

Anisa is a normal teenage girl who lives abroad with her parents, she's also sassy and is willing to stay out of trouble's way so long as it stays out of hers but what happens when her grandparents, a renown and well off family who own the great and prestigious young stars International, a school which only children of rich politicians and business tycoons can afford ask her to come back to her country, Nigeria and finish her high school. How will life turn out for Anisa especially since she is willing to go back to California and continue her life as the carefree teenager that she is. What will happen when her life gets entangled with a senior who is also one of the stars of YSI and at the same time with someone she met online. Follow me on this amazing ride. Enjoy!

amnah_amee · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
7 Chs


The following day as Anisa sat in the class waiting for the teacher to arrive she was a face she wasn't expecting to see come into the class. It's Tuesday so she's wearing the Tuesday uniform which is a blue polo and a black jean.

"Holly shit" she cursed under her breath. She's doomed. He walked directly to where she is and stood directly in front of her.

"Do my biology assignment and I'll let you be as if nothing happened" he said bringing a flash out of his pocket.

"What?" She asked in disbelief

"You heard me" he smirked

"No I'll do no such thing" she hates biology and she only passes it by luck so she can't help him, he's a senior for crying out loud. "You think I'm a nerd right?" She asked pointing at herself

"Aren't you?" He asked

"No" she replied "Now leave my class and never comeback. See if you can get that through your thick canine skull" she shooed him away.

Shortly after Adnan left the class their biology teacher came in. The woman is rather too cold for Anisa's liking but she have to learn even tho she have a different plan. Her period lasted for forty minutes and she left immediately after the bell rang.

Another two hours of physics, maths and history before the bell rang and a voice came through the speaker asking them to have a great time at lunch and all. With a sigh Anisa stood up and made her way to the door.

She resisted the urge to wait for norah and Fatima or even check on them before going to the cafeteria. On her way to the cafeteria her phone pinged and knowing who it might be she quickly brought out her phone to reply. She don't learn her lessons easily because the last time she typed while walking she got tripped.

It wasn't the person she was expecting so she decided to check his story which he had updated last night. They haven't spoken since yesterday when she left him on read.

Cleaning out my messages, it had pink fingertips everywhere. Ew!

What the hell is wrong with him? He had to be kidding her! Couldn't he just let it go? Quickly, she started typing a reply to him.

Inkheart: can't you just let it go?

She pressed send and almost jumped when her phone buzzed. Jeez, boy was so fast.

Darkpoet001: no

Inkheart: What's your problem?

Darkpoet001: you are my problem

Inkheart: why?

Darkpoet001: because

Anisa groaned in annoyance. She was about to reply when another message came in from him.

Darkpoet001: What are you doing?

Inkheart: like I'll tell you

Darkpoet001: it's late morning where you live so you're definitely in school

Inkheart: how do you know?

Darkpoet001: you posted something about moving back to Nigeria. You're not really bright are you?

Inkheart: stalker much.

Darkpoet001: technically you're the one who is stalking me. You're the one who got in my profile and you messaged me first

Inkheart: what ever

Darkpoet001: strawberry girl

Inkheart: stop calling me that

Darkpoet001: make me

Inkheart: you're impossible

Darkpoet001: thank you

Inkheart: oh my god it was not a compliment

Darkpoet001: I know right

Inkheart: bye gotta go.

And with that she shoved her phone into her backpack. She got her food first then headed to where she sat the previous day. It wasn't empty today because there are three not so familiar faces looking at her as she sat on the table next to Ajmal. Ignoring their looks she started to dig into her food. She's not scared of Adnan anymore because it's obvious he's not going to harm her.

"Woah nisah you eat a lot for your size" Ajmal teased but she ignored him and continued eating.

"Are you trying to call me a glutton?"she asked after she's done eating, he taught she won't reply him but she did.

"No who am I to call you that" he replied with a smile "so how are you?"he asked trying to change the topic

"Not so good but I can survive" she said making him chuckle a little

"Then that's good at least I know you're not dying soon" he said making Anisa smile.

"Who knows" she mumbled

"Nobody" he replied. She brought out her book to finish the maths assignment they were given yesterday, it should be submitted on or before break ends.

"What's cube root 21952?" She asked herself as she tried to bring her calculator out of her bag.

"Twenty eight" someone said, she looked up to look at him but his didn't look like he was the one who just spoke. She went ahead and check it on her calculator and it said the same thing. 28. She looked up at Adnan, what is he? A brain machine or what.

