the unknown object on his head his entire body shaking.

"If u come down from that tree now with an appropriate amount of fruits to appease me, I might just consider-"

The guy's rambling was interrupted by a loud stifling yawn.

The yawn was followed by a deadly awkward silence with the faces of the four people down shifting through different emotions.

Jenna's usually cold face cracked a small smile barely noticeable due to her being at the back as she stared at the youth on the tree with subtle interest.

'This guy is something else '

"H-h-how dare you!"the guy below shouted pointing at the youth above,his face a shifting myriad of colours.

"I'll tear you apart limb from limb,pray you are an orphan cause I'll hunt your family down and des-"

All of a sudden an intense bone chilling aura spread throughout the large space dwarfing everyone present as the youth on the tree sat up and looked at them for the first time.


Within the imperial palace in an unknown room simple yet beautiful sat several figures with unknown auras and might round a rectangular table with the emperor siting at the main seat.

Garfield sat at the right side of the emperor listening attentively to their discussion though not involving himself in it.Suddenly he turned his head sharply towards a particular direction his expression grave before looking at a man a few seats away opposite him sighing deeply.

This action did not go unnoticed by everyone as the room immediately became quiet and Garfield the center of attention.

"Honoured sage please what happened".The man Garfield looked at first asked sweat pooling at his back as he felt a bad premonition.

"Your son just messed with someone this empire cannot offend Chibueze"

Chibueze stood up immediately prepared to move but Garfield's next words stopped him cold.

"You going there is equivalent to death"-he then sighed again-"let me handle it "Garfield said before disappearing from the room leaving everyone in silence and in Chibueze's case anxiety.



This was the first thought on everyone's mind the moment they saw his face not minding the immense aura pressing down on them.

'Impossible,how could anyone be this hansome'the guy who was giving threats earlier thought grinting his teeth as he was pressed down.His eyes looking up in fear, jealousy and reverance-wait,what?.

Even the ice cold Jenna found her heart beating faster for unknown reasons just by looking at his face before shaking her head and looking down swiftly.She touched her cheeks suddenly feeling hot.

"What did you say again?"A cold yet beautiful voice asked looking at the guy below suddenly multiplying the aura around him making his face firmly plant on the ground.

It was then that the guy in question knew deep in his heart and soul.

'Damn, I really fucked up huh?'

He had to just go and piss off someone beyond his own comprehension (just great).

"I...am... sorry"he said with much difficulty as tears streamed down his face slowly accepting his death.

"Master please"A pleading voice said as a figure suddenly appeared from thin air hovering above then almost face to face with the youth on the treeas he bowed deeply.

He suddenly looked at the man who immediately felt all his hairs stand on end before waiting a brief moment which seemed like an eternity then he sighed and waved his hand dismissively before laying back down and closing his eyes.

Garfield having understood what happened bowed again before turning to the children below who could now stand die to disappearance of the pressure but we're afraid to move.

He studied each of them carefully before briefly stopping on Jenna revealing a slight hint of interest then with a wave of his hand he made them all disappear.

He then turned to meet the youth on the tree's figure before saying "my deepest apologies master"not seeing any reaction from the laying figure he just nooded slightly before vanishing.


Jenna appeared back in the hall to the suprise and relief of Gustav who started scanning her for injuries while she seemed deep in thought.

'Just who..no what in the world was that guy'.