
You guys are really unlucky!

The trio spent the next 4 days in the village, in the day sitting outside absorbing the Solar Energies and resting at night. They still had enough meat for at least 2 weeks and wouldn't need to enter the forest to hunt. They still entered it sometimes to fill their water bags.

Because they were bored, they started to spar with each other often. They could feel themselves growing stronger every day.

Like this two whole weeks passed by. What surprised them was the corpse from the Spirit Beast didn't show any signs of decomposing. Eating its meat helped them a ton. Every day fighting each other helped them too, to get a clear grasp of their strengths.

They studied the map that Max gave them and learned a lot about the surrounding places. Max's place laid in eastern direction from their base and the would need 3 days of march to reach it if they wanted. It was a region with one tall mountain. The map had all places named but they couldn't understand it.

It rained a few times and all the blood they found when they first entered the village vanished. It was freezing cold at night and they struggled at first, but that changed after they reached the Second Stage. They bodies were always giving off heat, keeping them warm.

The three of them were sitting on the roof, absorbing the Solar Energy around them, when they heard voices from people, heading in their direction.

Their senses grew sharper from day to day and they could hear that the incoming bunch were native people. They didn't need to look at each other to know what needed to be done.

A group of armed people entered the little village. They talked loudly with each other laughing loud sometimes. They seemed very relaxed. The only thing they had incommon, were their clothes. They all wear dark shirts with red mantles on them. The back of their mantles had the same ominous black flood dragon embellished.

They split up and searched through all houses. When they found the bones from the Spirit Beast in front of the forge they became excited.

Jonas jumped down and made a hero landing. He stood 4 meters away from the stunned group. Jonas looked quite wild with his well built body and a half destroyed short. After the constantly fighting their shirts became useless so the trio had their upper bodies revealed.

The group looked up and saw another two people sitting on the roof looking back at them with great interest.

They were six people of them, but only five of them brandished their weapons. The only one who didn't move was the teen in the back. He had long black hair that fell down to his waist. He had an arrogant air around him.

They shouted something at Jonas, but he only tilted his head amused to the side. An idea formed inside him. A greedy light shone in his dark eyes. It was noticed from the teen in the back who frowned. He seemed to have lost his patience and said something to the other five youths. They all sprang into action rushing up to Jonas with murderous intentions.

Jonas dodged their attacks without effort and his body unleashed a strong heat, surprising the group. Jonas took this moment of surprise to punch a guy on the head. A cracking sound echoed and the poor youth was blasted away, hitting the ground a few times not moving anymore. Instant death!

Jonas stretched his neck, "You guys are really unlucky!"

Hearing Jonas speak they shouted something and their murderous intent rose. Even the arrogant youth who seemed to be the boss grew solem, with cold murderous intent emerging.

Jonas ignored it and took action. He sidestepped a thrust from a spear, aiming at the head again Jonas punched out.


Another dead!

He didn't pause and avoided two slashes kicking the two youths on the head, another two cracking sound could be heard. Two more deaths.

The two remaining youths had fear in their eyes and looked back at the arrogant teen.

The arrogant youth snorted and said something to the two youths in a harsh tone. Both of them lowered their heads in shame.

The arrogant youth brandished his sword and took stance. The Energy around him gathered into his sword which was radiating a dangerous aura.

Jonas left brow rose, "Oh? Interesting."

The youth moved in a confusing rhythm. It seemed slow at first but he appeared instantly before Jonas, hacking down. Jonas became serious and stepped to the side, avoiding the attack by a hair. His instincts told him that he would get hurt if that sword touched him. Jonas spinned around moving behind the youth. His strong hands locked the youth from behind making the youth unable to move or breath. The eyes of the youth bulged out, but he didn't panic.

With a shout a powerful energy blasted out from the body of the youth sending Jonas flying into a house destroying it completely.

Koray and Dino didn't even flinch and watched the whole thing like it was a good movie.

The two other youths started to cheer.


Jonas emerged from the ruins without a scratch. Seeing this the arrogant youth clicked his tongue with an ugly expression on his face. The other two closed their mouths, looking at Jonas like if he was some kind of monster.

Jonas smiled like a maniac, "Not bad, not bad at all. You put up a good fight."

The youth didn't understand what Jonas said but he felt humiliated by the fact that Jonas wasn't hurt at all. He used the same movement to appear again before Jonas, he slashed with a greater speed this time. The moment he cut Jonas the youth felt something wrong. It was a faint afterimage.

It was Jonas turn to appear before the youth, "You know the same move won't work on me."

After saying this the strong heat around him grew by a huge margin, burning the fair skin of the youth. He punched right into the face of the youth sending him flying into another house, wrecking it.


Jonas walked slowly to the destroyed house. He grabbed into the pile of stones and lifting the youth by his hair. The once arrogant look on his face vanished. His nose was broken and he lost some teeths too. Blood was dripping down. He looked worse than a New Yorker bum. Jonas threw him up into the air and punched out again, "No mercy baby!"


Another merciless punch, right into the face again. The youth flew out from the village landing hard on the ground. Dead!

Koray and Dino took action immediately, dashing towards the remaining youths killing them on the spot.

Jonas walked to them pating some dust away, "That felt refreshing, lets pick up some new clothes hehe."

"Haha, that was your aim from the beginning right?"

"Of course bro, we cant walk around like this the whole time."

Dino nodded smiling, "You are right, let's pick some new clothes."

After they looted everything the three of them had the same clothes on as the youths. They looked good. Thanks god the clothes were too big for the youths. They even fit Koray.

Picking up the sword from the arrogant youth Jonas frowned, "This sword isn't much better than the others, why was it so powerful when that dude used it?"

They pondered over that fact and came to the conclusion that it must be because of the different way how they used the Energy from the world.

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