"Thank you" she thanked while he flashed her a small smile without looking up at her, the smile was barely visible.

"Hey nisah" the guy who sat next to her said

"It's Anisa, not nisah" she corrected

"Oh taught it's nisah, well I'm Ahmad and you're beautiful" he said winking at her. Despite her effort to stop herself from rolling her eyes she did it.

"This is the first time I see a girl roll her eyes and still look cute and attractive" he said looking directly at her making her a little bit uncomfortable. A lot of people have tried flirting with her but this guy is a little bit too direct.

"Oh thank you" she don't know what to say so she thanked him

"Do you have a boyfriend?" So if she does what will he do "not like I care cos I can get rid of him even if you do" he added

"No I don't because I don't do boyfriends" she eyed him this time around

"Then that's great cos I don't do girlfriends too so I think that makes us even and not to forget you just look beautiful even when you're eyeing me" Anisa is really starting to regret sitting here because of the guy. She sat there in the first place because she didn't see any empty sit and Fatima, Hanifa and Norah are missing.

"That's good but you're too flirty and you're not my type so you obviously don't stand a chance" woah that was too savage but he decided to ignore it because if he have to get her to date him then he have to be patient at least.

"Because you're pretty and you're smart...and you're ignoring me so you're obviously my type"

"I'm sorry what did you say?" It's not like she did not hear him but she have to pretend she didn't

"Perfect" he blew her a kiss but she squeezed her face and muttered an "ewww".

"So..." he looked around then quickly picked up her phone that's on the table. He quickly switched it on then used her face to unlock it. He dialed his number and only ended the call after his phone started to ring. "So let's chat later okay?" He said dropping the phone back in it's old position. He made Anisa speechless.

It was as if Adnan wasn't there until he spoke again "let the little girl be, it's obvious she don't want to be one of your numerous girlfriends" and with that he stood up and left the table, he's acting as if he's not the one who came to her class earlier asking her to do his assignment. Both Ajmal and Ahmad followed suit but not before speaking to her.

"Bye" Ajmal said as he stormed off after his friend

"Don't mind what he said, bye take care of yourself for me" Ahmad said before following them out of the cafeteria.

"What are you doing with the three stars? Didn't I warn you????" That was definitely Norah.

"Yes you did but I received other options from California" she replied also standing up.

"Mami?" She asked

"Nope Anisa"

"May the lord of mercy deliver you" she said as they walk out of the cafeteria to the fourth floor.

"Vamp teeth" Jamila called making both Norah and Anisa look her direction. " I heard you've been flirting with the three stars, stay away from them and not to forget I heard you slapped Adnan too"

"Because he deserves is and Is that an order or an advice?" Anisa asked

"I'm not in the place to advice you so it's an order" she said in an authoritative voice.

"Then I won't" with that Anisa pulled Norah and they left.

"When will you get your braces?" Jamila calling Anisa vamp teeth reminded Norah that Anisa was supposed to get braces.

"I don't know but soon" she replied.


Anisa decided to go on a stroll because she's tired of sitting at home alone with only her phone and MacBook then a very annoying cousin who is almost always in the house. Her grandparents are away for a while so that leaves only her and the maids. Not like they will be of help even if they are around.

She decided to take her little puppy along. It's also a way of saying her goodbyes to the dog since her grandparents won't let her keep it despite the trouble she went through to bring it all the way from California. They said it's haram and they can't keep a dog in their house, she tried to convince them but gave up after they swore.

"Lets race back home Lilly" she said to the puppy as she bent down to remove the leash that's round her neck.

Immediately the dog started to run and she ran after her too.

"Stop there" she ordered but Lilly just wouldn't stop. She took the last turn that will lead to their house when she almost got hit by a car. It's a sharp bend so she couldn't see the car but the driver is supposed to honk right?

The person in the car came out and extended his hands so that she will stand up and she didn't hesitate to take it.

"I'm sorry" he apologized. Anisa could only look at him trying to figure out where she have seen him before but then she have never.

"Uhm never mind I'm good" she replied with a small smile.

"So where are you headed? I can give you a lift" he said but she quickly shook her head.

"No thank you" she said as she looked at her hand which is still in his.

"Oh sorry" he said letting go of the hand "but I insist, that's the only way I can make up for trying to hit you" Anisa couldn't resist his handsome face so she said okay and then hopped into the black Audi R8 totally forgetting about Lilly.

