
Our Encounter ; Elliethan

She can see the kidnappers car behind chasing them at a full speed, and all the adrenaline drive just keeps her driving as fast as she can in the dark. One must know in this kind of situation one must pay attention to any exposure and turning on the headlights right now is risky. She don't care about the bumpy road, not to talk of the few holes she missed at hairs breath. Only relying on her eyesight in the dark she drove behind the nearest tree she finds whiles quickly turning the engine off. Escaping from them is not a small thing so she wants to escape once and for all...

Fairy4Light · Masa Muda
Peringkat tidak cukup
16 Chs

The dream

"Leave me! Leave me alone! Help! Help !!! Please!" Ellie said shouting her lungs out. Four men with their faces masked carries and throws her into the back seat of a black van with tinted windows and no numberplate. It was a hot afternoon and Ellie was going to her friends place when she got kidnapped. Noone was around except for Ethan who was also going to Robert's place. Robert and Marvie were neighbors next door. Ethan quickly hides behind a tree with his motorbike some miles away from the kidnappers when he heard the shout which is now muffled by a tape.

After the car drove away, Ethan quietly followed them at a considerable pace. Quickly hiding again when the car stops. He saw Ellie being pulled out as she struggled and kick to be set free into what seems like an old abandoned house. Her face was covered with a black piece of cloth. Soon after they drove away.

After a while Ethan approched the building. The door was locked with two rusty padlocks who quickly give way after being hit by a metal Ethan finds on the ground. Getting inside the dusty room, he found Ellie on the ground with her hands tied behind. Quickly untying her, Ellie pushed him. Ethan was shocked. "what's that for?", he asked. "um um", Ellie struggle to say with the tapes on. "Go,it's a trap, they noticed you following them. Go quick!" she said after removing the tape. "The deed is already done. You know I can't escape even if I left you here so let's go" Ethan said dashing out while holding her hand.

Just when they get out of the room, they were surrounded. Seeing that the kidnappers were armed, Ethan took the metal he used to force open the door as his weapon. Quickly surveying them, Ethan noticed it will be bad if he attack first so he waited for them to strike first while thinking of the quickest way to deal with them.

"Drop that metal before I shoot you. Kneel down and raise your hands. And you, go back inside" one of the men commands whiles pointing his gun at them. Ethan obeyed and knelt. When the gunman puts away the gun to tie Ethan's hands, Ethan gave him a blow in the groin. The gunman fell on his knees and Ethan gave him another blow in the eyes making him shout in pain as he rolled on the ground holding his groin and eyes. Ethan quickly removed the gun from his pocket and pointed it at the rest three. Luckily for Ethan, they were holding knines not guns.

One of them wants to play smart so Ethan shot his hand. Whiles Ethan was occupied with calling Ellie out, the rest two launch a sneaky attack on him making him shoot one in the leg before being knocked to the ground by the last one.

A battle of strength ensured as Ethan was tackled to the ground followed by strong blows which are making him see double. When he thought he's about to die, the enemy fell on him unconscious. Looking up, he saw Ellie holding the metal rod he left on the ground.

With the help of Ellie, Ethan slowly made it to his bike before falling unconscious. Tying Ethan to herself, Ellie drives away as fast as she could on the bumpy dusty road.

Soon enough she saw the kidnappers car behind chasing them at a full speed, and all the adrenaline drive just keeps her driving as fast as she can in the dark. One must know in this kind of situation one must pay attention to any exposure and turning on the headlights right now is risky. She don't care about the bumpy road, not to talk of the few holes she missed at hairs breath. Only relying on her eyesight in the dark she drove behind the nearest tree she finds whiles quickly turning the engine off. Escaping from them is not a small thing so she wants to escape once and for all…


Ellie was panting non stop when she heard the sound of her alarm and the chirping of the birds. She must have fallen asleep whiles waiting for the kidnappers, she thought just to wake up and find herself on her bed. Everything seems real, someone should tell her it's not a dream. She rush out of bed to see everything the way she left it before going to bed yesterday. Her beach bag is where she left it after coming back yesterday. Checking the date and time for the umpteenth time she realized it really was a dream.