
Out of Reality

What is love? Maybe it's nature's way of keeping physical materials, human race, or

so-called spiritual realm continuous and balanced. Love seems to trend and grow from the very little thing to the amazing and wonderous living things that coexist in the universe. Isn't that amazing? Each one of us has love for something; it could be something unusual that the brain would find it too complex to grab sense out. But no matter somewhat weird and unpleasant some love situations may be, we are all martyrs of love. Love is so powerful to somewhat extent that it always chooses how it wants to happen. That is, its ways are complicated to predict, because it has that eligibility of taking absolute gearing as long as future comes to play.

Infatuation, which in my own context, I call it mimic love or puppy love, is really, I mean really one of the unusual ways love can intend to grow. Infatuation sometimes paves its ways to pretend to be love, but, truly, it's stupidity in disguise, painted love, garnished with jealousy and hatred. It finds it way to prove as love, but inwardly situates foolishness and fear. Often, infatuation mingles with the heart of people when in their prime ages, I mean their teen ages. Do you remember your first chance of dating during your prime? You were so eager to do whatever it takes to hold on to your fiancé. You reconnaissance on every single action he takes. And, during those times, you take those infatuate relationships high in peak over your carrier, goals, and family. Inversely, whoever seeks to advice you to stop being into your so-called Prince Charming is a mook. I bet you, those feelings are all fads. They will get hairy, and later you will run out.

In my entire dating years, probably I haven't dated for long, but no offence? I haven't been entangled in such a very renounce love when weighted against these subsequent love-schools I have enrolled. I had a girlfriend. And, it was hard to come by each other; you know when your parents are overprotective as mine, there are a lot to take in from them when it comes to heart related issues and carrier matters. But we managed our ways through those sand dunes of terrific threatens. Aftermath our success, I had a crash on another girl. I know it sounds crazy, and, you're thinking 'Wow! This guy is a fucking dude playboy!', but that's the truth. Then I realized all those feelings I had for her were mirage, I mean infatuation. I never wanted to be eccedentesiast, so I detour a comprehensive way to let her understand. It wasn't easy though, but I didn't give in to extra thinking.

On the D-day, I mean the day for the breaking up, I told her everything but she couldn't take in, so she iterated "What? You want to begone with me, after all those strives, we've been through? I'll never understand. How can you doggone me? You're a jerk, Richard! Try to end this relationship and you'll see where I'll put you." Uh, I know that's what Thywill will say. If it's her, she would give me a heavy punch from her Chinese fist, but that's not the case here. To get on track, it wasn't easy at all, sweetie, you know ladies and their chatty-flattery words, she argued till forever, but later she gave me the benefit of the doubt. She called me one night to come over to our usual parlor. "Richard, I love you, and you know I love you. I don't want to lose you nor see you hurt internally or any other way. I thought we're meant for each other, but you've made it clear that we're not. For you to know that I truly love you and don't want to see you hurt, I'm gonna step out of the line, so you can go in for your new crashed girl. I know it's hard to take in, but we can still be friends. Goodbye, sweetie", she preached. After she'd left, my nemesis found me. It was really difficult to boycott the sense she's spoken into my head. So, I stood agile and I wasn't myself anymore, and noticed her feelings for me weren't infatuations but mine was. Finding a way to win her again was rare though, but she understood mine mistook and embraced me back.

Those actions she showed that very night was an action of love, because she was willing to let me have my comfort in any other way even over her good old memories. This is what I call it love; not feeling jealous when your love companion is proselytizing with someone.

So you better know the switches between these tricky love stances to save your way to eternity.