He first reversed the car before driving down her street. The houses there mostly belong to her relatives, her grandparents, uncles, aunties, cousins, and other relatives and that is way the street was named after their family, Bamalli close. Thats why most of the houses on the street look the same with only a slight change.

"So you live here?"he asked.

"Yes yes" she replied

"I didn't expect you to be a bamalli but it's good to know" he smiled at her and that smile really melted her heart.

"Why?" She asked, he only looked at her from head to toe and she got what he meant. She's featuring a black knee length tight and a pink top then a matching sneaker. She's not even wearing a head tie so maybe he expected her to be some Debora.

Her family are known for their modesty even in Abuja and that is one of the reasons why they insist she move back to Nigeria. They believe staying there will only lead her to adopting their characters which she have already started.

"I'm sorry for this but I'm kind of used to being dressed like that so it's a little bit hard to change at ones" she don't know why she's apologizing but she felt good.

"It's okay, I live a few streets away and I just came to see my girlfriend here who obviously don't want to see me" he said pointing at one of the houses in the area.

"Meenah's house?" She was really surprised because meenah is her second favorite cousin and she barely have a male friend talk more of a boyfriend so she's surprised.

"Yes she came back two days ago" Well the girl went to a fashion school in Paris and Anisa have no idea she's back.

"Really? And she didn't tell me" she felt a little bit hurt but she ignored it. "Well thank you for the ride" she said getting out of the car and into meenah's house.

Meenah is two years and a few months older than Anisa, she's seventeen but she's so down to earth, she always hanging out with her and Norah whenever Anisa visit or when Meenah does, well in the Bamalli's family you are either friends or enemies, there is no in between. Meenah graduated high school at the age of 16. Amina Meenah is the first born and she have two younger siblings Khadija Afnan who is 13 years old and Nureen who is 8.

"Assalamu alaikum" she salamed walking into the kitchen, she decided to use the back door since the front door is locked.

"Ina wuni Aunty Aisha" Anisa greeted in a very funny accent.

"Lafiya lau Anisa how are you?" She asked

"I'm good Alhamdulillah, where is Meenah?"

"She's in her room upstairs" she replied and before you know it Anisa is already climbing one of the twin steps.

"I'm mad at you" that was the first thing Anisa said after opening the door.

"Oh my god you almost gave me a heart attack" Meenah said sitting up right, she look startled.

"I'm not saying sorry for that because I'm not the one who came back to Nigeria two days ago but didn't tell anybody"

"I'm sorry but I'm just trying to hide from all this family's drama, I'm sure grandma and grandpa will start trying to convince me to write waec again and go to a real university. Not to talk of other aunts and uncles" Well Meenah was forced by grandma and grandpa to love medicine but after failing her waec which everyone suspects to be on purpose, she went to a one year fashion school in Paris and now they want to force her to rewrite waec and become a doctor, they help her choose since she's not ready to.

"Oh yeah I understand but medicine is not that bad, you'll look good as a doctor" Anisa teased

"But I love fashion designing and that's what I want to do" she sound like she's about to cry but the Meenah she know will never cry, especially not in public.

They chatted for a while before Anisa decided to leave. She bade them good bye before leaving. The houses are linked so she followed the back door of meenah's house which leads to Norah's and then the one of Norah to her grandparent's.

It was only after she saw Lilly in the backyard that she remembered having a puppy.

She quickly headed to her room and picked her phone which she have plugged to charge earlier before going out on her stroll. There are two missed calls from an unknown number and a message from Therapeuticwords and Darkpoet001. She decided to reply darkpoet001 first.

Darkpoet001: Hey

Curiosity kept filling her vein as she decide to ask him something.

Inkheart: What's your name?

Darkpoet001: dark poet

Inkheart: nah I mean your real name

Darkpoet001: why do you wanna know? Mrs strawberry

Inkheart: oh lord! Stop calling me that

Darkpoet001: or what? You will hug me to death and throw strawberry pies at me

Inkheart: you're unbelievable

Darkpoet001: I know

Inkheart: I'm out. I don't know why I waste my time talking to you

Darkpoet001: ouch that hurts

Inkheart: right, bye!

Before she could put her phone away, her phone pinged.

Darkpoet001: Alamin.

It's past nine and she have already prayed at meenah's so she quickly went to bed. Not like she sleeps early but there is nothing to do so she's sleeping.

Guyssss! Bombard me with your likes and comment please.
