
Overcoming all Odds

Jacob dies and meets ROB. Fills a Lewd-CYOA and is sent to the world of 'Tales of Demons and Spirits'. Thinks of leeching off of Nie Li and live an easy life. But wait!!! Why is Nie Li not doing anything? Why is Nie Li just a simple ignorant child? Why did Nie Li not come back from time? What, this is the first timeline? No Nie Li? Will he have to save the City himself? Well, he had nothing better to do and he lives here so he might as well destroy the Demon Lord and save the City. Plus, If you like my work and want to support me, then please do so at- patreon.com/ankit1 Upto 40 additional chapters in Patreon.

Fortunate_Soul · Derivasi dari karya
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35 Chs

Chapter 6

He did a double take at the words. "Shen Yin. As in Shen of the Sacred family?" he asked.

The woman stopped her tirade at that and looked at him like he was an idiot "Do you know any other family with the surname Shen?"

He opened his mouth to speak before he closed it.

Huh… If she was really from that family then he won't feel bad about doing what he was about to do next.

He put a hand on Yuan Po's shoulder and used the 'Mind Flayer' power to make the man ignore what was about to happen next.

"Hey idiot! I asked you a question." The young woman said haughtily "Do you think you can just igno—"

Before she could say anything else, he used the power of 'Intellect Damage' and sent a red beam that hit in the chest and the woman paused mid tirade, her expression changing from that of a haughty enraged woman to that of a slack jawed idiot who didn't know her left foot from her right.

Yuan Po of course, ignored everything happening in front of him as he walked up to the woman and used the Mind Flaying power on her.



"Stay silent" he hissed through the indescribable pleasure as he cock pushed deeper inside Shen Yin's wet, warm and tight throat.

The woman who eyes were now filled with tears from him continuously hitting her gag reflex nodded as she tried to remain as silent as she could be while giving him an inexperienced blowjob.

He took the back of her hair and pushed his cock deeper in her tight throat until her nose was buried in his pubes and his balls were tickling her chin.

Her throat spasmed from the forced entry, sending even more pleasure down his cock as it's surrounding contracted and vibrated from a lack of air.

He kept himself buried like that until she started tapping his thigh from a lack of breath.

He thought about letting her lose her consciousness by chocking on his cock before he thought better of it and took out his cock from her wet and warm mouth.

The girl knelt down on the floor and took deep breaths while wiping her tears.

Once she got her breath back, he pulled her head back and pushed his cock down her throat once again and shuddered in pleasure as she used her tongue to lick and tickle his balls.

Then he paused as he heard footsteps coming toward them and waited until Yuan Po came with a handful of scrolls filled with cultivation techniques.

"Oh, it's only you." He said and took the scrolls from his hand and pushed them through his chest to his Pocket Dimension where his clone took those scroll before copying them and keeping them with the others.

"Shall I bring more?" Yuan Po asked.

He closed his eyes and took a sharp breath before he brought Shen Yin from under the table with his cock still buried in her throat and her struggling to breathe.

"Tell me Yuan Po, how you feel about me throat fucking your fiancee?" he asked in amusement and then took another sharp breath as a spike of pleasure hit him from her massaging her throat and his cock with it.

The man gave him a blank look before he shrugged and went back to return the scrolls that he'd copied and bring back more scrolls that he could copy and add to his library in his pocket dimension.

Mind Flayer was truly a dangerous power.

He slapped the young woman's cheek in amusement and brought the cock out of her throat, allowing her to breathe once again.

"It seems like your fiancee doesn't care for you all that much Shen Yin."

The woman took a deep breath and said "Fuck him" before she took his cock deep in her throat once again.

He shuddered from pleasure before he took a fistful of her disheveled hair with both his arms and pulled until he was deep inside her warm pulsing throat.

Then he brought his hips back and thrust forward, going throat her tight and wet throat again and again and again until the pleasure was too much.

He saw stars in front of him and the world went blank for a moment before he erupted and filled her throat with his cum.

Then he continued to thrust in her throat as the aftershocks of the orgasm continued to hit him before he finally emptied all the cum inside his balls in her throat.

He exhaled and fell back into the chair, feeling utterly spent while the woman coughed on the floor.

He looked at her disheveled face, his eyes trailing down her slightly visible breasts and down her curve to her ass crack and he realized that yes, he won't let this girl go until he has had his fill. And maybe not even after that.

After all, he had the libido of a dog in heat and would need someone who he could release all that pent up frustration upon.

But as much of a horn dog as he might be, he wasn't foolish.

Sacred family was one of the most important family in the City and the absence and loss of any member of their family, let alone a beautiful young woman would definitely be thoroughly searched.

And while he doubted that the people here were any good at investigation cases, he knew well enough to not underestimate them.

Which was why he would have to he took a deep breath and then used another one of his power that he'd not used until now.

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